new year new plants

Lake Stevens, WA

What are all the heuchera people doing?
I just ordered a few of the new ones from Premium Plant Plugs. The 'Redstone Falls' and 'Yellow Stone Falls' looked interesting. I have Spring fever!

Also, planted some seeds (today) that I collected this year in the greenhouse. They are a mix of what ever heuchera I have. Thanks to information from this group. I think it was Big Red that told me how to collect seeds.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Good luck with your seedlings. I've never tried it and haven't yet begun to even check out the new heucheras for spring.

You really do have spring fever..."and it isn't even spring".

Athens, PA

I have spring fever too. Our weather, at least up until today, has been very spring like with the birds singing in the morning. I have taken several walks around the yard to look at how all my little heuchs are doing..... can't wait to see those beautiful bottle brush like spikes of flowers on the tiarellas!

Lake Stevens, WA

We are having wondeful cold sunny days and freezing nights. Love the sun!! sure is a nice change from overcast and rain.
Looking forward to the spring growth on the heucheras. They look sad now.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

So glad to see a post. I check the boards frequently. These poor, forgotten souls must be lonely outside. I brought in only one (dolce peach melba), and it will be the first one I shoo out the door. The outside heuchs are pretty much covered with snow due to the post-Christmas storm.

It's a wait-and-see to find out which ones really make it. In-ground or potted doesn't seem to make much difference.

Athens, PA


I totally agree both with seeing a new posting and with seeing which ones make it through the winter. I had a lot of trouble with the plugs I bought last year because we were so hot for so long and with little to no water. I watered and watered and still lost all my plugs, so I am really hopeful that everyone makes it through the winter.....

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

The first time I bought plugs from a co-op I didn't do well. I learned to keep them in more shade than sun for two years and then could transplant them with more success.

Athens, PA


that always worked well for me until this past year. This past year was so hot and dry that even my shade plants were wilting. I watered as often as possible and have mulch down, but it is like I mentioned to my husband, I will not really know what plants I had lost until the following year.

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

I am so far away from spring I really shouldn't be thinking about it (but I am). Everything is buried under snow, and looks like it will stay that way for quite some time. Springcolor, I also saw 'Redstone Falls' and 'Yellowstone Falls' and thought they looked interesting, like they might look nice trailing out of a brick planter I have. If any of you guys in warmer climates try these out, would you post your experience?


Lake Stevens, WA

Some of my very cold Heuchera

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA


Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA


Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

#4 Just a few more

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

this one is 'Southern Comfort' I like this one!

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

#6 A few of my heucheras were a bit sick this fall so I brought them in the greenhouse. Thats all! Thanks for looking.

Thumbnail by springcolor
Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

I am so envious. You can see your heuchera! And you can leave them in pots for the winter and they'll still live! I've got a good 3-4 months to go. Peg

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Springcolor, even with the snow #2 is still very pretty. I love the way you've added the grass for accent.

Lake Stevens, WA

Last spring I had a fuschia call 'Quartet" or 'String Quartet'. It was pink. Long gone now.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

of course I got so excited that I forgot the photo!
And then I was so worried I missed the words.

Thanks for the inspiration with the photo's here are my Huchereas under all this.

This message was edited Jan 19, 2011 12:29 PM

Thumbnail by annabell52
Athens, PA

Annabelle -

zone 3 - how do they grow for you? Just curious as it is so much colder in your zone.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I have great sucess with the standard varieties it's the new ones that are touch and go.
My Limericky is about 4 yrs old as are my Licorice's and Razzbery Ice's . It seems that my Peach Melba has trouble getting going again as does my Peach Flambe.
I got some new ones last fall and dug a new bed for them so I hope the snow cover is the saving grace with them. I know that I throw snow on the West side to keep them dormant longer and that seems to help.
I will let you all know in our "Spring" April/ May ish.

Lake Stevens, WA

That looks so cold. Hope all your heuchera make it. The snow must keep them some what warm.

I did very well with the plugs from premium plant plugs so that's were I ordered some new ones. You are right that some of the new ones are not as tuff as the older varieties. Electra did poorly for me as well as miracle. Have them in the greenhouse with a few others trying to baby them along. Looks good so far.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Spring, I have a Miracle in my new back bed. I'll post if She and any of the new ones make it later on.
We don't tend to have the selection that is available in the US so lots of our "new" ones are not new to you folks.
I purchased the Miracle last August and it was $24.99 for a 8 inch potted plant. I did get it at a bit of a discount but it still was alot to pay for one plant.
It was too pretty for me to leave at the Greenhouse so I succumbed to it's spell.

Lake Stevens, WA

24.99 a bit on the pricey side but, Sounds like it was a huge one. Funny that one grew well the first year then this fall looked bad. Did yours turn red this fall with the cool weather.
Can you do any mail order from the states?

Athens, PA

My Miracle is generally red in the Spring. I have 2 of them and the one seems to get redder than the other.

Ann - do you have problems with the ground heaving? We tend to get a lot of frosts and thaws, thus the heaving. A couple of years ago, I lost several of my heuchs because of the heaving.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Spring, I think mine went redder in the fall. I will look for a photo and see.
Some plants can come over if the Seller has a Phyto certificate, I think that means they are approved for plants to come across the border. If I check on line and they have Canada as a destination then I can get them.

