Hanging in there part 5

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

We came from here. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1137813/
I didn't like the last picture of me, it needed a bit of a pick-me-up. LOL

We are getting our share of Lake Affect snow, I stayed home from work today, glad I did, it has been snowing these fine flakes since Dec 1, but today we seem to be getting hit harder, and the wind has picked up.
It is a dense snow, not that big fluffy stuff that buries you up to the knees.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

We had some flurries here but no accumulation, crazy crazy wind though

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

the same here Jen

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for sharing that beautiful smile with us!

Spotted a few micro-flakes in the wind, but the snow missed us... got some pretty dang "brisk" winds, though!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Chris, thanks for the new thread and photo. Yes, you contemplated then and now you smile. Your hair really grew in nice!

We've had flurries for two days and the only snow that stuck is in the gardens and flower beds. There is a tiny bit in the grass.

Oh, we had a busy weekend!

Friday, we picked one Grandchild up from home and the other from school. After dinner, we decorated the tree. The oldest got serious about hanging and the youngest was more interested in opening the boxes.

Saturday, we visited an old barn that was rescued and just recently had an elevator put in. The curved roof is nothing more than straight boards overlapping. It was dark and I didn't take the camera. They both made a rope with a rope maker. Pretty cool!

Sunday was a Holiday Stroll and we ran to West Liberty for treats and a chance to see businesses. Last stop was the meat locker. They had a table FULL of smoked turkey and ham, deer jerkys and bolognas and brats. All eaten with toothpicks. We came home with a 14# smoked ham to chunk for our Christmas Feast. We visited Santa in our own former gas station, turned, ''old guys talk cars place.'' Then they went home and ate candy :o)

Yesterday, I put decorations up at my elderly relatives house, came home and wrapped gifts and put out the squirrel corn and bird feeders. It's flurried both days and we barely have any snow on the ground :o)

Today, I need to finish the house. I'm debating. If I hang in the bedroom, I'll have to wash the walls first. I'll let you know :o)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Billy, sounds like you are really in full Holiday Mode. Sounds like a lot of fun. Nice to hear the grandchildren working in harmony.
I really liked the way my hair color came in this time, the gray is more evenly distributed. I have had it cut twice, I'll be keeping it short with a little length at the neck.
I was a little down yesterday afternoon after I heard about Elizabeth Edwards, I went on a BC forum and a lot of my sisters are feeling like we were punched in the stomach. So hard hearing about one of us loosing the fight.
The wind was blowing all night, every time I woke up last night I could hear the vent in the attic spinning, it wasn't loud just a bumping in the distance. Sometimes when our cat Fred gets trapped in the bathroom he will bang on the door, it sounds just like the vent spinning, but I knew he was downstairs when I went to bed last night. And the wind chimes were getting a work out too.
Several weathermen were in Erie yesterday reporting, so we made National News.
Picture of the garage roof yesterday.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Ladyg, Yes I heard the news about Elizabeth Edwards she certainly put up a battle. Had a lot to deal with as well. I just saw her on The Nate Berkus Show a few days ago. A friend of mine from work just died a couple of days ago. Both him and his wife were diagnosed just weeks apart shortly after he retired. Such a horrible disease.
On a nicer note did you get the 20 inches of snow I heard your area as to get?????

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Some areas got more snow then others, where I work in Ohio I guess they got very little, that is very close to the lake. The further south you go there is more snow. Last night on the TV they were posting closings and 2 hour delays for this morning's school openings.
I got out my 2 little trees for Christmas today, and decluttered a shelf and the kitchen table. Now that I am spending more time at home smoe small things are getting done. My girls are enjoying me being home too, they are getting spoiled. LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


The snow on your garage door looks like vanilla icing on a cake.....
All nicely layered.........

That's what I thought, anyway......Gita

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, LOL If the garage was a dark brown I could put up a few candy canes and gumdrops and pass it off as a Gingerbread house.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yeah, but we could never pass you off as a wicked witch!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

saw Mike Seidel on Weather Channel in 'Erie Co PA' "They' say theres a storm coming next week too.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Jill, tell that to the neighborhood kids, LOL (I don't like them in my yard and chase them out.They are usually up to no good)
Sally I heard that too, I think we have had only 1 hour of sunshine since Dec 1st. that why we are called Dreary Erie. When I broke my wrist 2 Octs ago, the young Resident told me to get more vit D, "go out in the sun" he said.. I looked him in the eye and said "What sun, Doctor, we're in Erie remember". He didn't argue with me on that point.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Just having fun with this!

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

"Up on the house top
Reindeer paws..."


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Chris, you're obviously having a lot of fun with that scrapbooking program! What fun!!! Love your pages - thanks for sharing them.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I'm like a kid with a new toy. LOL

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

nice Chris... going to give me decorating ideas with that kind of stuff!!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Chris, harmony is right. They are at that squabbling age and the youngest is the loudest :o). I keep saying ''Help your brother, don't hurt your brother.'' I try to keep things even and fair. but the oldest needs some special big boy things he can call his own.

I agree, I think your hair color looks nice!

I felt bad for her too. I'm sure she put up a fight, but too much stress takes a person down and she had more than her share.

Wow, look at the snow! Love the layers the wind made.

Gita, smiling, I wrote before I read. We had the same thought :o)

Chris, suddenly your house just got yummy!

Jill, LOL! Good one!

Chris, love the house decor! So that's what scrapbooking is. Not being the least bit crafty, I never knew. My scrapbook consists of local stories and obits from the newspaper over the years.

