Do You Hang Onto Appliances/Tools You Never Use?

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Out of curiosity the other day, I opened a cabinet just to see what I had up on the top shelf. I never even think about the top shelf, so what do I have tucked away up there? Oh, a new Food Processor I thought I must have! It's been there about a year and I have used many times? Oh, exactly...none! I thought it would be so nifty for cutting up the veggies for my salads. But everytime I think about using it, I consider the fact that it may take longer to clean the darned thing than it would take to manually cut the veggies.

So there in the cabinet, taking up space, is a new small appliance that is of no use to me. I also notice I have an electric mixer that I haven't used in years. I can't think of a recipe I have that calls for an electric mixer but I've hung onto it thinking I might use it someday. I remember my mother used hers a lot. What could I possibly use it for that I can't hand mix? As soon as I get rid of it, the answer will be revealed. I also have a coffee pot that hasn't been used in years. I don't drink coffee. Last week I finally took it to one of our work days in a building that was cold so we could have hot chocolate and coffee while working there. I have a Foodsaver vacuum sealer that I thought I'd really use. Used it about 5 times.

I had a small chest freezer that was full of my brother's deer meat and fish. I decided it was taking up MY valuable space, and he didn't want the freezer, so I carted all his meat to his house and sold the freezer. Now he wants a freezer. He friend got a couple of deer this season and they need a freezer for all the meat.

I'm going to give some serious thought to what needs to be culled from the pack. So many appliances are just taking up space. Even the bbq grill outside is useless to me. I don't grill; my brother next door makes better steaks than I could ever attempt. I think I'll give him my grill utensils.

I do have two blenders which get a daily workout. I make fruit smoothies everyday, and I know one day I'll burn these two up. I also have a sandwich grill that I love. It's great for toasting my sandwiches, making burritos, etc. It's easy to clean too and that's a must.

What appliances/tools do you keep around and wonder why? Do they just take up space and collect dust? Will you continue to keep them? Will this post make you actually use them? Or will you put your blinders on and continue to ignore them. LOL What appliances/tools are your most useful?


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