New Bees 12/17/10 friends - new and old...Come on in...

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

The holidays are upon us... The seed catalogs are in the mailbox... Tell us about your day and your plans for Spring...

We're a fun bunch and we love to chat, so don't be shy!!

This is the place to chat and hang out and share with friends - new and old...

Any links you all want me to add to this let me know!

We came from here...

Come on in...

Direction for free seeds for newbies here...

Newbies that get lost and found here...

Lasagna Beds for newbies here...

Thumbnail by locakelly
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I got a lovely package from dear Al in my mailbox today;o) Thanks Al! My kiddos love the glasses - way cool!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I've heard of people using fabric softener sheets to keep the skeeters away, but not on the halter for bugs. Does it keep the ticks off too?

Booneville, AR

loca thank you love this nettie my thumb was grtting real wore out this will be lots better, mekos didn,t marti order alot of old roses awhile back or was it some one else those would be real nice to have cittings off , do tou remember who it was. nettie

This message was edited Dec 17, 2010 9:17 PM

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

It was me that got alot of old garden roses, and David Austins. Next summer I'll have cuttings for trade.

Booneville, AR

i thought i had it correct but the way my mind works i wouldn.t say for sure, ill try and be ready be sure and give me a heads up. ill have to take cuttings of some of myne and try to make sure i have the stuff i need to send them in nettiemekos wants la. iris need to write all this down you will have to help me remember. love and good night nettie

This message was edited Dec 18, 2010 12:24 AM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Nettie .... do you have a large aray of iris?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Crit. I don't know about ticks. Remind next spring and I'll tie some around my ankles and walk in my woods. We have loads of ticks in there. But I do love to go for walks.

Philadelphia, PA

Happy Birthday Jan

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Happy birthday Mekos today! Have a good one Jan!


Hello everyone. Woke to a little warmer morning! How nice to not freeze first thing.
Was raining but no ice so I am counting my blessings.
Nettie you are awsome with kids and iffin I had any young and needed someone watching them, I'd look for someone just like you. I know the kids love being with you. Sounds like you all had fun. We watch animal planet all the time. DH favorite channel.
Arejay is back from her trip. Maybe she will tell us about it later after she gets a rest.
Have you guys tried the spray skin so soft bath oil for the animals, it does help to repel bugs too. I spray it on my little goats in the summer. Just a light mist over them and it helps. We are bad to get the biting flies. I'm close to dairy farms and black angus farms and we got LOTS of bugs and flies and mosquitos around here. Usually there is a couple months during the hottest part of summer you have to RUN straight to the car to keep from being attacked. I cannot go out except long sleeves and constantly swinging my arms to fight them off. AWFUL!

Sorry we over posted there Mitt and Al. Thanks!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

rrm, becareful about ticks. Last year, just after I arrived here my sister was admitted to the hospital with tick fever. It took her the better part of 6 months to get back to almost normal. She is still having some problems due to the tick fever.

Houma, LA(Zone 9a)

Rained all night and most of the early morning. Too muddy to play in the garden, plus I just cleaned all the muddy shoes. Guess I will spend the day perusing my gardening books. I suppose that's as close as I will get to the real thing today :0( I don't know how you folks in the snowbound regions do it....I'd go crazy if I had to do without my garden ALL winter. Guess it just makes you love it all the more when spring comes around,huh?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I am frightened of the ticks for that reason. I hope she gets over it completely. She will have to be extra careful.

Booneville, AR

mekos my friend happy birthday good thing others thought about it got to go put clothes in dryer. be back in a few. nettie.

Booneville, AR

mekos do you think if i plant yhose bulbl in yhe greenhouse they will be ok some are starting to sprout don.t know about pitting them in the ground what do you think nettie,

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Doctor says she won't get any better. But another tick bite would be worse, so she has to stay away from areas with ticks. I keep the yard cut down and we have a guy come and spray the yard and house every other month.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

i don't blame you. At all!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

mekos .... I've used the SSS on myself, but for 3 full size horses everyday..
A. That would be pretty expensive
B. My pumping finger would either get extra muscular or poop out completely. LOL

I need something that covers everything, bugs, flies, ticks, etc., like the cattle eartags do. I had to buy a full box of tags, which isn't cheap!, and need to use them. I used them on my horses halters before and they worked very well, but had the proper eartag gun to attach them with. I also put them on my dogs, at my veterinarian's suggestion, to keep critters off of them. My dogs are small, 12 &22 lbs., so I use 1/2 tag on each one. PLUS .... they last about 3 months and don't 'wash off'.

