Tulips, daffodils

Comerio, PR(Zone 11)

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if it is possible to plant tulips and daffodils in a tropical zone. I think it is possible if I do the refrigeration thing and stuff but I'm not sure...

Have anyone done it?

Can I reuse the bulbs?

Thumbnail by BarbaraParis
noonamah, Australia

I tried it with daffodils once several years back. Even with initial refrigeration those that came up didn't look well. Only one got a few fairly poor flowers. They all died away not long later. Didn't even find the bulbs.

Pieve di Compito, Italy

Hi Barbara....after living in Hawaii for 30 years, I can say it isn't worth it...even when the daffodils and tulips sprout,
the heat makes them bolt and not look well, at all....I planted in pots for better control, then just gave up....most markets
in Hawaii carry bunches of daffs. and tulips in spring, so better to buy a few cut flowers, enjoy, and move on...here in Italy things are much better....it's Jan. 5th today, and we already have daffs and crocus coming up...temps in the 50's this week...so by mid Feb. we'll be into
warmer weather...and hopefully the bulbs will be charging ahead. Love the changing seasons! Good luck with your planting...you have so
many options there.

Keaau, HI

Daffodils are sold here in forcing pots in the Spring. Planting them in the ground does not work.

mulege, Mexico

I have some paperwhite narcissis that come back now and then. They don't need the chill period. There are a couple of other narcissis that might also do well for you but I don't know their names. Look for them where paperwhites are sold.

kb, a narcissis lover

Comerio, PR(Zone 11)

Thank you all for replying.

I really love tulips and daffodils but since they don't grow here I'll have to enjoy them as annuals buying them or cut flowers.

Atleast I can grow other bulbs :).

I'm going to try Stargazers and Casa Blanca Lilies. I really love those and they grow well here. I used to grow them years ago when I was like 15... but I didn't know too much a bout bulbs and stuff and they used to die after the second year. Now I'm 19 and I've learn a little bit about those bulbs and now I know I have to refrigerate them to make them grow every year.

Thank you all :)

Pieve di Compito, Italy

Ciao Barbara....your comment about the Stargazer and Casa Blanca lilys made me think, again, about your climate....in a Zone 11
garden situation, you'll probably get the first year's bloom from them, maybe another year after that...but they, too, need a good rest during the winter to do well...they build up energy during the growing season, then need "down time" to gather that energy and force the new growth....is Mayaguez at any altitude where the cooler nights may promote a rest period for these bulbs? Look at what your neighbors are
growing, and duplicate that...the efforts will pay off.....we had bad luck with daylilys in Hawaii, until a friend gave me a great yellow
one, name unknown, that bloomed for almost 6 months a year...it was adapted to the zone...digging your bulbs and chilling is your answer....but it sounds like a lot of work....good luck. Sounds like you have the "flower bug".....Great!!

Comerio, PR(Zone 11)

Yeah, where I live it's pretty cold at night especially now in winter. It's not very very cold but it's like in the 50's or 60's I think. The days are a little hotter.

I do have to dig and chill my bulbs. I will do it now. I bought some Casa Blanca and Stargazer lily bulbs to experiment more and see what happens.

I also bought some daylilies. they grow very well in some parts of Puerto Rico. My grandmother has some beautiful ones. I had some orange ones but I went to USA and when I got back my mom told me that she gave them away and my orchids too haha she said I told her to gave them away, and NO I didn't do that hahaha. So I had to buy new ones.

Thanks for writing and happy planting!

Thumbnail by BarbaraParis

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