Merino, Australia

Here we are , moved for Christmas. With all the coming and going, I thought we'd better move closer to the road.
I have put up a tree inside the Tea Room with lots of pretty things. If you look very close, you will see all your things hanging there somewhere.
I am just going out to look around and see if I can find some holly for the doorway. As I ordered a White Christmas here, there should be holly somewhere.
I will be back later to check on what the elves are doing so have a cuppa and enjoy the tree.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Forgot to put up the sign.
We came from here.

barmera, Australia

It's beautiful Jean. Good morning everyone. Lovely and cool again this morning. Hope it stays like this for Christmas. Not too hot and not too cold. You can enjoy a lovely hot lunch with the weather like this. The boys are getting so excited. Wait until they find out that we're going to John's. Whoo hoo they'll be doing cartwheels. BBxGHA is very slow coming out. It had better hurry or I won't be able to get pics to show you. Bucks Fizz still hasn't opened either but has a beautiful perfume. Cameren said it is very sweet not like Clementine which is lemon. He said it's lovely. They were getting a bit of practice in with my camera last night and took a few pics. They're a bit shaky because they're so excited at getting to use Gran's camera but they weren't too bad. Here's one of Branden's shot. Hope everyone has a great day. will be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Look two Clay Charley's Aren't they something. I made them. ☺ I love them. Need to make some more. Something for the tree.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
barmera, Australia

They're lovely Charleen. Just the right colour too. Colleen One of Cameren's pics

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello, I'm going to try and stop by a bit more these days. Colleen, the boys have taken quite good shots. Maybe budding photographers?
Charleen, those clay Charleys are brilliant. You are a clever thing! You'll give Sammut a run for her money in the arts and crafts dept.
Jean, what a lovely tree. I can see some 'me time' hanging on one of those branches. I cant wait for christmas morning.
I'm staying home to enjoy the garden (well, get ontop of it at least). We have had sun for two days, and it hasn't been too hot! Just lovely. I hope it stays that way for the rest of the week so I can get my jobs done, here and abroad.
Happy gardening all.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

sue-stranger!what brings you into this neck of the woods,.glad to yakkity /yack,..,..ive had a big day since 12,.30[knockoff day]-adios

Clifton Springs, Australia

Busy day yesterday, now I can't sleep......it echoes in here at night, doesn't it.
Colleen, the boys are on their way....wildlife or news photographers of the future and we can say that their first pix were featured here.
Are you all packed for your trip?
Hi Sue, glad you stopped by...
Charleen, the Charleys are great.....

Spent a fair bit of time the other night trying to figure out why my cousin's laptop printed the letter L backwards and upside down.
Turns out that Notepad does this in Lucida font, we only had to change the font.....thank you to all the Geeks out there who put the answers to questions on the web for all the world to see...Wouldn't you think that Microsoft would correct it or at least tell you that it happens.
No, that's too easy.

Jean, here is a bit of Holly for the doorway.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

So pretty Sue. (((Sue))) So glad yo stopped into see us. No, Elaine has it tops, she does beautiful mosiacs, I love her decorations too.
We have all been chatting along and welcome new chatter☺

Christchurch, New Zealand

well another hot windy day here - we are getting into the 30C weather - I put the sprinkler on one corner of the garden while I walked Copper, half an hour soaking should do it good, I've watered the rest & shifted the sprinkler to soak the woodland area.
The best thing was that I noticed my lily bud had started to split open, when I got back it was 3/4 open already!
it is bright orange & so thrilling to have a whole new plant magically appear.
11 years I have lived here & still there are surprises.
I'll put more pics of this in the lily thread.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
You may all be wet but I bet you are warmer than here. Its only 4C outside at the moment. Yesterday started out cold and damp but after lunch it was warm enough for me to take my jumper off.
I repotted quite a few of my brugs . Chrissy. I'm still watching those buds.
Teresa, what a lovely color that lily is. My mystery one turned out to be just an ordinary gold color.
Anthony, I am watching a lily in the front at the moment. It was among the yellows from you and has turned out to be something else. I cant wait for the buds to open. They hang down not up like the asiatics.
Hello Sue. Great to see you popping in. We love to hear about your garden etc. I was naughty and bought more bromeliads. I really must stop but I have hung 2 large baskets in the brom house and just need to get a few minis to fill them.
I have some new pups growing on some of the plants
Hello Dianne, thanks for the holly. Not long to wait now. I will be listening for the jingle of reindeer bells soon. I must remember to leave out some nibbles for Santa and the reindeer.
Charleen, I imagine if you left food out for the reindeer, Charley would eat it first.
I do like your decorations. So pretty. Take some cookies from the kitchen for Charley and friends for Christmas, from me.
Colleen, those boys will do well in later life with the care they are taking with things now. Great pics.
Louise, hubby is out cutting up some cooked sausages for the cat. Talk about spoiling rotten.
I bet you have lots of treats to put in the stockings for those two cutie girls for Christmas. Give them a pat from me.
Hello Elaine, I hope you are sitting and resting, watching everyone get things done for you.
Hello to everyone else out there.
I am still sitting near the small heater until the sun gets warm enough for me to venture out.
Have a great day and enjoy your gardens.
Heres something nice to have with your cuppa. Chocolate Coconut Slice.
Happy day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Jean, you are so right. Charley wants first choice on all foods. when I am filling Bird Feeders he wants it too. Once in a while I give them a nibble. But they sure don't need it, much like their Mama. We are all sort of fluffy. I have an Orange bromaliad and hubby is starting to like Broms too, he is "wait for sales to pick up a couple more" Isn't it funny???

