You know you're a seed saver when ... (Thread #2)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

We came from here:

You know you're surrounded by seedheads when the first thread has 353 replies and 2,427 views ...

... and yet, no one suggests counseling or medication!


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

What? Counseling or medication? Like it would help? LOL! Heck, we'd just try to grow what they make the medications out of! Teeheehee!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I never thought of putting a few of my pills into the gorund ... maybe winter sowing them.

Annual ... Perennial ... Pharmaceutical.


Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

One Word......HOPELESS LOL

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Some may consider us HOPELESS ... but at least we are not SEEDLESS!

Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL I'm just as hopeless LOL

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Now being seedless would be hopeless! That could be very serious indeed!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

My very first girlfriend would look at me, shake her head, and say:
"Helpless, hopless, worthless and useless!"

But she said it fondly.


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

And I'd wager she wasn't necessarily referring to collecting seeds, lol!

Columbus, OH

You know how to fold a seed envelope out of a sheet of paper.

Rick, you don't want to date girls like that. They're okay for fun, but you don't want to bring them home to mother. ;)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I heard a crash. I thought my plants had fallen off the window shelf I had put up in the PINK bedroom. It was a picture a student had painted called "Bring me all your women" he was 18 when he painted it. I paid 100.00 dollars for it. the glass was everywhere, the painting intact, dear hubby assisting me with the glass shards and the trash can and flashlight, and I FOUND A SEED POD I HAD LOST!!! I was so happy! He practically threw the flashlight at me, and shook his head as he leaves the room," promise me you won't cut yourself, I am going to bed now, good night dear" and All I could do was gaze at this seed pod. *sigh*

Columbus, OH

How funny--I just redid my back bedroom, and found pricey Japanese Morning glory seeds I thought I'd lost. Made the whole thing worthwhile! My husband and friends looked at me like an idiot...having a newly decorated room isn't worthwhile? Well, yes. But the seeds made it so much better.

My husband and friends discussed this last weekend, how they are entering the time of year when they are forced to admire germinating seedlings. And baggies taped to the inside refrigerator door with paper towels and seeds waiting to show signs of life.

Pawleys Island, SC

I am anxiously awaiting any signs of life from my seedlings. LOL I understand the joy over the recovered seed pod too. I have found a few of those and thankfully been able to identify most. It's the seeds I find in my purse that I have the hardest time id'ing. By the time I find them, I have no clue where I might have found them or what they might be. Sometimes it is fun. Most of the time it is daylily or some other perennial, but for the most part, there is always a seed or rock in there.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Pricey Japanese Morning Glory Seeds? Be Still my heart. I go into panic when I can't find a particular morning glory seed pod.
;D so glad you re-decorated!

I am glad I am not the only one who has seeds and rocks in the bottom of a purse. *sigh* Thank Goodness, Ibartoo, that we are normal.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

You know you're a seed saver when ...

you threaten to kick your husband out of the bedroom and use his side for seedlings,
if he doesn't clean out the regular seed-starting room in time.

Post #8321053
Tomatoes: tomatoes for next season

I can understand that: after all, they are TOMATOES and it's getting late!


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Oh my! Didn't know there was a tomato out there called Kellogg's Breakfast! LOL! Obviously, I'm going to have to try those. By rights, they should do awesome for me, lol! And breakfast is my most favorite meal too! Perfect!!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

skellog, those are probably in my top 2 favorite tomato varieties! They're right up there with some of the black varieties. My parents were a little weirded out by the color of the tomato (they are die-hard hybrid beefsteak growers), but even they were blown away by the flavor. I just wish they were better producers. Each tomato is a prize! They have a kind of kick to them, something kind of citrusy, I'd say. Anyway, you DO have to give them a try! I wish I had some seeds left, so I could send you some, but I think I finished off my pack last year. I planted tons, and gave the seedlings away to any friend who would try one. :)

Columbus, OH

Those sound great, and from the name of the tomato, I'd never have tried them. I'll have to look for seed!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Booker, I'm going to try and find some seeds of those! They sound great!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I *think* I got mine through Territorial Seeds

but they are available through many vendors. It might have been Park Seed that I got them from, but I haven't had such good luck with their seeds lately, and wouldn't feel right about recommending them. You might even find them at your local gardening centers. I think I found plants once at a greenhouse. :)

Just put "Kellogg's Breakfast tomato seeds" in Google, and you'll get lots of options. I like the description here, from Diane's Flower Seeds:

"These orange-yellow beefsteaks are among the best-tasting heirloom tomatoes of all time. The huge, meaty fruits weigh 1-2 pounds and have an irresistible, tangy-fruity flavor.

In 100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden, Dr. Carolyn Male says, "There isn't another large orange beefsteak variety that I'd rather grow than Kellog's Breakfast." I agree. This fine tomato originated with Darrell Kellogg of Redford, Michigan.

Indet. 85 days."

Got any relatives in Michigan, skellogg?

edited to add that Seed Savers Exchange has a nice description of them, too. Can you tell I love this tomato? LOL

This message was edited Jan 23, 2011 2:30 AM

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

That Kellogg is probably related to the cereal dynasty bunch, and unfortunately, not related close enough to us, lol! I did notice that Park Seeds has them, and have never ordered from Park, so will continue looking around for them. Have to go to the store in the city later today, so will check around and see if they have started putting their seeds and such out yet. Still have tons of time here, and with all the snow, ice, and wind, it looks like it will be June before spring hits. Maybe I'm just getting anxious, lol!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

You know you are a seed trader when you have a spread sheet for trades on the desk top of your computer.
You know you are a seed trader when your yard looks like the neighbors trash can blew over in your yard, because of all the milk jugs and plastic bags, ice cream containers etc. that you have your seeds starting in, in your yard.

Does anyone have any varieties of dianthus seeds, speaking of?????Petunias? Oh I guess you know you are a seed whore when you have to squeeze it into any conversation and if you carry plastic zip locks in your purse for seed nabbing.

Columbus, OH

Send me a Dmail about dianthus--I have small/medium trades of several varieties, I just winter sowed a bunch or I'd have more.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I have quite some Dianthus varieties and a few Petunia's. Have a look at my website
ALL my seeds are available for trading.


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