Something pretty for the season -

(Zone 7a)

Hope everyone is well. Found this Christmas card on another forum, and thought y'all might enjoy it.

Full screen is best + sound

szarvas, Hungary

Thanks Karen, really pretty !

(Zone 7a)

You're welcome, Dany.

I wish the best of everything to everyone and all faiths and belief systems for this season and the coming new year -


This message was edited Dec 15, 2010 12:28 AM

Gautier, MS

Thought this is nice too!

Merry Christmas !!

NW/Central , IL(Zone 5a)

Both just lovely. I enjoyed them so much! Merry Christmas :)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Karen and Helena for sharing

(Zone 7a)

Robin and Sarah, I enjoyed your card, too. A friend just sent me this card - another cute spirit lifter -

Everyone feel free to keep adding anything celebratory. I'm still looking for something for Kwanza, Hannukah, Yule, etc. Could use some more help here.

Thanks again, everyone :)


(Zone 7a)

A Digital Story of the Nativity - cute, funny and harmless, but maybe not too amusing to the reverent -

(Zone 7a)

For both the reverent and irreverent - Today is the solstice, and there's a rare lunar solstice tonight. Here is NASA's Picture of the Day offering on the subject -


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Should start here around 142 am my time. Hope the clouds lift so I
can see it. This will be the only lunar eclipse for a yr or so is what my local
news station reported.

(Zone 7a)

Oops - should have been clearer about how rare this is - This is the first lunar eclipse to occur on the solstice in 456 years.

Evidently, there are many different factors that are suspected to influence weather, and this NASA website might be a good daily reference for solar and other astronomical events that could be playing a part in some of the strange weather we've been seeing, too.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

edit: removed comments which didn't pertain to morning glories

This message was edited Dec 22, 2010 10:34 AM

(Zone 7a)

Edited to say - Nifty, don't know which is more interesting - conflicting information from NASA regarding the time elapsed between the 12/20/10 lunar eclipse occurring on the solstice and the previous one - or what they were thinking that led to the discrepancy.

If you believe one to be fact and not the other at this time, that's okay by me - it's all good. I am curious, however, to know which one is true and why.

I appreciate your research and hope I haven't put you off from sharing more of your ideas with this forum in the future. There have been solar events that have been strongly correlated with agricultural/gardening activity in the past, and it would be wonderful to explore that more in the future. For example, and this is just from memory so needs to be verified with research - the Maunder Minimum (spelling?) when the sunspot cycle of our sun reached a low of activity that coincided with the little ice age in Europe around 1750 (not sure of date) that lasted long enough to cause considerable hardship. If my memory is working, another solar minimum either occurred recently or may be about to.

As mutable/changeable as morning glories are, paying attention to solar and other astronomical events might be particularly interesting. So, please stay with us and accept my apologies if I seemed confrontational - have sent you dmail.


This message was edited Dec 24, 2010 1:41 PM

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

edit: removed comments which didn't pertain to morning glories

This message was edited Dec 22, 2010 10:34 AM

(Zone 7a)

Merry Christmas, nifty

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

edit: removed comments which didn't pertain to morning glories

This message was edited Dec 22, 2010 10:35 AM

(Zone 7a)

edited my post here -

(Zone 7a)

I am sorry for the misunderstanding, and hope the spirit of this thread will be most remembered.

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