Surviving the Winter

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is a close up of the maroon/green one
Just took the pictures.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This is the orang-rust one with tiny green specks.
A bit out of focus...should take a better one....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

And here are all my Coleus cuttings as of today.
I am using my seed set-up with lights for the winter-garden....

These have been re-pinched already and have re-grown.
Kind of a dilemma---Still 2 months to go before i can put them out....
I know they are already root-bound...Oh My!!!

They are in a tray that has almost 3"x3" square openings. Perfect for cuttings...
Some small Herb pots came in this tray at the HD I work in.
When they threw out the herbs--I confiscated the trays.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Syracuse, NY

Great looking coleus. Do you take cuttings from these plants as well? I've done that will impatiens and at least double the number of plants. The original plants get very bushy.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I just ended up pinching out the growing tips. I would not have anywhere
to put another tray of Coleus cuttings.
Last year I did take second cuttings and potted them up.

BTW--These are not all for me. One of the big trays is for my Store manager.
One of the smaller ones is for a woman I work with.
I am keeping the other big tray.

I have limited space in my garden....:o(

Syracuse, NY

Aconites and snowdrops are blooming and in bud where the snow has melted on the south side of the house - most of the ground is still covered with several inches of snow.

The air temperature was at 24 degrees, but inside of the coldframe it was almost 50 degrees.

I heard robins and saw one just a few minutes ago. The buds on the maples are getting bigger.
I'm ready for the countdown.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I planted spinach about a week ago, or was it nearly two wks----and it is coming up!!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I got some Spinach seeds at the Swap.
I know they need to go but I will be digging up all my beds, edging,
adding this and I can't really plant them yet..

I tried last year--and they did come up and grew a bit, but then the annuals took over...
Maybe I could grow them in a window box? A big, shallow pot?
Like I do all my Basil and Parsley...Move them around as needed....

Just finished filling up all my seed starting cell packs. 1 1/2 bags of seed starter mix....
Now--will turn on the TV and start planting the seeds.....pleasant pastime....
Lots of labels to write.....Figuring out how many of what I need/want to grow...etc...

Will take most of the day.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, plant your spinach in trays. Any long flat tray.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

How deep a tray?
I have long Window boxes I do not use--like 24" long X (maybe) 7"-8" deep.
Would that do?

Does Spinach need to be watered a lot? Full sun?


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Your window boxes would work very well Gita. They will want a lot of sun. As for water you don't want them too wet or too dry, you will have to gauge that for yourself.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

With spring cool, it shouldn't be too hard to keep them watered- unlike the heat of summer on a potted flower. Try em! Grow so fast, pick them quick, then on to other things by mid May

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Throw in some mixed lettuce and you can pick your salad.
It has been a week of "Spring Time" for me Harrisburg Flower Show last weekend, York Flower Show this weekend. HGHA today speaker is doing a presentation on orchids and bringing some along for sale. Then next week the Phila Flower Show.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am going to the Timmonium Fairgrounds today to meander around the
MD. Flower and Garden Show. Just me! It is easier that way...
Will take a pain pill in my pocket---for my knees and foot.....


I have this W-Box that has the self-watering bottom tray. Plan to use that.
I used to grow my basil in there--but for them, it was too shallow. Always dry!
Will put my Spinach in there.....Good idea to add lettuce....
Wish i could grow Feta Cheese and Ranch Dressing too.....:o)

Put all my seeds in yesterday. Took most of the day. Writing all those labels....
I think I even seeded some of the Spinach. Do they complain if moved later???


Syracuse, NY

Using window boxes - what a great idea! I'd given up growing lettuce, chard and spinach because of the deer, woodchucks, rabbits and others of their ilk. I'm off to the dollar store this afternoon for seeds. Has anyone grown pole beans in containers?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I guess if you're prepared to keep it watered, pole beans could work. Just imagining how much water a tall bean vine can consume in a hot day.
Maybe bush beans?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


No matter what i grow in containers oe W-Boxes--I have to pur a screen/plastic
fencing piece of some sort over it--so the stupid squirrels won't go digging in it.

I just make a "hoop" over of the same green, plastic fencing I use around my beds

Tired! Walked the whole home and garden show today.

Here's a bummer. When I was on my way, the gas Station at the end of my street --gas was $3.25.
I said--"I'll get it on my way back". 3 hours later---passing it again, on my way home--it was $3.48.
Bummer!!!! I guess we better get used to it......

Took a bunch of pictures--will post them later....


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Posted them on the "Spring is Emerging" Thread.

Seemed appropriate! Go check out the pictures!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Got 'brave' today, got DS to help me remove a large Viburnum trilobum (nothing special, has not thrilled me for years now) and planted the largest of the three Wintersweet shrubs I have from Gita's seed.
I'm tempted to get filbert/hazelnuts from Miller Nurseries. Supposedly problem free, and small for a nut tree/shrub.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Geez, Sally!

How big are any of the Wintersweet Shrub seedlings I gave you by now????
Can't be more than a few inches???? Maybe a foot? When did I give them to you?

Must be big enough that you could transplant them.....
Mine are now in full bloom--but, b/c the weather is so transitional, and cold,
they do not have that sweet fragrance they usually do.

I recently added about 4 pictures on PF on the Wintersweet Shrub.
Go see them......
Also--I would love to see a picture of yours and how they are doing....

My most appreciative receiver of a zillion seeds of this is "Rockymea" in Toronto.
She is Chinese--and she told me that the Wintersweet Shrub has a very special
meaning to Chinese people. She also said that--a growing seedling could be
sold for about $30 there.
I sent her about 30 seeds. They are as big as beans...28 of them germinated for her...

Each envelope I send of seeds from this plant also has a "How to Germinate' paper
included. Thanks to Terry (DG Adm.) .

I must collect about 1000 seeds from this Shrub every year....

Almost desperate as to what to do with them.....


This picture is of all the seeds I have collected in ONE year (*2008)
That is a big soup bowl--and that is, also, a TBS. in the bowl...


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think I had every seed of yours germinate. I had four seedlings, one seems MIA. I planted the biggest for me, that is about 18 inches. There are two others, each about a foot.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Flower Shows really help about this time of year. Ric and I were at the Hbg Flower Show last weekend and the York Flower Show this weekend. Next week it is on to the Phila. Show. We bought a bunch of display plants at the York Show and just picked them up at the end of the show. They sell the display plants at wholesale prices after the show. Some displays sell them ahead of time and you just go and pick them up other displays don't sell them until the end of the show so whoever get them first.

Syracuse, NY

Up to a foot of snow is predicted for tonight. This is getting old. I've had enough... Uncle.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

We got about 2"of rain today.
Soaked lawns and wet everything here...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

sending sympathy if nothing else, Grayson...I wouldn't be happy either.

Syracuse, NY

We made it! Thanks, everyone, for participating. This thread has been an encouragement over the past few months. Most of the snow is gone here - a little is left under some of the trees. And we do expect more cold weather.

The crocus, aconites and snowdrops are in bloom now. I've seen robins. I've started spring cleanup of the stuff that didn't get taken care of before the first snow. It covers a lot of unfinished chores.


Syracuse, NY

Starting a new thread for spring:

Winter will be over in just over an hour!
My grandson and I spent the afternoon raking the lawn and doing general cleanup. There's a lot more to be done. Next weekend we'll clean and repair the birdhouses.


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