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

theresa,its a day-lily,.,.very leathery petals,.,.make the most of it,because they are called day lilies for one reason!

Brisbane, Australia

Hello everyone. Haven't been well but back again today, much improved. Going to read all the posts, but not really up to replying yet. Never mind. Will be back with a vengeance soon :>). Hope everyone is doing well and all ready for Christmas. They are predicting a wet one here :

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We supposed to have snow!!! How amazing is that????☺

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

charlene-has the postman blown his whistle today?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, Yes! I got two Cards. Let me re phraze that. Charley got two Cards, he is ssoooo loved. Am I going to get a Card forCharley from You??? Oh, how wonderful. I love overseas mail. I will let you know if I get anything. Now, I am happy!!!! ((((hugs)))

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

no,i wondered if your postman fitted the profile of the' national lampoon''chevy chase'-'christmas vacation'-postman,who tore down the roadway in a 54 chev pick-up and threw the mail out the drivers window,-towards your postbox,.,..No i havnt posted anyone anything this year,im starting to feel like the 'gringe',.i did get a bigger turkey from work this year'mmmmmmmmm',cant wait!its going to be a strange and quiet christmas,.,.i slept in until 7am this morning[very odd],a big day of 10 pin bowling and about 20 of those little red bottles to drink,the night b4,made me slightly comatose,.and ive been very lethargic today,wandering about pollenating lilies and tagging them,oooooh!-anthony

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh Anthony, you got Charleen all worked up! I bet you feel lousy now! But maybe thats the 20 little red bottles from last night!
Jean, more bromeliads! Thay are addictive little buggers aren't they? I have to tell you that the 'must have' phase does pass, but not untill you have filled every inch of space, and have pups falling out of the pots.
Dianne, I was just reading a lovely garden book I got for xmas, and there were two topiary variegated hollys! Where can I get some cuttings?
Theresa, I have that same daylily, and it dies down every winter, to return again in spring. Sometimes I forget they are there and mow over them, but they don't seem to mind. I see you have other buds, so maybe a 'week' lily.
Karen, sorry to hear you haven't been well, but glad you are on the mend.I hope you are back to running around in circles by Christmas day.
Charleen, My husband likes to select bromeliads now too, but I keep telling him, 'we've got that one, or one very like it, do we really need two?' and to my surprise, the answer is usually yes!
I know I haven't been around much. Time has been very short, and I felt a bit knocked around by recent events. The Christmas spirit is starting to have an effect on me now though, and I am enjoying things once again. Got the tree, with the tinsel and lights, bought a small portion of smoked turkey and some stollen and brandy custard, so Its all go!
Anyway, I'm popping over to the bromeliad thread, but I'll be back!

barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. Just letting you know that we're off tomorrow for a few days. I was told by a good source that he's on his way and here's a pic to prove it. Everyone have a wonderful Christmas and I'll talk to you soon. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

