Irises are a Girls best medicine

Winnsboro, TX

Well I've finished all my procedures and test. So far everything appears to be normal for some one my age. Of course I have to wait on a couple of biopsy to come back.

How I've managed to make it through all of this is by viewing photos of irises. Thanks Sharon (Husker) for sharing your lovely Cabin 9 Cd with me. I'm in hog heaven and can't wait for spring to hurry up and get here. Sheesss and to think winter is not even here yet.

Hopefully I'll be able to be online a little more often now that all my hospital and doctor appointments are out of the way. I've got to bounce back cause after all it's all most Christmas and who likes and old fuddy duddy and scrooge this time of year.

Hugs to all my dear garden buddies and friends. Thank you for your prayers and kind words. God Bless You and Yours,

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Vail, AZ

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Winnsboro, TX

I enjoyed looking at your photos on the above link. Now I have a couple more irises to add to my want list. Thanks for sharing the link with me.

Best Regards, Marian

Spicer, MN

I'm pleased that you have enjoyed the 'Cabin Nine' CD Marian. I know that it has helped me when I have insomnia or am missing
my Iris. (Or when losing to OK last night by 3 points! LOL) My Son just made up another half dozen for me to give out. If any of my Iris DG friends, whom I've exchanged Iris with would like this CD, let me know.

Marian, stay well!


Winnsboro, TX

Careful Sharon, if they all find out how wonderful they are EVERYONE will be wanting a copy. I drool everytime I watch it. What most of them should know is that it's done with a movie camera and actually has movement along with sound. Ahhhhh lots of neat ideals on this cd. I'm dying to make one of my own irises. Thanks again Sharon for being so kind to share a copy with me.
Love Ya, Marian

Spicer, MN

Marian, I never feel worthy of your thanks & praise! I will tell Loye again how much you have felt the beauty of his innovative capture of our Iris. It truly is cool and have loved sharing it.

Who knows what 2011 will bring? God willing, we'll have another year of outstanding blooms.

Love you Maian, you are so dear!

Winnsboro, TX

Gosh Sharon that Cd is really worth buying so I can't say enough about it.Let's just say it's prettier than any catalog I've ever seen of irises. I'm just grateful that you were kind enough to share a copy with me. I can't wait to see the next one from Cabin Nine.
Love Ya!

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