Gourd planters

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8b)

Many of us are growing gourds this year, so I was searching around for some uses for them. I love making "pots" out of everyday items, so this is right up my alley, and I thought I would share!



1. DRAW THE OPENING. To construct a planter, outline or stencil the shape of the opening on top of the gourd. Openings don't
have to be round.

2. CUT THE GOURD open with a crafts knife
or razor knife.

3.CLEAN THE GOURD. Scrape the interior of
the gourd clean. If you want to save the top for
use as a lid, scrape its interior as well. If you
want to plant more gourds next year, this is the
time to collect seeds (store them in an envelope
in a cool, dry place over winter). To use the
gourd as a flowerpot, it's best to actually plant
the flowers in a plastic pot and insert this
container into the gourd.

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