Whaddya say 6 - Unexpected Money

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Got the idea for this one from Bill's 'problem' with his expiring airline miles and what to do with them.

So let's say you suddenly get a good chunk of money you were not expecting - say a few thousand. What will you do with it?? Take a trip. Go nuts with plants? save it? Invest it? Buy something - what??

My 'general policy' on this is to split it into thirds. One third goes to paying down debt - mortgage, home equity, usually, since I don't normally have credit card balances.

Another third goes to saving/investing - for us and/or the kids.

Last third goes to spending on something. Could be a better vacation. Maybe something for the house. Maybe a selfish treat.

What about you??

Thumbnail by victorgardener
(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

If it were a big chunk of money our priorities would be
Paying off the mortgage and note
Giving a portion to our two boys
Finish fixing our house, bigger kitchen, baths, bedroom.
New truck

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

- No credit card balances here, no mortgage either. Probably go on a trip and use the rest for a new entertainment center since I just got a TV for X-mas as a gift that doesn't fit in my old center and put the rest in savings. - assuming the unexpected $ is about $6000. - the more $ the better since the buying power of a dollar has diminished somewhat lately..
My mom always said travel when you're young cause you never know what happens in the future. She had dreams of going on a cruise with my dad but it never happened, - "enjoy life while you are healthy and young" she said - time and time again I've seen the dreams of my friends go unfulfilled with tragedy and time take it's toll, - she was right..

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

True, WC.

Whats a big chunk consist of?

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Enough to pay off my mortgage! LOL

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I said a good chunk, not a big one - a few thousand.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Help finance a 'reunion' in Oregon with our kids. Our oldest son's family is always the one traveling here, so we all need to go out there for a change. That would mean travel for 14.

Secondly, we'd redo the 2 bathrooms. Thinking of resale value, that would need to be done.

After that - save/invest.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

a few years back i received exactly this type of a surprise - looked at both putting it towards the mortgage or investing it - ended up putting it all into mutual funds, at the time the rate of return would/should have been higher than the mortgage rate.
spending it or taking a trip was not considered since we could do that if we wanted anyway.
still have not pulled the trigger on the camera - need one more conversation about a trip with the wife - this is what i would prefer to do with the miles.

10,000 I would have Jim put it to his tractor loan.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

If it was a few thousand it would go toward house repairs, maybe a trip.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

10% goes to tithes, part goes in the bank and probably redo our family bathroom

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I could have such fun with some extra money! I could answer pleas for money to help with cat rescues and help pay other peoples vet bills for a long, long time. Also, if Sampson needs it, pay to have his leg amputated without asking for help from my friend's children who said they would help with Sampson's bills when I adopted him. (Didn't help with the $700 UTI bill - hmmmm.) I could get a patio door put in the kitchen so I could get to the deck from the house and help my neighbors out by paying them to do it.

Thomaston, CT

Would put it toward a new car....80,000 miles on this one, & don't like to go past 100,000.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

80,000 is a good age for a car - what kind?

Thomaston, CT

Chevy Tahoe.....I ran my last Tahoe to 110,000, but then was sinking too much money into it.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

OK, you can keep it, I won't come whisk it away. ^_^ Sorry.

Plus DH's car just got fixed today - we thought it was a goner for sure but it just needed a new widget in the transmission!

This message was edited Jan 5, 2011 11:21 AM

Thomaston, CT

Transmission problems scare me!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

It was a "nothing" according to the experts (DH and the shop).

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

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