Oh, BTW ........... LOL

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

When you say tick fever, is that what you mean or is that another name for Lymes disease? I know with Lymes, if you get them off within 24 hours of them biting into you, they will not of had time to transfer the disease to you and you will be OK.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Can"t you run them on those circle things like you put keyrings on to protect your aniamls.
It is the same thing I think. it is very bad thing to get.
I got your Card and Thanks, I loved it Crit. Al. got my Card and snowman glasses. I can see tiny snowmen even with my eyeglasses on, so neat. Thank you Love the Calendar. Will take them to church to let them mail to someone. Thank you.
Hugs and nuzzles to both of you.
Charleen and Charley.

This message was edited Dec 18, 2010 7:41 PM

Booneville, AR

rrm iloved the sunday paper laughed myself silly juse like me love nettie

Nettie, I'm sure it would be ok to plant the bulbs in a pot and put in the greenhouse, anywhere it won't freeze them should be good since they are sprouting.

Hey everyone look at this.....

Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone. HUGS and lots of LOVE!

Booneville, AR

bill and mark use vanilla food flsvoring for keeping nats off them when they go fishing thet say its really good i don.t go that much so don.t have to wory about the nats.use fly wipes on mollie it works good she will come and let me kill the horse flies off her.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Sorry I'm a little late chiming in... Happy Happy Birthday my dear friend;o)

Thanks! Here are the babies tonight at 3 weeks.

Thumbnail by mekos

Another shot.

Thumbnail by mekos
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Awwwwwwwwww - how sweet;o)

Booneville, AR

hi all went to church with bill got sick and had to come home got nearly home and saw a deer headed to the road knew i couldn,t stop in time so gased it deer went over the fence and my6 little car it was one hi jumping animal and im so glad he wasall i saw was back legs belly i feel real blesed i bet that deer does also h0pe you laa had a good day love and hugs nettie mekos those pups are s0 sweat talk later.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

My baby, Troubles and his friend taking a nap! The big black one's name is Mojo

Thumbnail by marti001

OH Marti, Look at them share a chair! How cute! Do they get along all the time or do you have fights? They look cozy. Like best friends.
Nettie, I'd say someone had HIS arms around you with that deer. I'll bet your guardian Angel had her hands full getting that deer higher than the car. So glad you are safe. Get some rest!

Booneville, AR

you are wright my little car is a ford focus great on gass but my son calls it my silver bullit. butterfly licens plate on back garden club on the front. great for running around in. and i like to run around if you know what i mean. im a going to bed hope i don.t get sick again good night all. nettie

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Love the dog and cat picture. think they are comfy????

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Mojo was raised with cats from the time he was a puppy. BTW he is half pitbull, half bluetick.
He thinks that the cats are just part of his family. All three of my cats and Mojo share my bed every night, but Troubles is the only one that cuddles with him.

Booneville, AR

mekos tell her to go to an auto parts place and get some plastic pull ties they work real well for doing things like that and come in alot of diferent sizes jost cut excess off nail clippers will work or anything sharp enough to cut through them. i used yhem to puy doll bodies togeather they ware real long time. love nettie

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is what I was trying to think of, that's what Crit needs for her Tags.

Booneville, AR

hi al got a nice package in the mail today thank you very much i like all of it parker will like yhe glasses the tree has little snow men all over it. the first thing he will say is how do they do thatnot a good question for gmaw. think i will tell him its magic;he will also have to have a few sunflower seed. thank you again love nettie .

Al, I got a package today and so sweet of you. Thank you so much. I love it all.
Here is a cute little game to watch from Arejay. She had to do something to keep her busy while she was on vacation in the sun on the beach. She, Nettie and RRM in Green. Got Loca, Al and Marti in RED!
Hope you all enjoy.

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