New and looking for seeds for postage....

Cowden, IL(Zone 5a)

Hello Everyone! I'm pretty new to DG and still trying to figure everything out so bare with me. lol I started right in on the Winter Sowing forum bc I knew that was something I wanted to try this winter.
The girls there are so nice and informative. tcs1366 suggested I start this thread to get seeds for my WS. I'm a sorta newbie to gardening as well.
Here's a list of flowers I know I want to eventually have in my garden. I don't know the technical names yet, I'm still learning. lol
Oh I'd also be more than happy to pay for seeds, I just don't have anything to trade yet.

Coreopsis- Creme Brulee, Heavensgate, Sweet Dreams, Autumn Blush, Jive, & Cosmic Eye
Rudbeckia- Gloriosa, Triloba, Fulgida, Hirta, Cherry Brandy
Enchinacea- (Basically any kind, I'm in love with these and only have white and purple so far) Alba, Tikit Torch, Ozark Coneflower, Rubinstern, Tomato Soup, White Swan, Kim's Knee high, Mango Meadowbrite, Lucky Star, PowWow, PowWow Wildberry, Vintage Wine
Heliopsis Helianthoides Fake Sunflower
Thymus Serphyllum
Thymus p. Coccineus
Achillea (I have white, would love any others) Terra Cotta, Paprika, Oertel's Rose, Richard Nelson, Walter Funcke
Buddleia Davidii
Liatris Spicata
Dicentra Spectabilis
Veronica Spicata Speedwell
Platycondon Grandiflories
Helleborus "Royal Heritage" Lenton Rose
Gaillardia, Arizona Sun, Burgundy, Oranges and Lemons
Rosa 'John Cabot'
Physostegia Virginiana
Callirhoe Involucrata
Geranium- Rozzanne, Laura, Nicky, Spinner
Nassella Stipa Tenuissima
Delosperma Cooperi
Delosperma Ashtonii 'Blunt'
Trade Scantia
Wisteria Sinensis
Sedum Spurium
Angel Face Climbing Rose
Leucanthemum Superloum 'Banana Cream'
Dianthus Plumarius Hercules, First Love, Cheddar Pink
Salvia Pachyphylla 'Blue Flame'
Delphinlum 'La Boheme'
Verbena sp. 'Annie'
Lysimachia Nummularia 'Aurea' Golden Creeping Jenny
Laurentia Flyviatilis Blue Star Creeper

Thanks so much in advance. :0)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I have a few that I can help you with.

If you gimme about a week or so, I can send you a list of many of my 'excess' seeds or duplicates.

Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

nohren4 That's a great list you have going there. Can I suggest that you also give us an idea of what kind of garden/colors/plans/space that you have for this next year. Perhaps myself or someone else may have something you haven't thought of that you may like as well. Do you have any plans for vegies or herbs?

This message was edited Jan 13, 2011 8:48 PM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi there;o) Welcome to Dave's!

If you haven't already seen this, arejay59 (Robin) does a free seeds for newbies offer as well. She's a lot of fun and has a lot of seeds to help newbies get started. Here's the link to the thread with the instructions.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Nohren

arejay59 (Robin) is really generous!

I don't have exactly what you're looking for, but would you be interested in small quantities of these? Mostly they're from trades, and i see many are from Deejay9's garden:
- "Purple Liatris Blazing Star" (I don't know what species) from deejay9
- Rudbeckia fulgida "Goldsturm" (commercial, Botanical Interests)
- Rudbeckia "Dazzler" from deejay9

You can let me know by Dmail or here. If you want any salvia or delphiniums, hopefully you'll re-offer some of the seeds in a year or three. I may be coming back then, saying "the slugs ate all mine, or I drowned them, does anyone have any more seed available?"

Are you sure you don't want any easy-to-grow Zinnias or Swan River Daisies? Marigolds?
"Grandmother's Cut Flower Garden Mix" with annuals, biennials and perennials?

