My favorite blonde joke.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Two guys on the city work force were sent out to determine the height of a flagpole. They look at the pole and began to figure out how they could measure the height. One seem to recall something from his high school math class about measuring the lenght of shadwo. The other seemed to recall something about comparing the height to a shorter pole from his trig class. As they stood around talking and getiing nowhere, A volupuous blonde strolled by and asked what was the problem. They told her they needed to measure the height of thae flagpole. No problem she said. She pulled a Crescent wrench form her pocket, walked over to flagpole and removed the bolts from the base, laid the flagpole down, pulled a retractable tape from another pocket and measured the flagpole. 79 feet 6 inches she told them. She then had them raise the flagpole back into position and replaced the bolts. She then strolled away while they looked at each other.

Finally one of them said; " isn't that just like a blond, we needed the height and she measured the lenght."

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