Free One Hour Webinar: Organic Apple Growing//Jan. 27 2011

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Just found this at:;boardseen#new and thought others here might want to register for this. Though it has a marketing focus it sounds like it will also be educational for the home grower who wants to produce apples with organic methods.

Organic apple growing webinar--Production and Marketing techniques

Once thought of as practically impossible, profitable organic apple production is now a reality for established apple growers from coast to coast. The techniques for successful organic apple production are backed up by research and recommendations from universities such as Cornell, Michigan State and Washington State.

Organic apple growers face many hurdles, from pest control and certification to marketing.

To find out what’s involved in profitable organic apple production, register for a free webinar titled Organic Apple Production and Marketing (A Beginner’s Guide).

Presented by the National Center for Appropriate Technology, this organic apple webinar will be broadcast Jan. 27 at noon Central Standard Time.

Topics to be covered in the hour-long webinar include:

# Overview and trends in organic apple production and marketing in the U.S.

# Organic apple production techniques for different regions of the country.

# Disease control with organic fungicides and disease-resistant varieties of apples.

# Insect and mite control with kaolin clay, pheromones, and new-generation pesticides.

# Farmscaping to optimize biological control with beneficial insects.

# Control of vertebrate pests in orchards such as deer and voles.

# Non-chemical weed control in organic apple orchards.

# Economics and marketing of organic apples — how can I make a profit?


The speakers for the event are Tammy Hinman, a horticulturalist, and Guy Ames, an experienced apple grower.

The webinar is free but registration is required.

Go to this link to register:

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