Concord, NH

looking for any verbascum except common yellow,and any sturdy stemmed Shasta Daisey's veggies- sweet peas,summer squash, burp-less cukes ,pickle cucs, snap peas,ornamental corn,zucchini, sunflowers, green beans mini pumpkins ,thanks for looking Susan

This message was edited Jan 15, 2011 6:58 PM

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Hi Susan, give me a little time to check, but I'm pretty sure that I have daisies, and probably some peas and cukes, and sunflower seeds left, if you are still needing them. I can check in about an hour or so when I'll have some time between work.

Concord, NH

oh yes,thank you very much

Concord, NH

i have some of your wants too. : ]

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Hi Susan!
Well, I have some mammoth sunflower, chianti sunflower, mexican sunflower, a few early pride cukes (burpless), a few Alaska peas, and lots of different daisy seeds. I have ox eye daisy, shasta daisy, tidy tips, bird's eye, and a few african daisy. Do any of these interest you? I also have tons of flowers and such, and some spinach, and salad burnett, and tomatoes, if you need or want any of these. Just let me know if you want any of these things, or if there is anything else you want, and I'll see what else I can come up with, lol!


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have green beans, lady finger peas, zukes, summer squash and cukes.
I'd like to trade for some of your false indigo and echinacea. LMK Thanks.

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Have daisy becky and verbascum check my list. Annette

Concord, NH

will email all shortly ty

Concord, NH

you all have mail

Concord, NH

trades going out tomorrow xox

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Great. I'll get yours out next week. Thanks for the trade.

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