New Bees 01/18/11 friends - new and old...Come on in...

Booneville, AR

im going tto bed talk later good night and hugs nettie

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have what looks like Amarylis in the flowerbed along the house. The leaves came up last year (I just moved here a year ago) but no flowers. I was told they looked like A but that they needed full sun to bloom, which they don't have there. I need to move them this spring.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Wow - Nettie's sending me flowers, this could get serious. I do have an Amarylis bulb on my windowsill for bloom later in the Spring. Not sure what color it is though. They are not really hardy here for outdoors, but we keep bulbs inside for the Winter. I have grown a few bulbs through the summer until they harden off, but some just won't rebloom.

Your arrangements are beautiful Nettie!


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I just started some various bulbs inside in pots for spring cheer. Didn't have any amaryllis, so am using daffs and tulips. Hope they bloom for spring time in 52 days! Figured that some flowers blooming would help the dreary look of the snow melting, it always looks so dirty and brown and yucky when it starts melting =)

My daffodills are coming up outside in the gardens. They will be blooming in the snow probably this year.

Lookie what I just got in e-mail.....
They have some gorgeous flowers! Brows their catalog.

Booneville, AR

hi everyone don,t know how long ilol be on line have had a problem all day with net. called them but they say they are working on it might be better later just thought i would lety you know i have a problem. love nettie.

Sorry Nettie, I guess it's your turn! LOL, I think RRM is MIA again.

Nay, I found her, she just being quiet. Where ya at Nettie? Is the internet doing better?

Booneville, AR

crit those are probly naked ladies they may have gotton to deep to much dirt over them they will not bloom if they get to deep do they make leaves in late fall or earley winter could also be suprise lily just about the same thing. if you dig them up don,t put them back to deep they don.t bloom until july ive got a ton of them they were my mid spring the folage dies back on them i always clean that of the bed because it falls on my day lilies and they don.t like that on them. love nettie these always bloomand some are in the shade. didn,t know they liked full sun. im not going to move the ones in the shade. love nettie i bet they have got to deep in the ground.

Booneville, AR

can.t use anything for flower shows they won,t let you use anything. i can.t see the harm in treating the water but i play by the rules. if you don,t they disqulify you and that would be bad. i would have to hang my head in shame. love nettie

This message was edited Jan 27, 2011 11:33 PM

Booneville, AR

im going to bed have to go to super center for food in the morning and bill is going to dig some things out of the veg, garden ill have to re plant them big iris, had to put them in the ground some where. im going to put them in the long flower bed, im not going to make another flower bed ive got more now than i can say grace and hugs to all. nettie i posted flowers on old thread and don,t know how to move it if you want to see it you can go back one thread my bad. love nettie.

This message was edited Jan 28, 2011 1:43 AM

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Beautiful flowers Nettie! I think we all found them on the other thread. Thanks for showing us!


I think they are gorgeous Nettie! They are ALL awsome!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I'm here you all. Been feeling bad but better now...
I'm all ears

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

And gorgeous ears at that!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the thought nettie, but they aren't naked ladies or surprise lillies. I thought the leaves looked like Amarylis and I put a picture up for comments and they agreed. Said to leave them where they were until spring, then move them, so that is what I am going to try.

Thumbnail by Crit
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Crit, it kind of looks like a Crinum to me. In this pic you can see the mature leaves. I'll have to try and snap a pic tomorrow in the daylight of the newer leaves for you...

Thumbnail by locakelly

I agree with Kelly, Crit. I have those too and also have Amaryllis. They sure look like Crinum to me. They may not have been old enough to bloom before so I'd leave them alone and wait a while before doing anything at all.

Booneville, AR

crit alot of my amaryllis are not in the sun but they always bloom juse leave them for a while if they are crinum they will bloom in the shade also myne do they were burning in the sun it was cooking the leaves real bad those don,t look to be very old/ nettie

Booneville, AR

yhank you mekos i just came in from grocery store my word if we dtdn,t have to eat we would have money for other things like plants nettie

I agree with you Nettie. Food, gas and power, KILLS me every month!
Otherwise I'd have gardens like the botanical garden shows have!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

LOL! And mortgage payments, and car payments, and insurance, and, and, and,
I know the feeling well! Think of how pretty things would be in our yards and gardens!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Well, if we all keep giving stuff to each other we'll have enough plants to cover the earth. This has been fun.


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Al, I am so glad that you are here! I'm going to try something different for me this year with some of your sunflower seeds. I saw a picture today of sunflowers growing in someone's yard with morning glories climbing the sunflowers. It was very pretty! And I'm thinking it will attract the hummingbirds to the mg's and other birds to the sunflowers. It should be great fun to watch this summer!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

That Crinum on the picture has been in that spot this will be the 2nd year... I'm hoping it will bloom this year. A friend here gave me some more when she divided hers last fall - they are still small little things. They are gorgeous when they bloom. The only thing I find with them being in shade is the leaves seem to get longer and wilder than if they are in the sun. However, our sun they don't like too much;o)

I'm hoping to win the lottery soon so I can retire, garden and travel the country visiting all my DG friends;o)

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Sounds great! I have grown them with MGs and also assorted runner beans. Scarlet Runner is a fav of mine and I have plenty if anybody wants to try. They're edible too.


Wow Sandi, I never though about that. Will the MGs not pull down the sunflowers though since sunflowers are tall to start with and when the wind blows hard they sometimes break anyway around here. But it does sound cute. I have Mgs that climb trees in my goat pen, they washed down there by the rain and my trees look to be blooming in the summer. Wild with color.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Oh! Great idea Al! I have a bunch of pole bean seeds from last year that I grew! I'm going to plant some of them to climb the sunflowers too! Awesome idea! Thanks!

Sorry, I over posted you guys. Kelly, I'm winning the lottery myself and we all gonna travel. We can take all our friends with us in Al's plane.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Sounds like a plan Jan;o)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I don't think they will here, but I guess I'll find out! The wind doesn't seem to bother our sunflowers much, but the deer sure do! Will have to see how they fair, but thought it was a neat picture, and I never would have thought of it either!

Sounds like it would look pretty. I'm gonna try some raised beds for vegies and flowers this year. Got a fenceline in my back yard I want to plant. It is in full sun and red hard clay soil, got LOTS of seeds to sow and gonna try to grow things back there too.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Sounds like a plan to me Jan. I don't have a regular spot for a food garden, so just plant my food stuff in with the flower beds, etc. but I am going to take out the rest of my rhubarb this year and move it to my mom's house so I can plant more food, lol! Food that I like, instead of the rhubarb.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Sunflowers are fairly sturdy, though sometimes I have bunched them up and tied them together for added support. Some of my Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes managed to trellis their way up them. Mgs will climb most anything standing upright so they're a great combination with sunflowers.


Thumbnail by lycodad

Yours always look gorgeous Al. I am envious.

Booneville, AR

mekos bill was helping me with the garden pulling weeds he pulled 2 la iris out he was so proud i had him go put them in the ground hurt his feelings he ask why i didn,t send them to you i told him it was too cold he said its 60 out side now i said bill its probly not 60 where she is du i still don,t have him trained after all this time. love and hugs nettie.

Booneville, AR

my eternal sweat peas have already started climbing the fence they will probly get niped back about 3feet tall kinda gets out of hand but sure is pretty blooming bright pink all over the fence saw seversl things comming out that should stay down for a while yet.but mother nature will have her way. nettie

This message was edited Jan 28, 2011 11:40 PM

Booneville, AR

ok past my bed time im out of here love and hugs nettie talk later.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Got to find a new place to plant my sunflowers. Longears love them. So, they won't be in garden.

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