CLOSED: Have Seeds, Looking for Snapdragons & Pink/Red Yarrow

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I have:
Isis Candy Tomato, 2 pk of 6 seeds each
Single Black Hollyhocks
Lonicera Tartarian Honeysuckle, 10 seeds (I have not planted these yet, bought from a seller)
English Wallflower, received as a free gift
Black Eyed Susan

I'm looking for:
Snapdragons, in shades of red, pink, black, orange, or bicolored.
Yarrow in Pinks or Reds

I'll gladly send SASE for these seeds if nothing in my Have list sparks your interest.

This message was edited Jan 28, 2011 2:47 PM

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