The flurries that started out so promising 35 minutes ago have tapered to almost nothing. I was all set on being cozy inside while the weather raged on outside :o(

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

The sun has been shining today and I got outside and pushed some snow off the deck. MaryChris followed Penny along the side of the house where the snow was not very deep. Penny back tracked but MaryChris went the regular way and could not get over the snow drift, so I ended up cutting her a path, she just sat in the snow watching me, shivering.

My DD was into scrap-booking and did some nice things, and my hairdresser is into it big time.I was interested but did not want to get into the cutting, pasting and storing all sorts of supplies. I can still print out my work and glue things onto the pages if I want to make a printed album. I'm thinking of scanning some brochures of places I have been to and using the scans for background of my pictures.

Billy, it's good to see you posting again, hope you are feeling much better.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

and yes, I know it's reindeer "pause," as in stop for a bit... but I always heard it as "paws" as a child. I like that version better!

LadyG, I'm glad you're doing ordinary things again (like shoveling a little snow) and finding a new hobby to enjoy, too!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Chris, I had to smile over the path you cut.We make paths all over the yard for the cats that come to drink from the heated water bowls. We find prints and start scooping :o)

I'd never find time to scrapbook.

Thanks, I still have a tiny headache hanging on, but I am up and at em!

Jill, I like the "paws" better too!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

It's it funny how some songs the words sound different to us.
We had a good laugh at work when one of our younger assistants said the in the song Margaretta Vile said "stepped on a pop tart" instead of "pop top"
And in What a feeling, is she really singing "take your pants off" ?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

...I used to think it was--"Strumming your face with my fingers"....
Whatever that song is called......

I heard "pop tart" too for the longest time!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Oh, that's "Killing me softly"
Should be interesting to see if anyone else comes up with more miss heard lyrics.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Smiling over the misunderstood lyrics. I know I have many, but can't think of a one right now.


I got here a bit late. I like the progressive developing Holiday Card. That looks like fun to play with. It is as nice as and better than many commercial cards.

My sister artist makes a tree ornament each year for all members of the family. There must be more than thirty in the series now. For years I bought silver balls and hand painted them as family and friend gifts. There is so much we could do if we but take the time to play.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

'There's...a bathroom, on the right"

Doobie Bros Bad Moon Rising

Who under the age of 45 even knows what a pop top is? I mean the kind that used to peel all the way out. The good ol days!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Doc . i am having a good time playing with the new program.

I use to make an ornament using old Christmas cards. Cutting circles and then drawing a triangle on the back, bending the circle at the triangle lines and gluing the bent edges together. Can.t remember how many circles made a ball, but it was a good lesson in geometry. Once the ball was dry you painted the edges with glue and sprinkled sparkles. They were quit pretty.

Sally that's a good one," Bathroom on the right" forgot about that one.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)


I just did a search and found the instructions for the ball ornament.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


HOW on Earth do you always find all these links to everything?????????

I am impressed! Gita


Wow............we made that ball ornament when I was a freshman at Shippensburg University. I think a youngster with patience and a bit of coaching could make the ball. I had forgotten all about this ball.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita I have a friend name Goggle, I just type in what I am looking for and I get all types of sites and information.
Note: on the above site, if you click on the right hand side, on the picture of the other ball ornament that will give you better instructions with pictures.

Doc, it was one of the least expensive things to make when everyone sent greeting cards, and a nice way to recycle and remember.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Doc, that is so neat! But, it does take talent and ''craftiness'' never stopped at me at all.

Sallyg, good one! I am still digging pop tops up in various parts of my yard!

Chris, much prettier than I imagined! A person could really make a nice show with a lot of those!

I'm sure glad you are enjoying Christmas!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That ball ornament is neat, thanks for posting!

I had an old library book once with 'German folded paper stars" The hard part was finding the paper strips. I used printer paper but could only make avery small one with that. Needs to be really long and skinny, and workable like printer paper. Wrapping paper or construction paper would be too flimsy or soft. Ribbon is too slippery.
I haven't seen the directions in any other Christmas craft book. Hey, look!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Clicked along to what I thought was a better set of directions for the ball ornament: http://www.ehow.com/how_5310737_make-out-recycled-christmas-cards.html I like the idea of making a strip of pieces for the center band of the ball, then adding the top and bottom 5-piece domes.

Sally, those stars are neat.. need something like stiff-sturdy shiny gold/silver wrapping paper. The "good" kind that they sell at Kohl's or JoAnn's might work better; you're right that flimsy dollar store wrapping paper would just tear. Even if you could find origami paper in strips, it may be too flimsy also. Hmm... do you think they could be made from strips of actual foil, like heavy duty aluminum foil??

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Good morning!!!! THought I was all alone!
The paper strips need to have some stiffness, as they get fed through and between previously folded strips. I'm taking MIL to Michaels on Wed, I should scan the aisles for a substitute. Origami paper that I have had in squares would seem about right. The strips proportion is 1:22, so you need something on a rolls, or very large sheet. When I used printer paper I had to go 1/ 2 inch: 11 inch strips so the star is just 2 inches across.
Heavy wrapping paper would be wide enough to give you say a four inch star.

I'm going to try going to sleep now, mentally figuring out how you use a protractor to make the triangle in the circle for the ball one.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

This is cheating (the re-use idea) ---but wouldn't it be cute to make a ball with your own pictures? Imagine Joyanna, turning it around and finding herself, Mommy , Daddy, all the relatives?

Really going to bed now.


Yes............do that. All kids like a peek a boo effect as do all of us more or less.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I love the German star! Especially the shiny one! I have Orgami books and I really have to be in the mood to follow directions. Heaven help me, the 6 year old grandson found it and wants to make a ball. If I remember, It's simple enough, but when you aren't crafty it's a hit or miss mood.

Jill, I understand the Christmas ball much better now, and the tool for scoring without cutting :o)

A Joyful Ball! That is so cool!

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