And he has Charley the big red mule to help pull that sleigh too. Charley says "santy takes to long to deliver, I'll speed up those reindeers" ☺ Durn, Anthony, I was expecting a card, you rascal you! My postperson drives to my mailbox and stuffs it in, unless I have a package, they bring it to the house.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Yes Colleen, he's almost here. I thought I heard sleigh bells last night in the distance in Tea Room land.
Have great time away.
Anthony, You had better stick to water over Christmas or you may get lost in the liliums.
Karen, glad to see you up and around and feeling better. Have a restful time over the weekend.
Charleen, I know why Charley wants to help Santa, all those treats left out for the reindeer.
Hello Sue, yes, I may nearly have enough broms. My son asked why I need so many plants. He should talk, with a large garden full of everything.
Chrissy, if you pop in, I hope you have a really great Christmas with your brother .
Elaine, enjoy the weekend and being waited on.
Teresa, enjoy the weekend and I do hope the shaky isles have stopped shaking by now.
Louise, have a lovely time with all your visitors. Its not everyone that would think of those less fortunate.
hello to everyone else. Its shopping day so I hope there is some Christmas orphan waiting for me in the shops somewhere.
Have a great day. and help yourself to all the nibbles in the kitchen. I haven't put any out as the elves eat everything so quickly.
I went out last night in the snow to have a look at the tree outside the Tea Room.
Beautiful. All ready for Santa.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coffs Harbour, Australia

good morning early birds. Rained here all night! I hope it clears up so I can get some gardens and lawns tidy for Christmas day. Nevermind, can't help the weather!
I'm not sure what to do with myself as I have been busy getting organised and have nothing left to do. Maybe I can wash some pots in preparation for my time off. I have LOTS to do there.
Colleen, have a nice time away for Christmas. It must be fun to be around littlies and to see their faces on Christmas morning.
Jean, I hope you find lots of bargains while you are out.
Charleen, Charley would make a great sleigh leader!
I'll still be here, popping in over xmas, so I'll see you all later.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I planted a white Camilla and several Azaleas today. With the rain we have been getting they should grow. DH planted some cedar trees in the pasture.
Yes, Charley would get all the cookies and really speed along with those little reindeer trying to eat them up from them. He is afraid Santa will give them the cookies. He knows that little plump man can't eat them all.
Hugs and nuzzles to all.

Brisbane, Australia

For those that are going away, like Colleen, I hope you have a safe and happy Christmas. For those staying at home, I'll be popping in from time to time, just to see what everyone is doing.
Take care.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Just popped in to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!

Pic is of my grandson Elijah.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. I just couldn't stay away. I'm now in Adelaide but still keeping an eye on you. Colleen

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello all, rain, rain, rain. On the plus side, I guess my holiday has started early! I went into the local shopping plaza last night and had my hair cut and coloured, which was a real treat, so now I'm all glamorous for the festive season. It was crazy in there! Look people....ITS ONLY ONE DAY! Of course, my DH has a tradition of going gift shopping on xmas Eve, don't know why he does it to himself, but I might go along for the excitement! The emotions radiating off fellow shoppers is amazing! I have to get my jollies somewhere! he he.
Anyway, I might have to drag out the old handicraft box to keep myself busy if the weather stays damp, which is a good thing, as I haven't been creative (indoors) for a couple of years now.
Anyway, I hope some of you are getting nice weather for Xmas and that you are all organised. Colleen, have a great time in Adelaide. I've never been there, so if you get any pics of interesting land marks e.t.c, I'd love a look.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. It is a good morning here. Sorry Sue, but I don't want any more rain for a week or so. Yesterday was cold at first them warmed to a lovely warm day. Ii didn't find any orphans but I did buy a length of shadecloth to go over the brugs and orchids . They live outside but I want to keep the hot sun ?? and frost off them.
I have another hippie opening, orange and white stripes.
Hello Colleen. I have been to Adelaide and found it quite a nice place. I hope you find some interesting plants there.
Hello Marlene and Karen. Enjoy your Christmas.
Charleen, is Charley ready for takeoff with Santa ?
I love his red hat but he doesn't have a shiny nose like Rudolph.
Hello to everyone else. I know you are all very busy so will leave out a beautiful Christmas cake and wish you all a very Happy and safe Christmas.
Don't forget to rest after the festivities spend some relaxing time in your gardens.

Merino, Australia

Silly me. Clicked the wrong button and forgot to put out the cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Jean I guess we could wire him up with a battery powered light. Think that would help.? guess what I got in the mail? Dear Anthony sent me and Charley some Aussie Calenders and I love them and him for sending them. Thank you Dear Friend. I love them. The ones with all the animals are gorgeous and great.
Hugs and nuzzles

Brisbane, Australia

Hello everyone, and Colleen, hope you are enjoying Adelaide. Charleen, so glad you got a nice surprise from Anthony. That is the sort of Christmas spirit that I love. Jean, I can't wait to get started on the Christmas cake, it looks delicious.

