Anybody else worried about the food crisis?

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

I have been growing small crops out of my small backyard for about a year, at first it all started as an experiment to see if I could do it, then it turned into a wonderful hobby something that I enjoyed doing but lately the more I listen to the news and what is happening in the world around us I am beginning to think that growing food is going to become a necessity for years to come. I really believe that sooner or later there is going to be a food shortage in the world.

A friend of ours uncle, a long time farmer in Mississippi, he was incarcerated for growing plots from his own saved seeds and selling the product to market, according to the big gov agencies the farmer's seeds could be polluted and therefore could endanger the population, but I really have to wonder if this is more of a control issue, if the Government is allowed to control the food industry then they can control everything.

I found some interesting you tube videos that I wanted to share, this are more about the controversy of oil industry and how dependent farmers are on oil to operate their farms.

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