Cover Crops: what to plant in early spring in Zone 7a

Winston Salem, NC

Any ideas on early spring cover crops? I red that red clover and mustard are good ones.

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm in Charlotte, zone 7b and Crimson Clover is what's recommened for here. I've only grown it once, and sowed it in the fall. It flowered in the spring and the honeybees were all over it!

edited for spelling!

This message was edited Jan 25, 2011 11:34 AM

Winston Salem, NC

What are people planting as cover crops now? I'm in Zone 7.

Winston Salem, NC

JUst got a rec. from our county extension agent. Going to plant soybeans, cowpeas and sorghum sudan grass. Anyone tried these?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

sawpalm, go with "green manure" crops now, not just cover crops.

I'd sow cowpeas and/or bush beans now. And broadcast them for best results. That way you get an edible crop as well as a legume/manure/cover crop all combined.

If you have any area that needs "covering" (ends of rows, new ground) you can sow buckwheat there. It will shade out weed growth and in a matter of weeks can be easily turned under adding to soil tilth and re-sown the same day. You should get 3 sowings of buckwheat in W-Salem easily.


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