New Bees 01/18/11 friends - new and old...Come on in...

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

We've been a chatty bunch - must be spring fever!

This is the place to chat and hang out and share with friends - new and old...

Any links you all want me to add to this let me know!

We came from here...

Come on in...

Direction for free seeds for newbies here...

Newbies that get lost and found here...

Lasagna Beds for newbies here...

Thumbnail by locakelly
Booneville, AR

thanks kelly this is nice im hopeing to see rrm on here beforore bed time love and hugs nettie dear keiiy in my case its winter crazy weather man just said we could get snow thursday i don.t think i like him very much. im bad enough without bad weather. he smiled the whole time he was enjoying himself.he better hope he is wrong. ive just about had it with him.

This message was edited Jan 18, 2011 10:37 PM

This message was edited Jan 18, 2011 10:39 PM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)


Maxine ..... keep moving girl. I understand how it is ... have that too along with my Fibromyalgia. It's a bummer!!!!

Got through 1 large bag of seedies last night. DH laughed at me setting at my puter with little packets of seeds all around me while I looked up things to see what they were!!!

Calling for Winter Storm to hit here Wednesday night into Thursday here. If it does very much, I can't get up the hills around my house to get to the highway. My supervisor will have a stroke if I can't make it in after being off for 3 weeks with my back & leg. LMBO!!!!!!!

For all you expecting bad weather, I feel for you and you stay safe and warm. Don't get out taking chances. It not worth your life in case of accidents. Even if you are safe others can slide into you. That stuff is bad to be out in. Stay inside.
Hugs everyone. Bright sunny day here after 2 days of rain. Suppose to get to 53 today.
Crit, enjoy yourself with those seeds. Spring will be coming soon and planting season will be upon us.
Kelly, Mechelle said she would germinate seeds for us ladies so I'll be gathering some to send her soon so she can start them in the greenhouse. We should have gorgeous gardens this summer!!!!
Have a great day everyone.
Al ,I got some new tomatoe seeds this year for a black tomato that is rare. Can't remember the name off hand but if you would like to try a couple holler. I ordered it from another country. These are not here in USA yet. BIG SMILE, but they will be this summer! ;-)

This message was edited Jan 19, 2011 8:55 PM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

You're welcome Miss Nettie;o)

Crit, have fun wallowing in those seeds...

Mekos, are you gonna share your bikini pics with us? LOL. I think I'd freeze to death being outside in a bikini in 53° weather. That's very sweet of our Mechelle. Nice we have a greenhouse owner amongst our friends;o)

Good morning to everyone else!~~~~~~~~~

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Al, I have some Blue seed, not a lot but maybe I can get you a couple, Let me know. (for tomatoes)
Hey, Nettie, Charley sends you lots of nuzzles and everyone else....

Kelly, that was a BIG NOT!
But we had a beautiful day and I broke a sweat. (TWO THUMBS UP!)
That tomato Al is a Black Truffel,and Black Sea Man. I ordered them when I got my Capers seeds. They are heirloom seeds.

Philadelphia, PA

Happy Birthday Trish !!!!

Edited to say, Hunnybunch, you spose to tell me when your birthday is coming!

This message was edited Jan 19, 2011 7:52 PM

Thumbnail by mekos
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Suppose to be having a big winter storm come in tonight and again Friday night. Have winter weather warnings out all over! Wouldn't it be terrible if I couldn't make it to work and had to stay home and wallow around in these seeds? Awwwwwwwwwww

Booneville, AR

yes happy birthday trish im always late hope you have a good one. and many more lots of and hugs nettie

Crit, I can't think of anything worse. YEA RIGHT!!!! Have fun. We suppose to get snow again friday night.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the birthday wishes.. Hope you guys have a great night..Hugs

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

♫♪Happy Birthday to Trish♪♫
And Charley nuzzles too. Hugs, girl....

Booneville, AR

mekos you are pushing it i can,t see you outside half frose with little or no clothes on. not true your not loony tunes yet i don,t think you could stand that i know i couldn,t to cold id have to witness that for myself and ill pass on you girl but you shouldn,t be out this time of yearwith your clothes of . nettie

This message was edited Jan 19, 2011 7:20 PM

Hahahaha Nettie, I was just joking up there!!!!
I dont wear those things in the summer let alone in the winter. Just teasing about it getting warm today. GORSH EVERYBODY, (laughing so hard Im about to roll in the floor)
I aint no Jezebelle! I go fully dressed! I'm too big and fat to strip like that. SO EMBARRASSED HERE!!!!! See my face is real pink!

Thumbnail by mekos
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Nettie, I don't think Mekos belongs to the Polar bear club. You know those folks who go diving into ice water in the new year. Brrrrrr! Been a cold year. But that is so funny, just thinking about it.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Happy Birthday Trish! I was almost late to the party;o)

Not late, here is the cake.

Thumbnail by mekos
Booneville, AR

rrm where have you been im so glad you are back yhought mekos you would think its time for fat fat pup pictures i know it has been long enough we havsnt had o9ne in a long time. come on girl put some cloths on and get on with it. nettie

Nettie you being mean to me. KELLY HELP ME OUT HERE! Nettie is being mean to me. I need Arejay! AREJAY Where are you girl? HELP somebody!!!! MITT ??? HELP!!!

Here is Spice and Chiquita

Thumbnail by mekos

Sugar, Kaluah and Lefty

Thumbnail by mekos
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Oh my, work has definately gotten in the way today, but Happy Birthday Trish! And thanks for furnishing the cake, Jan, it was just what I needed after all the work today! Yummmmy!!! And no pictures of any of us in bikinis, please! LOL!

