Lg Quanity of Commercial seeds to trade

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I've officially retired from farm market gardening so I have a large amt of veggies and herbs to trade. I'm only keeping enough of some for our table and a few more to sell as starts at market.

I'm looking for ornamental edibles that will look good in my flowerbeds,on trellises and in my kitchen door garden.

Specifically looking for:
Ragged Jack

Lettuce,baby loose leaf that does not have that nasty arugala in it*Purchased some but still up for others since I think I may be part rabbit*S*

Mustard,Jap.Red Giant*Purchased*

Okra Jing Orange

Purple Flash

Ananas Noir*Purchased*
Cherokee Chocolate

I had so many to list I got lazy,used common names and lumped some genuses together such as MG,sunflowers and zinnas.

Will consider trading 2-3 for one of my vegs.herbs and common flowers for ones above I'm looking for.


Edited to say: I ordered some of these seeds from Bakers Creek,1/19/11, but the Jing Orange okra was already out of stock and I can't find it anywhere else so I'm still in need of that plus the Purple Flash pepper and Cherokee Chocolate tomato.

This message was edited Jan 21, 2011 8:18 AM

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I have a small qty of Fish Pepper seed from a trade. If you're interested, I'll find that pkt and count the seeds (probably 10-15). I have no problem sending first to you.

In return, I would be intererested in any of these I saw in your HAVE list,

Pok Choy Sum
Danver's Carrots
Cardinal Flower
spearmint or
Feathered Salvia Salvia jurisicii commercial Geoseed '09 (if it might still be viable)

Or, do you have any Snow Pea Pod seeds? Or Brocolli? Green stem Bok Choy? Baby Bok Choy?

Do you have any interest in either of these?
"Bhut Jolokia" / "Naga Ghost" (coming soon) 850 K Scoville
Thai Bird Pepper (>30K Scoville)

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