Peach Melba

Lake Stevens, WA

My Peach Melba died. Have had it for years. Anyone have one that needs dividing?
Sure like to have another.
If not have you seen it for sale? I am still looking.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

You'll have to check with me when the we thaw and the snow melts. My peach melba is sitting under about 18 inches of snow. I've had it only a couple of years, but I did not think it was that scarce. It is a lot like Georgia peach.

Lake Stevens, WA

Thanks, I will be looking for one also. I'm a heuchera nut so have the other peach ones but must replace Peach Melba. Crazy, but maybe you can understand.

I forget that others are under tons of snow. Saw the news last night. 19 inch in Center Park!! Just rain here. I think I like the rain better than all that snow.
Hope you heucheras are keeping warm. Thanks

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I'll keep an eye out around here for you, too . . .

Lake Stevens, WA

Thanks Kathy. Nice to see you post. I kind of forgot about this thread. Mine may not have croaked after all. I brought the crowns in and it looks like one is comng back. Yippy. Those darn root weevils. Well those guys are dead that ate my Peach Melba.

My garden nursery did have some when I went there about 2 weeks ago. Just am waiting to see what my sorry crowns will do. That nursery has a nice variety of heuchera. The owner has a passion for heucera.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

"The owner has a passion for Heuchera."

That's good to know for when I need my next fix!

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Springcolor, I hope your sorry crowns have filled in. My snow angel looked like it had a buzz cut and now has a full head of green and white leaves as well as a new flower stalk.

I have noticed that my red-leafed plants seem to do better with more sun than less, i.e., georgia peach, peach melba, miracle and marmalade. AT this point they all need to be divided, but I want to wait until after the blooms fade.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Just took this photo on Friday at a local nursery. Look near the very bottom of the photo and you'll see (I hope) some of the peach family of heuchera some that look like empty pots but they aren't. They just aren't as full as the others.

All of my older Peach Flambe and that entire color family finally died, thankfully. I was too tired of babying them.

Miracle was the exception and is doing very well in more shade than sun.

Thumbnail by pirl
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's Miracle - photo taken 4/26.

Thumbnail by pirl
Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

My miracle did not look like that when I purchased it last year, and the leaves never changed. Now that it has been through the winter, all the new growth fits the description, red with a small green margin. It's a miracle!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That's how I felt about mine - a miracle.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

It's been a tough winter here for all my plants and I am amazed that my Miracle was one of the first to show some signs of life, another miracle!
Alberta Ann

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

I have read that Heucheras do not have a very long perennial life. Anyone else know anything on this subject? Also, the farther we get away from the species, the more subject they are to hard winters or whatever. I would like to know how to take cuttings or root cuttings to preserve them. I have a gorgeous apricot colored one right now that is just starting to bloom. I would love to take cutting of this beauty. Just wondering.....

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You can take cuttings. Go to the base of it (the back of the plant will make it less noticeable) and just use your pruners to take off an entire stem. Root it exactly as you'd root any other plant - just put it in rich moist soil! It may look sad and wilted for a few days but it revives quick enough.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

I just divided my Georgia Peach, and it is doing its wilty look. I'm hoping that it perks up when it dries up some (I did it just before the rains started).

I have such good luck with Heucheras, but when it comes to dividing, I've lost some and still get uncomfortable. Maybe I need sharper knife.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

They did look sad when I last divided but with all the rain we've had, and minimum sun, they are perky now.

Just use a sharp pruner or even a sharp scissors to divide them.

Here's what three looked like after division. You do not want to keep all the old gnarly portions.

Thumbnail by pirl
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

Thank you, Pirl. I will try that.

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