Waddya say? #7 How old????

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Continuing the Waddya say series since Victor is recuperating

#6 was here

How old is it????

Your house? 30 yrs How long have you lived there? 6yrs
Your car? 12yrs
Your town? 325yrs
Oldest piece of clothing? and what is it? approx 43yrs, a pair of socks(and no holes) that was my sister's when she was young
Your TV? 10yrs
Oldest child? 8 yrs
Youngest child?4 yrs
Pet(s)? 2yrs
Spouse or significant other? 43 yrs
Oldest sibling? 66 yrs
Youngest sibling? 54 yrs
Mom? Forever young
Dad? Forever young
Oldest object you own and what is it? approx 75yrs old, a church pew from England

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Thomaston, CT

I can answer some: House is 34years old, & had it built. Car is 6, town is about 200 years old because it was part of a neighboring town....named for Seth Thomas, the clockmaker. I did have a pair of shorts 20 years old, but I spilled paint on them last year, & tossed them :( .....the TV is only 21/2, my only child is 36, my airedale is 81/2, my GSP mix is 61/2, my oldest sib is 78, I'm the youngest of 3. My Mom will be 96 next month, Dad passed at 84....my grandkids are 5, 4, & 21/2......don't know how old my oldest objects are....they are hand painted Wedgewood plates given to me as a wedding present...they belonged to a friend's aunt, but she inheirited them from someone else.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

House 90 lived in it 22 yrs.
car 3, truck 11
town 200
tv 2
Oldest child 20yrs(21 in march)
youngest child 19yrs
pets salem 15, mona 7, Alice(horse) 19
spouse 54
siblings (both younger) 47, 45
mom and dad secret
object 200- spinning wheel

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

A spinning wheel...how cool!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Your house? Which part? LOL
First part is approx. 65 years old, the second part is 18 years old, the 3rd part is 11 years old. (We kept adding on to accom. the flock:)

How long have you lived there? 24 yrs

Your car? 10 months

Your town? 237 years

Oldest piece of clothing? and what is it? jeans from high school , they are 35 years old.

Your TV? 1

Oldest child? 33

Youngest child? 23

Pet(s)? 10, 9, 8, 1.5

Spouse or significant other? 46

Oldest sibling? 67

Youngest sibling? Forever Young

Mom? Forever young

Dad? Forever young

Oldest object you own and what is it? I have several things that were my grandparents but i'd have to say a few Christmas ornaments that was theirs and a baby ring my grandmother wore.

Your house? 16 yrs old, lived here 7
Your car? 1996
Your town? 247
Oldest piece of clothing? and what is it? Cumberbun approx. 100
Your TV? 3 own 5
Oldest child? none
Youngest child? none
Pet(s)? 2 Xena & Mr.
Spouse or significant other? 60
Oldest sibling? none
Youngest sibling? none
Mom? With dad
Dad? With mom
Oldest object you own and what is it? So many antiqes here I cant pick 1 as you really dont know the age of any. Can only give approx.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Your house? 47 yrs How long have you lived there? 15 yrs
Your car? 2 yrs
Your town? 135 yrs
Oldest piece of clothing? No idea. (Definitely a female question! ^_^)
Your TV? 3 yrs
Oldest child? 12 yrs
Youngest child 8 yrs
Pet(s)? 14, 2 1/2, 2 1/2
Spouse or significant other? Wife - 44, significant other - 24 and very blond.
Oldest sibling? 51 yrs
Youngest sibling? 44 yrs
Mom? 73
Dad? 83
Oldest object you own and what is it? Book - The Court Gamester, 1722

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Your house? 200
Your car? 10
Your town? 200
Oldest piece of clothing? and what is it? 32 yrs...wedding dress
Your TV? 3
Oldest child? 34
Youngest child? 32
Pet(s)? 3, 2, 7
Spouse or significant other? 53
Oldest sibling? 59
Youngest sibling? 52
Mom? passed @58
Dad? passed@ 80
Oldest object you own and what is it? Framed pic of paternal GF about about 115 yrs.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Your house? 36 yrs How long have you lived there? 8yrs
Your car? 7 yrs
Your town? 162 yrs
Oldest piece of clothing? and what is it? Not sure, but probably some underwear. It would need carbon dating for an exact age.
Your TV? 3 yrs
Oldest child? 3 yrs
Youngest child? 3 yrs
Pet(s)? 11yrs
Spouse or significant other? 33 yrs
Oldest sibling? 50 yrs
Youngest sibling? 30 yrs
Mom? 72
Dad? passed away 24 years ago.
Oldest object you own and what is it? this baseball card is the oldest thing that I can give an exact date too. It's from 1949 so it's 61 years old.

