Seeds Wanted and To Trade - Heirloom Tomatoes and others

Spiro, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone! Last year we had a market garden and tried a whole bunch of new heirloom tomatoes. In my excitement, I ordered twice as many as I needed! This year, I'd like to try some other varieties, but times are tight and I'm hoping to be able trade some of my seeds for other kinds. DG was running slow for me today, so I got up what I have for trade, but threw in the towel before I got my "wants" all posted.

Priority are the tomatoes. I'm looking for:
Box Car Willie (Red)
Mortgage Lifter
Black Plum
and Ultimate Opener Hybrid

Next most important is Sangria variety watermelon.

Besides those, I'd like:
A red variety of Okra like 'Burgundy'.
Strawberry Popcorn
Stowells Evergreen Corn
Castelfranco Radicchio
Hamby, Picnic and/or Ali Baba Watermelon
Beit Alpha, Solly Beiler and/or Bedfordshire Prize Cucumbers
Long Island Improved Brussels sprouts
Bidwell Casaba melon
Lemon Squash

If you have any of these and are interested in the seeds on my trade list, I'd love to swap! Please keep in mind, my seeds were packed for 2010 except for the Tam Jalapenos which are 2011. I'm happy to swap for last year's seeds as well.

Thanks a bunch!


Thumbnail by mevnmart
Hopkinsville, KY

I have seeds for all 4 of the OP tomatoes, but not the hybrid. I think I also have seeds for the strawberry popcorn. I usually trade in small quantities of 5-12 seeds for tomatoes. If you are interested, pm me and I will check to see if I have enough seeds to trade.


Spiro, OK(Zone 7a)


I am growing a market garden, so I'm planning on 10 each of each variety. So even 12 wouldn't allow a lot of wiggle room for non-germinators. :( If you have slightly larger quantities on any of them, please let me know. Thanks!


P.S. I do have open packets of most of the tomatoes on my trade list if someone would prefer receiving a couple of kinds in smaller quantities. I'll have to check which ones I have tomorrow. Thanks!

Hopkinsville, KY


I have 20-25 of Mortage Lifter and Black Plum; do not have sufficient quantity of the other 2.

This message was edited Jan 28, 2011 5:11 PM

Spiro, OK(Zone 7a)

I sent you a D-Mail, kygreg2000.

I'll update what I've got in a bit, thanks everyone!

Hopkinsville, KY

Sorry, I just noticed I made an error on my prvious post and edited it. I left out a small word that make a lot of difference -"not". Sorry mevnmart if it misled you. I only have sufficient quanitity of the ML and Black Plum.

Spiro, OK(Zone 7a)

I picked up some BoxCar Willie today, so that's off the list of wants.

So for tomatoes, all I still need are:
Ultimate Opener Hybrid

And the rest of the non-tomato stuff I still need. I'll be able to pick up whatever isn't available, but if anyone wants to trade with me from my "haves" list, I'd love that! Thanks!


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