dealing with other's clutter/hoarding tendencies

Crozet, VA

I have to admit that this is going to be hard for me to write. For some reason I am feeling a sense of shame over someone elses problem. For the many months I have been coming to this forum I have heard bits and pieces of others here concerning the clutter of their loved ones, and not necessarily their own clutter. I have commented from time to time but just yesterday realized that I have been in denial over my husbands clutter/hoarding tendencies. I suppose I couldn't see his issues because I have been so involved in trying to correct my own. I am making very slow and steady progress on my own stuff thankfully.

Anyway, some years back, probably five or six now John began purchasing junk vehicles in the hopes of beginning to restore vehicles. So far, he has worked on one of the possibly six to eight he has. He calls it his experimental vehicle and is getting practice for the others that he plans to restore later. If he were to sell it, which he isn't planning to doas far as I know, he will in no way be able recoup the money he has in it.

Due to County regulations and having the good sense to know that I would have thrown a fit had he brought all of the junk heaps here to our property he has several of these vehicles on a couple of friends property. Over the years, I have asked what the wives of these guys are saying about them having someone elses literal junk sitting on their property. He always answered that it is all good.

Yesterday one of the friends called and said that he had been contacted by the county that the cars needed to go within thirty days. Anyway, so here I sit ashamed over my husbands problem. I now realize that I have been in denial sort of over his issues and because he is such a great guy in so many areas, I haven't ever stirred the pot. I also realize that this like so many other things in life have a way of working themselves out, without any help from me. Please believe me that I sit here wanting to scream as loudly as I can that he needs to begin addressing some things.

As I have mentioned in a couple of places, car restoration is for the likes of Jay Leno and other little boys who have loads of money and no where else to spend it. Car restoration is a rich boy's hobby and definitely not one for someone who hasn't worked steadily for some years.

I am asking for ideas on how to either keep my mouth shut, and my nose out of it, or some subtle things I can do in order to help John see that he indeed does have an issue with hoarding and needs to begin addressing it. I find the whole scenario shameful mainly but do know that it is something that can be addressed and over come but am wondering how I play in to it.

I haven't felt it was my place to say anything to him about taking stock and making some changes, because until now I have been guilty of the same tendencies, though with much smaller items. I suppose that what I am hoping to happen by posting is that some of you out there have some ideas how I remain calm and as least judgemental as I can while this issue is addressed. I am hoping that this turns out for him to begin making some progress on his own to address these issues, but if that doesn't happen, what is my role in this all of this. I can imagine that after I feel as though I have my messes addressed and taken care of I will begin to resent his messes if they aren't addressed before then.

I would love to hear from some folks who are either in the same sort of situation or know of cases where there has been some success in helping others address theirhoarding issues. Thanks folks.


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