yellow clematis seeds can they be started indoors

Shirley, IN

I was given some yellow clematis seeds, I planted them indoors do you think they will grow also I have never seen a yellow clematis , she told me it has small flowers any idea to what kind it may be?

Pittsburgh, PA

Found sowing instructions on line:

Sow seeds surface of lightly firmed, moist seed compost in pots or trays and cover with a very light sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Seal container inside a polythene bag and keep at a temperature of between 59-68 degrees, or place in a cold frame or sheltered position outdoors. After sowing do not exclude light as it helps germination. Keep surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged. Germination can take 1 to 2 months and can be erratic.

I would try winter sowing them.

I found these descriptions on the Big-Dipper Farm web site for the yellow clematis.

Clematis tangutica 'Helios'
An excellent, small-flowered, coconut-scented variety. Yellow 2-4'' flowers are nodding and lantern-shaped when they emerge, becoming flatter as the petals open upwards. Flowers are followed by decorative seed pods which can be used in dried flower arrangements. Long blooming from June-Oct. Moderately drought tolerant and ideal for screening purposes or for growing over large shrubs. An award winning yellow. Clematis is the official flower for an 8th Wedding Anniversary and the perfect unique gift!
Zone: 4-8 Height: 6'

Clematis tangutica 'Radar Love'
Zone: 4-8 Height: 6'

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