Booneville, AR

ok mekos im sory thank you for the pup pictures get my mind on dogs now you be good girl and nice young lady love nettie you would never do those things , you are never be smothing like that .love and hugs nettie.

Booneville, AR

i wslked into yhe food room when i got brck to my chair shorty and fluff had taken my sandwich what they left for me was bread and mayo they are bad boys i had already fed them ill just drink my orange crush and be happy im glad they don,t like pop.nettie

This message was edited Jan 20, 2011 12:14 AM

Booneville, AR

mekos what did you do today. i can,t do anything yet. be glad when i can. but ill play with my seeds thats just about all i can do. its to earley to start much for the garden ill just wait spring will come i bet hugs good night may play a game of cards before i go to bed.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

[/i wslked into yhe food room when i got brck to my chair shorty and fluff had taken my sandwich what they left for me was bread and mayo they are bad boys i had already fed them ill just drink my orange crush and be happy im glad they don,t like pop.nettie]

Nettie thats funny, you are lucky mine would have probably drank the orange slush also...(not funny they ate your sandwich, just the way you stated it) hugs

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

oooops I tried to get that show up in quotes.. shows I dont know what I am doing!

Thanks for the cake Mekos.. It looks terrific.. My Dad made me a rum cake and brought it to me.. I had one lil slice, today is "weigh in day" A person shouldn't have to weigh in this close to their birthday and the holidays.. Sigh.. Im scared to see how bad I did during Xmas holidays.. I sure dont think I lost any weight this month lol..Im just hoping I didnt gain any grrr(at all that choc fudge I couldnt resist) ha funny how I regret it now but so enjoyed it then..50 pounds down 20 more to go... my lil prayer for today.

" Dear Lord be with everyone keep us all safe and under your wing,and please Lord dont let me retain any fluids today because I have to step upon those scales, and no one wants to hear this fat woman yell..Amen"

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

got to go to DR. in the morning and I sure don't like getting on those scales either., Got to get Perscriptions renewed and have a blood test. 6 month check-up. YUK!!!! Have to get up early and take Hubby to work so I can use the car to go to DR. dog gone I don't want to get up til Eight and that is my appointment time. Gotta do it!!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Congrats on the 50# hunny .... that's terrific

mekos ..... the pups are adorable. I love puppies. Sniff some puppy breath for me. :-)

Awwwwwwww, the roads were to icy for me to make it to the main highway (6 miles of winding, hilly roads with BIG drop offs in some places) so I HAVE to stay home from work. Oh drat! Guess I will HAVE to work on the Robin. Drat, drat, drat. LOL

ROTFL, Crit you have it sooooo bad! LOL
Good morning everyone. With Arthur and Poly and ALL the other weird things with a hold on me, it's hard to even crawl out of bed but I'm up. Just have to come over here and read to get a chuckle to start my day every morning. Couldn't make it without all of you!
Have a great day everyone! HUGS

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Good morning friends! Mekos, sounds like Nettie has calmed down a bit. Must be the puppy breath overcoming her;o) The pups sure are cute!

Trish, congratulations on the weight loss - it is very hard to do and definitely an accomplishment. I am not overweight by a long shot but could still definitely stand to lose a few pounds. The older you get the harder it is and the more you feel a few extra pounds. I've been exercising more so hopefully that's the ticket to feeling my best;o)

Nettie, you be nice to mekos or I won't make you any new threads - lol.

Have a nice day everyone!

If I'd just known puppy pictures would have done it, there would be pictures up there every day! LOL
Now I'll just take a picture every time I come to post.
Well maybe not, cause everyone else will be tossing sticks at me. Delimma.

Thumbnail by mekos
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Seeds, seeds, seeds everywhere!!!!!!! I'm in hog seed heaven! I just found one package that really made my day .... Easter Egg Plant seeds. Woooohoooo. Now if I could just find some shrimp plant and lollipop plant I would truly be overwhelmed! tee hee
Hey, have a question ..... If I plant one of the lollipops in the bottom of the box, will I get a lollipop plant? Or lollipop tree? If that works, think I'll plant a hundred dollar bill as well .....deeeeeeep into the woods.
OK, back to seed seeing. I will probably be able to send her back into flight tomorrow if I can get to town. If not, Monday.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OK, decision has been made. Our back yard that is fenced in isn't all that big. Maybe I should till it all up, plant it all to flowers, and make little walking paths around to the gates and stuff. Think I could convince my DH this is a good idea because he won't have to MOW IT??????

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Come plant it in my woods. We can both keep an eye on it!!!☺☺☺ I don't think it will work Darlin, but it would be nice to have a money tree we all could grow...♥

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Great idea Crit! Sounds very cute! Good luck with talking the DH into it, but when I tried, mine didn't go for it. Gosh, and I do the mowing part of the time too, lol! And whoever figures out how to plant and grow money trees, please share seeds with all of us! Even if it only blooms once a year, it would be great, teeheehee!

Crit, I got a shrimp plant you can have come spring so it won't freeze in shipping. It is in my greenhouse. Wish I had flowers everywhere instead of weeds.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Does anyone have any black eyed susan vine seeds? My niece is getting married this fall, and wants some for her decorations. Heck, they're a house plant for me, so I've never grown them. You can start them from seeds, can't you?

Booneville, AR

ok kelly ill try and be nice to mekog she needs one shoping trip with me and that crazy cousin if we have to drive in fortsmith she makes me drive, cause the people scare her and she does the same to me she says i make bad turns which is a bald face lie she has nearly killed us on the inter state with her slow driving people will run over you if you don,t go on and get out of the way plus you can get a ticket for going to slow in yhe through lane scares me half to death but i promise to be good today. love and hugs nettie

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