Is there such a thing as a seedless lemon?

Germantown, TN(Zone 7b)

Last week while I was in Napa, CA, I picked up a fairly large yellow lemon off the ground under what I thought was a lemon tree. There were a lot of lemons on the tree so I assumed this was one that had fallen from that tree. When I cut it open, I noticed that it had a faint odor of a lime mixed in with it. When I tasted the juice, it was excellent and also had a faint taste of a lime as well. But what was really amazing was that it was totally seedless! I did not know that you could get lemons that were seedless. Does anyone know of such?
Thanks for responding...Doug

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

What you picked up was probably a Bearss Seedless Lime, Citrus latifolia, AKA Tahiti Lime. They are the most common lime tree planted in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. The fruit turn yellow when they ripen.

Germantown, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks Bettydee, That is what I had decided it might be. The fruit had all the outward appearance of a good size lemon and the taste was much more that of a lemon but just had a very faint taste of a lime mixed in. I am going to purchase a Bearss lime next spring and try grafting it on to my Lisbon lemon tree. I really like the fact that the fruit is seedless!

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