Sue, I went to the shops this morning just to see if there was anything I had to have that I hadn't thought of, but amazingly, most of the Christmas stuff was gone. Coles had sold out of things like cakes and puddings, and another gift shop that had beautiful gift ideas last week had completely sold out and had all new, non Christmas stock in. Yet the TV reported that retailers were saying that sales were way down! Personally I think many of them didn't have anything worth buying, and what they had was marked up ridiculously high. They get too greedy at Christmas.

Well, grumpy way to be on Christmas Eve. I shall put on my Christmas bells and smile away the rest of the day.

Cheers to all.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Clifton Springs, Australia

Merry Christmas everyone..
Have a lovely day tomorrow.....everything is ready, my g.daughter has made Christmas cupcakes so they should be interesting.
Lovely thought Anthony, you've made Charleen very happy..
I will have a garden full of Brugs tomorrow...all the plants that I bought in January are in flower...
My relatives and friends will be very impressed.
The Liliums are blooming beautifully too.
Hope it doesn't rain too much in the north and in the U.S.
Be happy and safe everyone.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Merino, Australia

I know its not dark yet but I will be busy later and I wanted to tell you that I heard sleigh bells a while ago. I think he may be getting an early start because of the weird weather.
have a great time tonight and over the weekend. I may just pop in to make sure there are nibbles in case anyone is looking for a quiet cuppa.
Stay safe and dry everyone
................HAPPY CHRISTMAS...... Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coffs Harbour, Australia

no more food! I am full to bursting! I only went to the local shops and there was plenty to go around. I managed to get a couple of good books for holiday reading and some new shampoo for my new doo!
Karen, i'm sorry your shopping experience went awry! I plan to go to Coles on Sunday for the xmas specials. i usually get my cards and wrap then, and had my eye on some placemats, which I hope are still there.
Dianne, sounds like your garden is going to look wonderfull for xmas.
Lucky you Charleen. Anthony fooled us all. Now I have to eat my words (and i really am full) and apologise for telling him off. I expect he's on those little red bottles again!
Jean, thank you for the cake. Maybe I'll have a peice tomorrow if theres any left. I'm not used to this kind of food! Sweet, rich, creamy, buttery and all that. I need to go drink a litre of water I think.
The frogs are croaking tonight, must be more rain coming! This is our newest arrival, he needed saving so has come to live with us. We've nicknamed him Gulliver! He's huge
Anyway, Merry xmas for tomorrow. See you here later no doubt.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

''the quiet acheiver''-no Sue[nearly forgot the capital]-we've been prepping the christmas food,i just cooked up a big serve of 'mushies in butter on the bbq'-now,washing down with 4xxxx.,.its been a strange quiet day,and believe it or not,1 christmas miracle has already happened,.-the lilies are blooming well,and i might get a pic of my front garden for tommorow,it looks ''bellissimo''-thanks to 'Fays help',.truly,a merry christmas to everyone and thank you for your support,in what has been a very trying year-anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I hope you have a better New Years and everyone stays happy and healthy New year. Anthony is a dear, so sweet, just as you all are. Wanting you all t have a
Wonderfully Merry Christmas and hope you get what you all want or need.
Hugs and love to all.
Sue, Anthoney is a wonderful person to send me my calendars. I will think of you all, all through the year.
Hugs to all

Merino, Australia

Good morning to anyone up and around . It is a rather dull morning here and looks like it wants to rain. I spoke to the offspring yesterday and will ring my dear 99 old aunt today to wish her Merry Christmas.
Hubby bought me chocolate and a nice new electric kettle , which I wanted.
I bought him trousers and a new belt which he wanted, so smiles all round.
It will be a nice quiet day here. i always do a roast dinner though. I do like my Christmas dinner with pudding of course.
I will leave some nice cakes in the kitchen in case anyone wants to escape all the Christmas excitement.
In memory of Leisa and Brian , some lovely Cream Cakes. I bet they are sitting back enjoying a few glasses of some heavenly wine.
Happy Christmas all.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

Merry Xmas everyone!
we are having a lazy morning watching the DVD of the 2009 Omaka airshow.
Hubby & I were at that one & are enjoying having our memories refreshed.
We are all booked in for the next show - Easter 2011.
Later we will head over to my brother & his family for a big shared Xmas with all the whanau, in laws, out laws, waifs & strays all welcome :)

Christchurch, New Zealand

I am famous....
just saw hubby & me on the dvd of the air show - we were at the formal dinner enjoying the awards presentation.
Glad we dressed up :)

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