marigold ideas

Silver Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

I LOVE the smell -- and the look...the color... of marigolds.

I just harvested a lot of huge Atlantis Orange marigold leaves and flower heads... now what can I do with them? I'm already constructing a potpourri, but what other ideas have you?


Love in Jesus,

Hi Janiejoy' What about drying some and putting on harvest wreaths or perhaps some topiaries? Have a pretty crystal bowl,fill with pine cones,marigolds,rafia' What about some made into a long garland and use corn shucks(made into bows)alternating with small gourds?

I, on the otherhand,have the tiny zinnias that I'll be experimenting with soon,so much fun' Let us all know what you come up with,ok? Sis'

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

here's a good page for using 'pot marigolds' i dunno if yours would work the same..


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