Questions about pricing your designs for sale!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have been doing fresh and silk floral designs for years and pricing has always been a problem. I live in an area where there are a lot of country people and they are always looking for a bargain.

It got even worse when places like Michael's and other large chains opened and sold things so much cheaper than I could make them. I am talking Silk Floral arrangements specifically. Do any of you make and sell Silk Floral arrangements? If so, would you mind telling me how you price your arrangements so you can at least make your expenses and sell them at a reasonable price? If you have some rule of thumb or a specific method you use in pricing I would so appreciate your sharing it with me.

I do not want to make lots of money, but I would like to at least get paid for my expenses and hopefully part of my time. That is a joke. In this business you never get paid for your time. :0

Thanks in advance for your comments. Have a great day. Think Spring! JB

(Zone 6a)

Hi JB! When I make arrangments at my work the usual method is add up all the supplies used plus $10 for your time and that equals the final price. However that is fresh flowers but the arrangements do sell, the main thing is just getting the right people at the right time. Is it possible that you would be able to sell online to broaden your range of customers?

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have no problem selling them, I was curious what people are getting for their time. I usually only tack on $5. but maybe I should make it $10. Thank you, that is a big help.
The expenses are all going up and money is tight everyplace. I can not keep making them if I get such a small amount for my time. It takes 1/2 hour or less to make one. But, then they are not the normal cemetery cones. Here is a pic of two I just finished.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Here is the other.

Thumbnail by JBerger
(Zone 6a)

Those are just beautiful! Much nicer then the usual ones you see, yours have a nice style to them. If people are buying them a small raise in price shouldn't make much difference and if people ask you can always tell them 'due to higher demand I've had to raise the price'. After all, your time is worth something but thats the thing alot of people don't seem to understand :/

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I get very frustrated because as I said before, people just want everything for nothing. Thanks again. JB

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