Surviving the Winter

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

My shrubs by the front of the house are royally splayed by the weight of the wet snow,
Sad to say--like last winter--they will take their sweet time regaining their shape.

Here is my old Yew that is right out front of the house...

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is the Boxwood to the left of my front steps. This does not have
strong stems--maybe that is a blessing--as they flex--and don't break.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Right behind the Boxwood is one of the hemlocks. They will be fine--but my
gutter leaks--right above them--and there are all these icicles....
Kind of pretty....

Look at the street! This was taken Thursday morning.
They salted it later that day....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

It was a very heavy dense snow. Lots of downed trees and branches, and power outages in our county (but not us) My magnolia has a couple minor broken branches. Our court was unplowed until last night and then DH said its still a mess. Lower lighter cars like Civics, could not navigate the last couple streets in our neighborhood very well, if at all.. We told DD not to even try, and gave her the mini van for work.. Neighbor and I even spent a good twenty minutes with the mail lady all of us shoveling so she could deliver to the five boxes on our court. She's really dedicated.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Really we lucked out in our area, not that much sonw like we usually get but we are not out of the woods yet for a big storm.
Sally, your mail-lady needs to come here and give a seminar to our mail-people. we are always getting the wrong mail, one letter was to go to a town in the United Kingdom. I googled it and it was a shipping port, I could see the big ships in the harbor. I guess they got the big lakes confused LOL .

Syracuse, NY

The storm missed us. I've been watching the news reports about your storm - pretty severe.

I'm thinking of building a coldframe this week, and placing it on the south side of the house away from the dripline. There is a slight incline there, and the snow always melts away there before anywhere else. I have glass and lumber to build one 4' x 4'.

Has anyone experience using one?

Rugged winters make the springtime even more enjoyable. Good luck cleaning up, and drive safely if you must go out on the roads... and watch your step.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I do not have one--wish I did--but an old window would fill the bill.
Even a storm door. Sally wrote an article on that last year--I think....

All you have to do is build the framework and then hinge the window/door to it.
Voila!!! Cold Frame....


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

garyon, lets have a new thread and make this more visible- I will.

This message was edited Jan 30, 2011 4:44 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

According to historical averages, we have passed the coldest part of winter here. For what thats worth LOL

This message was edited Jan 30, 2011 4:44 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, I feel for you after the damage my juniper took from last years storm. I know just how you feel. Hopefully they will be back looking good this spring. I juniper is pretty covered again from the last heavy snow but after last years damage I don't think there could be much more damage.
Sounds like we are going to get another storm later tonight.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here it is predicted as an ice storm--covering roads by tomorrow's rush hour.
Wonderful! Cars skidding all over going to work.
Besides all that--sleet and snow may also mix in...

I have to go to work Tuesday and Wednesday....Whoopie!!!!!
Luckily--I do not have to travel any "back roads"....and only 4 1/2mi. total one way.



Syracuse, NY

We have a winter snow warning for Tuesday and Wednesday. Gita - it sounds treacherous. Isn't Wednesday Groundhog Day?


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes Wednesday is GH Day. I know this because 20 years ago on Jan 31, Feb 1, I was in labor with my first, and all that was on TV in the wee hours was some pre GH day show...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Sally does your first born predict the weather?

Punxsutawney Phil has some competition this year check out this

The man in the article that did the carving and thought up this idea Denny is a friend of Rics. I will say he is a character.

Syracuse, NY

I finished building a coldframe and hope to put it in place this weekend.
I think I heard a robin this morning.
It's almost over.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yeah, easy to think that when it hit 67 here today! But its still February and anything can happen.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes it was just beautiful yesterday. Ric was out doing a few chores around the yard. Our yard is like a swap out there you just walk though stand water everywhere. I was nice to get outside.

Syracuse, NY

Most of the yard and garden are still covered with a foot or more of snow, but has melted away along the foundation along the south side of the house.

THE FIRST FLOWER OF THE SEASON IS IN BLOOM! A single winter aconite, more are budded and will probably open during the next warm spell. I eagerly anticipate their flowers each spring. If they bloomed at any other time of the year I would consider them weeds. Now they are a major feature in the garden.


Syracuse, NY

Here's a picture of last year's flowers.

Thumbnail by garyon
Syracuse, NY


Thumbnail by garyon
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yay, so bright and cheerful!
i finally found two of my snowdrops today, thye bloomed

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I spent the early part of today running around--like I always do. shopping--looking....

Had to take my old TV and dead Microwave to the landfill....about 5 miles up from me
on Rt. 40/-Pulaski Hwy.
Since I was THAT far--I decided to go check out the DJ Liquidators store at Joppatown--
only 3 miles further up the road.....GEEZ!
They are really LIQUIDATING!!!! Leaving the premises!!! Seven days to go!
I bought a couple of cushions and some plant saucers..for 25% off. and some novelties.