Or any of these three salvia? (commercial, Hazzards, 2010)
- Salvia nemerosasylvestris "Amethyst Blue"
- Salvia superba "Violet Queen"
- Salvia transylvanica "Blue Spires"

Maybe small amounts of whichever of these Delphiniums I still have any of left?
- Delphinium "Pacific Giant Blend" Delphinium elatum Botanical Interests 2010 year end sale
- Delphinium "Butterfly Mix" P Full Sun from deejay9
- Delphinium Mix "Pacific Giant Series" "Round" 4-6' tall full sun, part shade from deejay9
- Delphinium "Giant Imperial Mix" from diamond9192002

The way I got into trading was to buy some seeds from Hazzards Wholesale Seeds (Zinnias and Salvia). Depending on variety, 2,500 seeds might be $6.50, or 1,000 might be $5 or 65, or 250 could be $14 or

(Zinnias cross-pollinate so freely that I think people appreciated getting some clean non-hybridized seed back into their gardens. And I've been told that Salvia seed only lasts one year or so, and some kinds are hard to collect much of.)


Concord, NH

wow rick. this is a great site for seeds!! thank you ! i think hahahah

Cowden, IL(Zone 5a)

Quote from catzgalore :
nohren4 That's a great list you have going there. Can I suggest that you also give us an idea of what kind of garden/colors/plans/space that you have for this next year. Perhaps myself or someone else may have something you haven't thought of that you may like as well. Do you have any plans for vegies or herbs?

This message was edited Jan 13, 2011 8:48 PM

I started typing a huge response to this and then lost power...ahhh such is life. When the snow melts I'll snap some pictures, it might be easier to explain that way lol

Cowden, IL(Zone 5a)

Quote from RickCorey_WA :
Hi Nohren

arejay59 (Robin) is really generous!

I don't have exactly what you're looking for, but would you be interested in small quantities of these? Mostly they're from trades, and i see many are from Deejay9's garden:
- "Purple Liatris Blazing Star" (I don't know what species) from deejay9
- Rudbeckia fulgida "Goldsturm" (commercial, Botanical Interests)
- Rudbeckia "Dazzler" from deejay9

You can let me know by Dmail or here. If you want any salvia or delphiniums, hopefully you'll re-offer some of the seeds in a year or three. I may be coming back then, saying "the slugs ate all mine, or I drowned them, does anyone have any more seed available?"

Are you sure you don't want any easy-to-grow Zinnias or Swan River Daisies? Marigolds?
"Grandmother's Cut Flower Garden Mix" with annuals, biennials and perennials?

Or any of these three salvia? (commercial, Hazzards, 2010)
- Salvia nemerosasylvestris "Amethyst Blue"
- Salvia superba "Violet Queen"
- Salvia transylvanica "Blue Spires"

Maybe small amounts of whichever of these Delphiniums I still have any of left?
- Delphinium "Pacific Giant Blend" Delphinium elatum Botanical Interests 2010 year end sale
- Delphinium "Butterfly Mix" P Full Sun from deejay9
- Delphinium Mix "Pacific Giant Series" "Round" 4-6' tall full sun, part shade from deejay9
- Delphinium "Giant Imperial Mix" from diamond9192002

The way I got into trading was to buy some seeds from Hazzards Wholesale Seeds (Zinnias and Salvia). Depending on variety, 2,500 seeds might be $6.50, or 1,000 might be $5 or 65, or 250 could be $14 or

(Zinnias cross-pollinate so freely that I think people appreciated getting some clean non-hybridized seed back into their gardens. And I've been told that Salvia seed only lasts one year or so, and some kinds are hard to collect much of.)