Carolyn, my ground stays pretty frozen for a long time and not much thawing happens until it's really thawing. For my plants on the south and west side I transfer snow over to them to keep them frozen as best I can for as long as I can and that seems to help stop the up and down problems. My new bed will be a test as it will get very early sun as the shade tree that could shade in spring leaves out late so the heaving may be a problem there. It's also raised and that also will mean an early warm up. I will see this spring.


Lake Stevens, WA

When spring comes post your babies. Love to see them.

Ok, so I got this idea from someone on DG about saving seeds from the heuchera. Well I did. You know the seeds are very small and I think that everyone germinated. I have a whole flat of seedlings. I know they are hybrid seeds so they will not come true to the parent. However, what fun it will be to see what I get. They are a mix of what plants I have.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Springcolor, how are your plugs doing? Did they take hold and are they indoors or out?

Lake Stevens, WA

The plugs will not come until May. So when they arrive I will grow outside in 4 or six inch pots. Then if all goes well will place in my large Containers. Most of my Heurcheras are in containers. Had some die over the winter. So sad.

I do have a ton of heuchera seedlings. I am having trouble posting pictures. My son is home and he said he would try and help me. Way to many buttons to push!

Lake Stevens, WA

I guess you mean from last year. They all did good. I am so looking forward that I forgot about last year.

However, a few had there roots eaten by root weevel. Saved some. My sugar and spice tiarella gone!! The top just came off in my hand.

I have since put in a granular systemic.
I'm going to work cleaning up today. I will take pictures but am having a problem getting them in a file off of picaso. Forgot how. Such a dunce when it comes to the computer

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

I only did plugs (the small starter plants) once. Gave one away, and of the other two, there is one survivor. That was two years ago, and while is survived the winter, it is not really a strong plant. Perhaps it is because it is caramel. So now I'm a little leery of doing it again.

Hoping the sweet tea heucheralla made it through the winter. It's in a 2-3 gallon container, but I cannot really see the crown like on all the heucheras. We had a much more brutal winter than usual and did not know what to expect. We still don't know wht's going on with the climate, but hoping for the best this summer.

Madison, WI(Zone 5a)

I'm enjoying reading your comments about your heucheras. Springcolor, I can't believe that your heucheras have leaves on in the winter. All my leaves are gone by the spring. But I have a sad story to tell. I have a heuchera garden with about 12 heucheras in it. It was under a 4 ft snow drift all winter, so I was excited when the snow started melting a couple weeks ago. I could finally see my heucheras. But I wasn't happy at what I saw. Mice had been tunneling around my heucheras and eating the crowns. Some of roots were exposed. I packed dirt around the roots that were exposed and filled in the tunnels. My husband put out mousetraps, and caught 10 so far. We haven't caught any for a week, so I think that we got all of them. Or they went on to other plants (hopefully not in my yard). I will have to wait until the weather warms up to see if any of my heucheras lived through the destruction. My 'Midnight Rose' and 'Lime Marmalade' look the worst.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

What a disappointment. I hope they come back for you. We actively go after mice, moles and voles Most of the heucheras are now getting back their new leaves. The biggest problem was heaving and needing more soil. Except for the Marmalade. It looks like it spent a vacation on another planet and is ready to be divided. Most of the plants are in containers, some 2 to a container, and were kept near our front door. There are 2 in containers on the side of the house that look like they were attacked with rusty colored paint, but you can still see the crowns.

I don't know if putting them in pots would help. You can always sink the pots or move them at will or bring them inside for the winter.

Let us know how you are doing.

Lake Stevens, WA

Bet you will see some kind of growth. 4ft of snow Oh my!! Hope your traps sent them packing!! We have snow but mostly for just a short time period, Then back to the rain.
If yours don't come up I usually have extras. Just sorting that out now. Going through pots and seeing what needs done.
Heucheralla are a bit different. Mine tend to really die back. Then but up new growth in the spring. This is my first winter with 'sweet tea' looks like it made it but sure looks ruff.
I have good luck with 'caramel' but you are not the only one that has issues with that one.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

I cut off the old growth from the Heucherella, and the new growth is coming in nicely. It did not exactly die back, but the old growth did not look so nice.

Everything seems to have come through with flying colors. The snow angel looked positively bald (deer?), but now has a full head of leaves.

A number of plants need to be divided. I really thought I had enough, but was "Shanghied" yesterday:
She has beautiful silvery red leaves and pretty little creamy flowers.

I thought I was being creative when I placed lily bulbs between 2 lovely Heucheras in a container. Now I cannot divide one until after the lilies bloom. What WAS I thinking?

Madison, WI(Zone 5a)

I thought I'd let you know that my heucheras are showing life. I only had two that didn't make it. Here's a picture of 'Midnight Rose'. You can see how the mice ate the crown, and how the new growth is growing around it. I was really excited when I saw the new growth.

Thumbnail by busy_gardener
Athens, PA

Wow busy -

I am impressed with MR's staying power.

Lake Stevens, WA

These are the plant plugs I bought from premium plant plugs. They are growing well. Almost time to move up a pot size. Heuchera-- Vienna, Venus, Peach Crisp, Mysteria, Ginger Peach, Cherry Cola, Blackberry Crisp, Berry Marmalade. Also, Heucherella--- Yellowstone falls and Redstone falls.
These 2 look interesting. They should be trailing.

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

These are some of my heuchera in the hospital. Some are cuttings and others are saved from the weevil.

Thumbnail by springcolor
Lake Stevens, WA

More heuchera being nursed.

Thumbnail by springcolor

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