They have other locations--only this one is shutting down. Seems the rent tippled.....
This chain is the one that also owns "Good Stuff Cheap"...
Also stopped at Richardson Farms and bought some stuff--among them a 32oz. jar of
Black Strap Molasses (unsulfured)....Have NO idea what I will do with this....
Paid ONLY $3.29 for it....Gonna Google it and see.....
I DO remember discussions on adding BSM to a home-made garden fertilizer....
Have to look back and see if I can find it....
Since i DO NOT bake--there now will have to be some other use of these Molassis
in my life. Any suggestions????? Seriously.....

They also had the asst. Soup bases....we talked about them in another Post....
I think--$3.59 a jar?? Lots of good, reasonably priced things there....

What did I do today after running around????? I WAS going to do a lot of yard work--
mostly cleaning up--but ended up just pruning back my Butterfly Bushes and my
Endless Summer Hydrangea. Cut it back quite a bit to contain it.

Nothing else........Had to go in an watch Dr. Phil--while I chopped up this HUMONGOUS
bag-full of Kale Greens---$2 at Richardson Farms---They also have fresh Collard greens.
Mustard Greens, and some others.....This huge bag-full for just $2. Right now--from NC.
fresh from NC. I gotta say--they are so fresh and crisp!
If any of you do not have access to these kind of farm Markets---I will be glad to P/U some
for yo and bring it to the Swap...
Better than the ones I did a couple of weeks ago..bought those at a regular Grocery Store.
They were still SOO yummy!!!! First time I ever cooked kale!
Got the recipe off of GOD! It was good!!!! And healthy too.....
Lots of flavorings you can put in it.....I have the recipw printed out--but did not save it
in My Documents--so I cannot attach it here....

I am wondering if this is too late now to attempt Winter sowing. What do you all think???
NOT that I seriously wanted to do it, anyway--but was thinking about it.....

In my beds--just all the daffodils are coming up so far.....


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I had some winter aconite, lost them after a few years. I probably had them planted in the wrong spot. Maybe something to get next fall. Grayon, thanks for sharing your picture.
Our snow has melted quit a bit, I got outside a bit before I had to leave for the Dr. appointment. Near the corner fence I have some snowdrop with buds showing. We are in for some colder temps. and rain and snow. The creeks are up so we may have some trouble getting around low lying roads, and people thinking they can drive through water and get stranded. Happens every year.

Gita, sounds like you had a nice shopping morning. Sometimes I add a teaspoon of Black Strap Molasses to my oatmeal, along with cinnamon. Molasses is good for you, high in iron. Of course Molasses Cookies are a favorite, but if you don't bake that leaves that out.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have always heard that "High in Iron" is not so needed for post-menopausal women--
as they no longer need all that iron. (no "monthlies"---you know...).
My Dr. once said--"It (the iron) just sits there in your liver...."...

That is why they make the "Women's Multi-Vitamins--also called Senior Multi-Vitamins---
as they do not contain any Iron. Check the back of the bottle....

The only reason I do not bake is that I would be the only one here to eat all the goodies.
SO! I don't bake! Try to stay as level as I can--weight wise. Still--I coukd stand to lose
15-20lbs. and look totally smashing.....
I carry my weight well--all 188lbs of it--as I am of solid build and have a lot of muscle.

I have long wanted to make these "AMAZING" Chocolate Chip Cookies--and just freeze the dough in rolls.
These Cookies are credited to some First Lady---I have the recipe--and also I have a
3lb. bag of good Choc. Chips sitting in my pantry--getting old....
I have lots of nuts and Oats and everything else....
I really should just delegate a day to make these.....I just NEED to buckle down and DO IT!!!!
Sound familiar?????
.Might even be a nice "grab and go" gift if I am going somewhere...Frozen or baked.....


PS--You all should have seen these great Garden, concrete statuary and Bird Baths at this
DJ Liquidators!!!! All (just) 25% off......They have 7 days to go! I bet they will dip a bit lower....

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, everything in moderation. That's my motto, and sometimes I get these little cravings, like my body is asking for some thing, Example, a few times a year I crave canned sardines. So I get a can the ones in mustard and eat on crackers. One can takes care of it.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

PHEW I was out in this wind for a couple hours, fully vacuuming my vehicle then hand raking dry leavs from a bed of daylilies right along the driveway, in the sun. Ahh. Daylily nubs are appearing , just barely on some but glad to see they made it.
I have DJ Liq nearby, I'll pencil it in , I need a bird bath bowl. The bowls always break and them you have the base, and nothing else would really go on it but birdbath, eh?

Co workers would love you -more- for bringing cookies anytime.

