where can I find a perenial herb list?

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Does anyone know a site with perennial herbs listed as such.
I want to keep enlarging my herb garden, but am unable to reseed every year. (Not physically up to it.) So would like to do only perennials but I cannot find a listing to know what to grow. Dumm I know. :)

Selah, WA(Zone 6a)

I always go looking for my Ritchers catalog when I have a question about herbs. www.Richters.com

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks, I will check that out.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

sage would be a good one, also rosemary which is evergreen. thyme should be ok with a little extra protection. feverfew is a herbaceous perennial, ie it dies down and comes back.. chives should be ok too. there are lots :) these all work for me in british winters, don't know about zone 5-6..


Does anyone know what I should do with my Lavendula Augustifolia(Lady) before the frost gets it?
Should I pinch it back and get starts from it. It is blooming so pretty now,grew it from seed this past spring'
Never grew it before and don't want to lose it' TIA,Sis'

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

yeah sis, i would take woody cuttings from it just in case it doesn't survive the winter, then you've got some insurance, hehe. it might be ok if you mulch it well after you've taken the cuttings, lavenders can be pretty tough sometimes, depending on the variety.



Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Thank you Lilith,

I have some sage and Thyme. I have one plant (very tiny) of rosemary, have several mint varieties. I will add chives. I wanted to try leaving the oregano in too. Do you think it will survive or do I have to pot it up for the winter?
Sure appreciate the help.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

it survived for me over the winter, but i don't know if it would cope with your harsh winters, mayeb if you mulch it well it would have a fighting chance. the mints will die down, but they have a good root system, as you may well know already :) and will sprout back come the spring. mints really easy to divide, just pull out bits that have even a tiny bit of root and pot them up. pot up your oregano if you're worried, you cant be too careful with the unpredictable winter weather, i lost my curry plant last year due to harsh frosts.

also if you do pot them up and keep them on the windowsill, you will guarantee having fresh herbs through the winter :)


Lyles, TN

Lilith~ Do you know the botanical name of that "curry plant" you lost to the frosts?

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

its Helichrysum angustifolia DC. Synonym: Helichrysum italicum. here's a link to a pic. http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Asteraceae/Helichrysum_angustifolia.html i've got another baby one now, but i'm gonna keep it inside until the spring :)


Park Hill, OK(Zone 5b)

Your rosemary is not hardy. Better bring it in before 20*

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

ouch! Ok will get it in tonight yet, it is supposed to get down to freezing. (ooooo, I sure hope not!) :) Nice to hear from some one so close.
Thank you herbin

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