Thumbnail by GardenSox
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Funny Victor, I figured your SO would be a brunette

Ronnie, your house is as old as your town?Cool!

Neat baseball card, Boston Red Sox?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wife is a brunette. Need variety.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

hee hee

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

my wedding dress is 52 yrs old. I used Mom's.

Thomaston, CT

How nice! You were lucky to be the same size, Lucy. Victor, you are soooo bad!

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

I had to take it in and shorten it a little.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Quote from flowAjen :
Neat baseball card, Boston Red Sox?

Yep, the card is part of my All-Time Red Sox Greats collection.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Jen, my house and two others on my street were the first ones here...of course all have been renovated quite often. We try to keep the look of an old farm house best we can. The house at the end of the block was supposedly an original trading post.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

That is sooooo cool!!!!

I was watching House Hunters the other day and one of the houses they looked at was the original funeral parlor in town. Still had the casket elevator in the basement

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

We have only 2 closets and they were added on! Luckily we have an attic. No foundation under the kitchen, my husband jacked it up after we moved in! The inspector asked us if we really had to move...and was our marriage solid enough to withstand renovation! LOL

Plympton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hope you don't mind me just jumping in – I am having fun here :)

How old is it????

Your house? 16 Years How long have you lived there? 5 Months
Your car? 6 years
Your town? 304 years
Oldest piece of clothing? and what is it? My grandmother's wedding dress, from the 40's
Your TV? One is 8 years, one is 2 years
Oldest child? 5
Youngest child? 5 (hopefully another soon...)
Pet(s)? 2 years (fish)
Spouse or significant other? 32
Oldest sibling? my younger sister is 33
Youngest sibling? my brother is 29
Mom? 59
Dad? 62
Oldest object you own and what is it? A Chatterbox magazine from 1899. 112 years.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

You never have to ask to jump in, rosy! And good luck with going for the next child. ^_^

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

How old is it????

Your house? 50
Years How long have you lived there? 17+
Your car? 3 years
Your town? 265 years
Oldest piece of clothing? and what is it? I might still have have something from the 80's
Your TV? Less than 1 year
Oldest child? N/A
Youngest child? N/A
Pet(s)? 5 years (cat)
Spouse or significant other? 42
Oldest sibling? 39
Youngest sibling? N/A
Mom? 56
Dad? 58
Oldest object you own and what is it? A hand carved glass bowl - wedding gift given to my great, great grandmother so it's over 100 years old

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)



Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

How old is it????

Your house? 60 yrs How long have you lived there? 15 yrs
Your car? 6 yrs
Your town? 372 yrs
Oldest piece of clothing? and what is it? The oldest piece of clothing that I still actually wear is a sweater I bought after the birth of my daughter, about 20 years old. I'm sure I have older items than that in the house; wedding dress is 25 years old, and probably a few things even older. I've got some cool zebra-stripe shirts and some leather clothing from the 80's - still waiting for them to come back in style and I'll be all set! I think Mom's wedding dress is in the house, so that's about 50 years old.
Your TV? 10 yrs; one that is a month old (see techie thread!)
Oldest child? 20 yrs
Youngest child? 18 yrs (holy cow, how did he get so old so fast?!)
Pet(s)? none
Spouse or significant other? older than me!
Oldest sibling? 49 yrs
Youngest sibling? 37 yrs
Mom? Forever young
Dad? Forever young
Oldest object you own and what is it? a stone I picked up off the sidewalk that fell off of the wall of Canterbury Castle in Canterbury, England; about 900 years old, give or take a few years.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

wow a 900 yr old stone off a castle!!!! how cool is that?

Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

Yeah, I'm a real history geek. Back in the stone age when DH and I went to England and Ireland, we spent most of our time walking around piles of rocks- er, uh, walking around ruins. I love my rock and have it on display next to photos of my kids, lol. I told my husband just think, a king or queen of England could have touched this stone, could have leaned against it in the wall, could have sat upon it or walked upon it in the floor. My husband rolled his eyes and said yeah, or they could have peed on it. I told him that would be just as cool (not really but I couldn't let him get over on me, lol!)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Or could have had the enemies stoned with it!

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