I bought sardines today LOL, one can.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, I found the neatest thread on making a ground bird bath. Check this out.
Boy you are brave out there in that wind. It is really whipping up here. I had my bedroom window open all night long. So I could hear it roar thru the trees in the woods behind our house.

Syracuse, NY

Yesterday I was sunbathing. Last night we had four inches of snow, and it has continued throughout the day. It is 18 degrees now, the wind is blowing, a travel advisory has been announced and local activities are being cancelled. The house is drafty.

In six to eight weeks it will start looking like this again...I think. It's hard to remember during these long winters.


Thumbnail by garyon
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly, that os neat.

Garyon- that is not so neat. Except the picture! Cherries or redbuds? Maybe this year I'll go to the Cherry Blossom Festival agian, and this time actually know where we are going (other time a few years ago, it was a last minute rush thing, long story, goofy day but when we got there those trees are beautiful)

Syracuse, NY

Redbuds - there were none on the property when we moved in. They've all self-seeded from a tree in our neighbor's yard. They're really prolific.

I have not been to the Cherry Blossom Festival in years. I hope you attend and enjoy it.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


IF you turned your Bird Bath bowls upside down for the winter--they
would not crack and break...
Better yet---take them into your shed or basement.... Those replacements
cost a bundle--IF you can find them....

Franks Nursery and Crafts used to sell just Bird Bath tops or bottoms.
The top bowl I still have was bought at Franks....Still--it cost me $22.

As soon as there is frost predicted--I take the top into my shed.
Then I use large plastic saucers for water for the birds. They stay outside all winter.
My hoses are all turned off--so I cannot re-fill them...What you see--is what you get....
Well! I could--if i carried the water our from the house---NAH! Too much work!!!

Battling another cold here---SO sick of it all!!!!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

IF I did not have a twelve year old boy two years ago who loved to find ice slabs and break them with his trusty hammer...even slabs found in the birdbath on the first few really cold mornings...I know those single pieces are 25-35$$ !!

My nice neighbor (of three at least, I have some good neighbors) gave me a huge heavy thick concrete birdbath last spring, I forgot about turning that over but so far so good.

garyon, love your redbuds, I salvaged several from Mom's tree making seeds, and now have my own two making seedlings. I gave a couple out last spring and still have 5-6 babies out there coming along. One of the older ones is really out of whack, had a bad split and really should just come down and be replaced with something suited to the spot being overtaken by a maple branches.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally--et al--

I will have Eastern Redbud seeds at the Swap...
Collected from a tree at the end of last season at HD. I was watering all the trees--
and saw all these pods hanging down from this lone, leftover Redbud tree.

They all came home with me.....

Same for the Red Crepe Myrtle...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly looked up the seeds one time. Redbud seeds need to be scratched and soaked, they are hard coated. If someone wants to sprout their own, be sure you do that, and plant them all. Garyon and I get seedlings because we have zillions of seeds going in!

Those crepe myrtle didn't work for me--but I did not research any needs. I took the natural method, just potted them and let Mother Nature try it.

Syracuse, NY

Yes...and if anyone is interested in seedlings this spring, I can dig some. They're still dormant in April and easy to transplant. Sally is right about zillions.

Syracuse, NY

Another storm has arrived and we expect 8-12 inches before this evening. It's heavy, wet stuff.

Winter gardening has included:
building and setting up a coldframe
winter sowing
geranium, viola, pansy, coleus and canna seeds started under lights (they're ready to transplant)
a sorry looking assortment of African violets from seed
cuttings from cane begonias
ambitious plans for this year's gardens
adding to the lasagna garden/feeding the crows
sorting canna rhizomes

Does anyone know if it's too late to winter prune wisteria?

I'm counting the days until spring.


Mount Laurel, NJ

Oh wow garyon, you're really getting hit hard this year. Although maybe where you are, it's that way every year. I"m further south, and while we've had a lot this year, right now we are just getting torrential downpour of rain. I'll take the rain! I hope it completely washes away the little snow piles that are still left. Now I'm going to look at my pictures from last year, then go down to work in my basement of over 300 coleus cuttings and dream of spring. Here are my pictures of coleus from last summer:

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow, impressive gardening, both of you in your own specialties

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Thanks for the names on them all. I have several of the same as you.

I love Coleus as well---here is a view of two beds....
I have them everywhere! They grew taller than expected.

This side gets bright AM sun until 3PM.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

What is the name of this one?
I seem to have 3 versions of this now--can't remember buying all of these.
Do they cross-pollinate?

this one (picture) is all green
Then these is the same frilly one that is maroon and bright green
Then the third one is an orange-rust with very small speckles of green.

These grow bushy. One plant can fill a pot.


Thumbnail by Gitagal

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