another old timer

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Back when I was young sailor, a fellow brought his 51 Kaiser Manhattan in to a service station. The lights are going dim and the battery going dead, he reported. The old fellow running the station had pull it the bay, where he promply popped the hood, look over the engine compartment, the went his work bence and picked up a big ballpein hammer. He lean over the engine compartment and gave the generator a good whack. ( they had generators not alternators in those days). It immediately started charging. When everything was normal, he told the client , That will be 28 bucks. "Twenty eight dollars" said the fellow, "just for hitting my car with a hammer. Ridiculous, I want an itemised bill. Of course the olfd fellow said and promply got a notepad, wrote on it tore it off and handed it to the customer.

Hitting generator with hammer $3.00. Knowing where to hit $25.

Yuska, your mechanic storry reminded me of that one.

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