anybody eating joy weed?

Laie, HI

A few weeks ago I was given a cutting of some green leafy plant that I was told was edible and an easy vege to grow. I had never seen it before but right off could tell that it was in the joy weed ( as called in Hawaii) family just by the plant structure. That is the Alternanthera family. The leaves are a bit bigger than the common garden plant used for edging gardens. It is now a healthy plant and I want to start eating it but just wanting a little more info before I start to share it out. I do not even have a common name for it but it came via a guy in a university tropical agriculture program so I think it is legit. Anybody know anything about it? pictures as usual. I had a bit of a google around but am not finding anything about edible alternanthera. Thanks ahead for any knowledge shared. aloha

Keaau, HI

The plant is probably Sissoo Spinach, Alternanthera sissoo.

It is quite good as a salad vegetable or cooked like spinach.

Stem cuttings root easily, and it is a very easy to grow ground-cover.

I've been growing it for several years, and it has almost no pest or disease problems.

Laie, HI are wonderful....thank you. are right on. I appreciate the info and the tropical cuisine looks like a good web site to keep an eye on. Thanks so much.

I guess this Brazilian "spinach" will be added to my Okinawan, Polynesian, Malabar, New Zealand and Chinese "spinach" collection. :0)

Keaau, HI

You're very welcome!

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