Power outage

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

My power is out and has been all night. It is very cold but we have a place to go to warm up and eat. My question is - what should I do with my houseplants? Its too cold for them.

Lake Stevens, WA

I wonder if you wrap in newspaper to protect from the cold. Hope you get power on sooooon!
On the brighter side- the frezer will say cold. Glad you have a place to stay that is warm and can get hot food. If the power stays off do you have a place to stay the night?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

No, unfortunately we are sleeping here. We did manage to go out and pick up some blankets, food and java logs. i really wish i had some long sleeve shirts cause it is suppose to be 13 outside and it feels like 40 in. We might be without power until Friday.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Tiki, I was without power here for 7 days some time back. It didn't get THIS cold, but the houseplants did ok. I'm sure it didn't get below freezing in the house, but I think the suggestion of blanketing or putting cardboard boxes around would help. I managed to keep the fish in the aquarium alive by blanketing them heavily.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Hope your power is back? I agree, covering the plants with some insulation should save the ones can be saved, cluster them together up against something like a bed or couch and blanket over top.....

foooosh, though, I do hate being cold for long, so wishing you well, stay warm!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

My power came on around 2 am last night. Thank goodness it did too because the thermostat said 30.3F (that's inside btw) ... eek. It was so cold the water in with my dirty dishes started to freeze. The heater is on but it hasn't even warmed up to 60 yet.

Funny, it comes on after we stocked up on food, blankets, and javalogs.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

What is a javalog? And, at least now you are ready for more bad weather. Good reminder for the rest of us to stock up on supplies, bottle up some extra water (for us on wells), and fill the kerosene lamps. Perhaps splurge on one of the new indoor-safe heaters.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

It's like a Duraflame log but made with 80% recycled coffee grounds. They were 5 dollars cheaper than Duraflame and they were out of the big boxes so I grabbed these.

It was a real big less for us, that's for sure. This was the longest we've been without power and before this the longest was 4 hours. I've been around here since I was about 4 months old so it was unexpected.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi tiki, Glad your power is back on. Kitsap County was the hardest hit during this storm. My daughter lives in Bremerton also but she didn't lose her power. Our's was off only 12 hours and that was mostly during the night. We went six days with no lights or water in '96. That wasn't fun. None of my house plants suffered. Should all be over by tomorrow.
Happy turkey day. Hope you all have good dinner.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Didn't either of you lose power for a long time during the Nov 2006 snowstorm? We were without power for 5 days and I know it was all over Puget Sound, not just whidbey.

Dishwater freezing, now that is something! We have no heat in our house even with power (broken). It's freezing all the time here. Sometimes it feels warmer outside. ;) The Aga keeps the kitchen manageable, but the rest of the rooms are freezing, ex the bedroom where the cadet heater still works.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Ooh Gwen, that is rough, no heat, at least right now. Course, I am a wimp when it comes to weather in the first place.

glad you have a couple warm places at least!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Willow I try not to think of the snowstorm in 96. We lost our neighbor during that storm and thinking about it makes me cry to this day. At the time my grandparents still owned the unit we live in now and we lived across the city. Here they had power but we were out for days.

Did we have a snowstorm in 2006? I recall snow that year because we were trying to move out of an apartment we temporarily moved into. We didn't lose power here but I know those apartments were out and the entire parking lot was a sheet of ice. We actually told them to keep what was left in the apartment lol.

I recall in 2008 that a lot of residents lost power for 2 weeks. I think we lost ours for an hour. It's probably good that we lost our power this year because I don't doubt we got a bit cocky.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Yep, big one in 2006 with no power for a long time. I know this because it was right after we had had our radiant floor heating put in and it was during this storm with no power that a rat chewed up the tubing and all our new heat went kaput. You were really lucky if you retained power during that one! That was the worst power outage since we moved here in 2001, at least for us.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Our power goes out at least once every winter, so we know the drill by now. We have candles, flashlights, water, and other supplies at the ready, though we are surprised to get a snowstorm this early in November, as we don't usually get snow until late December.

It was out for a long time in 2006, several days I think. We listen to the radio, play cards and read. Actually, except for the inconvenience, I enjoy a break from the TV and computer, as we actually do things together. We have a wood stove, and collect wood from the wood shed as needed, as our propane furnace does not adequately heat during extended periods of cold below 40°. Our top of range is gas, though usually ignited electronically. We have matches and lighters. I think everyone should be prepared as best they can each winter as there can be no accurate prediction of when a branch will down a power line or any other cause.

It is back on, but the experience gets enriched by our activities. Also, that is the time my husband lights fireworks in the snow, as we are not allowed to do so in July because of the possibility of fires.

I hope that you all have a happy holiday season and get things in place to keep yourself warm according to your abilities. Some folks out here in the country have generators, and we do have a small one to power the well and refrigerator if need be. Usually we don't use it unless it is out for an extended time.

This is the view looking towards the road....

Thumbnail by evelyn_inthegarden
Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Evelyn, pretty picture. Enjoy your snow. Ours hung around through Thanksgiving Day - turning just wet enough for a grand snowman and some good sledding, and was gone the next day. We will likely get more here and there through winter, but we don't usually accumulate a lot or have it hang around for long.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Very pretty picture. We have a butane stove and lantern and a generator (never used). Plus a great heating fireplace. So we are always comfortable. Now our area has installed a generator for pumping the water, it isn't so bad. If anyone wants a cheap never used but works generator let us know. I will take a picture of it. Now we are hovering at 32 degrees and a little rain. My DH has two cancer removals on Thursday and Friday so I hope it isn't snowing. This is his 6th or 7th basel cell cancer so it's no big deal, but one is right below his eye 1/4" so he is having that done by a specialist with the Mohs method.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

ww ~ What size is the generator? (The power?)

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Good luck Willowwind2, I hope it doesn't snow.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

evelyn I will let you know tomorrow. I didn't have a chance today to go out there. Spent the whole day with my 85 year old neighbor and that's a long story.

Thanks Tiki, me too. We will be up by the hospital in Bremerton. If we get stuck I will call you. LOL

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Well in all seriousness I can give you my number just in case.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks but my DD lives up on 5th and I have a key. Maybe we can meet someday when I'm in there?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Maybe ^_^ I've never met someone from the internet before lol.

I'm planning for both power outages and snow days (we tend to get bad ice behind our truck.) Have some soups in a jar, frozen ham, broth, etc for back up foods. I need to find a chili in a jar recipe and some instant soup recipes.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm a 72 year old lady and not a bit scary. Well maybe^_^

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