Eagle Cam

Marlton, NJ

I watched the female being released. Good Luck to the youngsters!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

well......I forgot!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Nanny, you are so funny.

Melbourne, FL

Could not see much, that's for sure. Be able to see more the next few days as the films are readied for viewing. NX was returned to the Wildlife Center for a few days. They attached a transmitter to her and when released she failed to gain altitude (though she had plenty of attitude). They think she was overheated and tired. Only clearly saw NV fly....and that was awesome!

PERTH, Australia

Missed it all due thunderstorms.

Melbourne, FL

UPDATE NX will be re-released at the same location as her siblings Tuesday, August 30.

PERTH, Australia

Thanks, GP

Melbourne, FL

NX released and now they have two Broad-winged Hawks on camera in another enclosure.

This message was edited Aug 31, 2011 10:47 AM

Melbourne, FL

NX was brought back to the Wildlife Center a few days ago when she was found in a roadway. Her injuries are consistent with being struck by a vehicle.

PERTH, Australia

Do they say anything about her prognosis, GP?

Melbourne, FL

There are several injuries. A wing, and eye. They are hoping she will hold down her meal eaten last night. A laceration was repaired on a wing and there is wing droop. It will take a few days to know for sure if she may recover fully. She was the Eagle fitted with a transmitter, and was seemingly doing well, exploring her territory, before this happened.

PERTH, Australia

How awful. Their lives are fraught with danger.

Melbourne, FL

Just reported that she kept her food down overnight and is very feisty.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Feisty is good!!!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

My...this year has been a tough go for them. hope she can heal and be released...again.

PERTH, Australia

Any progress report, GP?

Melbourne, FL

NX is healing. She does have a fracture on a wing. Seems the reason she threw up the first night is she had a belly full of rancid deer meat. She had completed her medications, and hopefully after healing she will be able to be re-released. They did mention an eye injury earlier. An Eagle without good eyesight would not last long in the wild, so have to hope that is temporary also.

PERTH, Australia

Thanks for the update, GP. At least we know she's in the very best hands.

Melbourne, FL

NX seems to be healing and may soon be moved into an outdoor enclosure. In January the new cam at the Norfolk Gardens will begin broadcasting. Dad Norfolk has found a new mate.

Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

In case anyone follows the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, egg-laying began today. This is the earliest date, for this nest.


PERTH, Australia

Thanks, Linth. That sure is early.

Any word on NX, GP?

Melbourne, FL

NX is improving steadily, but I imagine it will be quite a while before she will be re-released. Last week a visitor at Norfolk Botanical Garden discovered a dead female Bald Eagle. At first they were afraid it was the new mate for the male Eagle, but he has since been seen mating with a female Eagle at the old nesting site. They have new cameras up and they should begin their nesting season shortly.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks Linth....hard to believe it is that time again already! lol

Melbourne, FL

Still no eggs at this nest, but just noticed they finally got the sound working here.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Think we will have to wait until next year on this one.

Melbourne, FL

Male has been mating with a fourth female so far this year. The first female he chose for a partner after his long time mate was killed by an airplane was also killed. They think she struck an electric line at the garden where they nest. Since her death he has mated with 3 more females. Now number 4 is redecorating the nest. Still hopeful for eggs, but they would have to come by the end of this month.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Female #3 has stayed on the nest a few nights. I tuned in 2-3 different evenings and saw her there.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Both the male & female on the nest and eating.....still nice to watch them!

Melbourne, FL

Screenshot of the female and male Bald Eagles from WVEC camera. Just thought they looked beautiful in the foggy morning. They had just finished mating again a few minutes before. They are certainly forming a strong bond.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
PERTH, Australia

What a beautiful image. Thanks GP.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

They are quite a handsome couple. I am enjoying watching them regardless. Nice to be able see the bond growing between them.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

here's a nice one out of the Quad Cities. There's a branch and logo in the way but it's close up and has sound. The one I was watching at Fulton, IL is having technical difficulties all the time. They lost a chick too, that crawled over the edge!!!! Our worst nightmare!


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks Mrs. Ed, so awful about the poor chick tho.

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