CLOSED: Seed Swap

Oakland, MD

I am working on getting a seed swap going in a different way.
This is open to anyone that would like to participate in a group swap, and can send a few or as many as you like in seeds packets.

There is the details
Send in any kind of seed you would like to share with others.
Include a list of seeds that you send and how many of each variety. Please no more then 5 variety of one kind. Please also include a wish list so that I can try to get some of your wants. When the deadline rolls around, I will then swap the seeds around, and mail you need seeds back.

Include enough postage and a return label to you, for me to return your new fresh seeds to you You are welcome to include a self addressed envelope inside if you would like.

This is a great way to get rid of extra seeds that you may have for new fresh ones. Remember that how many that you send in will be the number that you will receive back. For the ones that send in more then one kind don't worry you will not get more then one packet of the same kind of seeds.

For those that would like to participate I will email each of you with my mailing address. I think this would be a fun way to do it. This way you don't have to worry about watching for the Big package to come and having to worry about getting back in the mail. This way I can mail out everyone's out all at once and I will let you all know when I do.

For those that would like to participate I would like to have the seeds by Jan. 31, 2011.

If interested please let me know


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