I know the list is long lol, I don't plan on planting all of it this year, those are just plants I know I eventually want around the yard.
I'm going to be in trouble looking around that site, but hey it'll help build a nice seed stash right?!
After I get my WS project going I plan on researching more on here. I'd love to learn how to collect my own seeds so I can pass it on. I really like the idea that seeds I saved could help another newbie to gardening get their feet wet too.
I have some of the Salvia superba "Violet Queen" in my yard already, I didn't know thats what it was until I looked up the flowers you listed, but yep I have her and love her.
I'm willing to try anything, as long as the names are there for me to research and figure out who to treat. lol

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I'll see which I have more of and pack some up for you.

>> thank you ! i think

Yeah, SORRY! Talk about enabling our addictions!

The only way I can have ANY discipline is to think "I would rather save that money and buy bulk compost with it, instead".

My new ambition is to figure out which plants drop seeds in summer (when i have sun anddry weather). Then I can collect seeds from those, instead of collecting moldy seadheads in fall rain.

My latest seed-collecting disapointment was to separate White Alyssum seeds from vines and chaff. 90% of the seeds are "transparent" and so light they will blow away. Maybe unpollinated, or just immature? A few have dark bulges which I think are the only viable ones. A whole shopping bag full of vines reduced to about one cup of seed-sized chaff and unviable seeds. I HOPE I get a tablespoon of viable seed; I have promised it to several people!

BTW: I found a $6 set of three micro-measuring spoons on
1/8 tsp, 1/16th tsp and 1/32 tsp

Danesco Measuring Spoon Set - Small sizes

(Be sure similar products are STAINLESS steel - I saw one reivew of another product that allegedly rusted in the dish drainer.)


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Corey... i have those spoons.... Pinch, dash and smidgen. I used them for dividing my seeds for the swap... very handy.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

So much for sending you a set as a "thank you"!

(But if I ever do collect some .22, .25 and .32 shells, and solder handles onto them, and grind them down to 1/25th tsp and 1/50th tsp, I will remember you.)

Is there any particular "in-between size" you might like? For example, 'a smidgeon and a half'?

I'm hoping that the "sideways" orientation of such a gadget would make them steadier scoops than regular spoons, less likely to spill when hands are shakey.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Corey -- you serious?? I can never had too many 'spoons'.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

OK, now I HAVE to go pick up some brass.


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Rick, I have access to lots of brass, especially .22 and 30-30. Want me to send some to you?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow, thanks! I'm in the address exchange. The only thing I see in your WANT list is 'Lauren's Grape' Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum. I have some of that from a trade, and will split with you. I'll keep my eyes open as RRs go around for daylilies that match your interests. Is your Address exchange address current?

For this project, the best would be
22 rimfire,
25 ACP
32 ACP (or 30-30, or 32 Colt or 32 S&W)
38 SPCL - 357 - 380 - 9 mm

I don't think the big rim on a 30-30 (if I remember it right) would make it hard to get into a 2x3 Ziplock. I would be cutting / filing the case length (interior height) down to 13, 10.4 or 6.5 mm for 1/8 1/10 or 1/16 tsp.

Similarly, a 22 would be
3.1 mm tall for 1/64 tsp, or
4.0 mm tall for 1/50 tsp, or
6.2 mm tall for 1/32 tsp, or
7.9 mm tall for 1/25 tsp, or
12.4 mm for 1/16 tsp.

Or a 38 SPCL / 357 / 9 mm (~.357 ID) would be 7.7 mm tall for 1/10 tsp, or 4.8 mm for 1/16.

At one time I was thinking of a 0.177 rimfire for 1/64 tsp, but that turns out to be a bottleneck cartridge!


This message was edited Jan 17, 2011 5:40 PM

This message was edited Jan 17, 2011 5:47 PM

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Ok! I'm going up to the shooting range next week and will see what I can find. I know there are alot of 22 shell casing there I can collect and I'll get anything else I can find. You get to sort!!! :)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

That's great, thanks! The more variety, the better. I always saved my brass, before I moved to NY and NJ where the laws were very restrictive.

Can I send postage?


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Let me see how much I can gather and than I'll let you know.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


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