Our favorite Colorful Fall Trees!

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

We all are having great color this Fall, but I know we all have our favs! This is one of mine.... The absolutely beautiful Yellow in our local Ginko Trees!

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

The Reds in the Turning Dogwoods

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Another of my Favorites is when the Crepe Myrtles get their Fall Color....to me it rivals their Blooms!

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Now just doesnt this say Christmas!!! This is one of the Beautiful Holly Trees that surround my Bank here in Eatonton

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

.....Just look at all those gorgeous berries!!!
Now What are your favorites
Or lets see the Fall leaves that surround you! Come on Georgia People I know we have pretty Fall color everywhere......Lets see!!!

Thumbnail by Eufaula
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hickorys (I think) from our third story bedroom deck.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Ahhhh how Gorgeous MayPop!!!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Potted Japanese maple.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh how lovely! My Bloodgoods that are established in the yard have already lost their leaves. They were so Colorful!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Eufaula. I'm hunting some more. :)

Here's a favorite view from a loft over the living room and outside of our bedroom. Can't get the whole thing because it's two and a half story glass wall but the seasonal views are spectacular.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Fall at Maypop.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

I saw it in the Spring, it was beautiful.....Fall must be just Perfect!!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

You were up at the house Eufaula, but walking the wooded trails, strewn with leaves, is just a perfect way to spend a Fall day. I go orchid hunting for Fall terrestrials then. Extra bonus to run across a flock of wild turkeys or a family of deer watering down by the pond. Subtract ten points for catching the neighbors poaching or drinking corn likker back o' the pond though. Ahh, life in the country. lol

Here's a pretty photo of trees in the distance of a neighboring farm.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

soooo pretty. Our leaves have been the prettiest this year since we've lived here. Need to get some pics tomorrow.... cold weather is coming...

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Just dropping by to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy friends and family, give away lots of hugs and kisses, clean your plates and above all be safe in your travels!

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Same to You Laurel.... And to Everyone of my dear DGer Friends!

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Happy Thanksgiving to all you full of turkey, dressing, ham, ...


Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm so glad you have started a fall leaf thread, and tomorrow, I will try to get pics of my japanese maples, (unkown varity), but have a good source of them.They are from seed, and every one has the same deep orange.
This Ginko is growing next to my car port, and this is a scanty view, but next year, I will get a better shot.It is a male Ginko, like the one Lynn showed.Femails have lateral spreads.BTW, I grew this Ginko from seed.It is so good to see my DG friends out taking pics. Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mike

Lynn, do you know the varity of holly, in the Bank pic? Looks like a Nellie B Stephens, unless it has been sheared.

This message was edited Nov 26, 2010 5:47 PM

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I barley got a pic of my JM's. This is a cross, but not sure what, thats what you get without documentation. Mike

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

This is a red, but not so sure its a bloodgood, still looking for one of those. Mike

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

oooooo, pretty, Mike.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Hi there Mike!! No Im not sure what type of Holly is surrounding my Bank but I do know they are soooo big that I doubt seriously that anyone has sheared them!
Hmmm Male and Female Ginkos Huh??? I didnt realize that!! Hmm I guess I better get to studying some more before buying one or two or three! LOL!! I just love the way them!

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Once you understand, just how the ginko develops its leaf buds, you can determin the sex of the tree. The female will grow out latterly, and the male grows upward.To me, they are both nice, but the female, when the fruit is ripening, will start to have an odor about it, that many find offensive. Sorta like the chinese chesnut, wile in bloom.Sish! If you really like pungent odors, stick your nose in a photimeia saralotta, while in bloom.Just FYI
This might be a silly question, but does the JM "blood good" produce seed. I have not found any, on the trees I have noticed.I want one so bad, I'm going to have to graph.I have my root stock started. Mike

Newborn, GA(Zone 8a)

I travel through Eatonton a fair bit and have seen that holly tree...very nice! I am about 20 miles east of there and there are some maple trees on the other side of our town that turn the most brilliant yellow I have ever seen...I believe they are Florida/Southern Sugar Maples and I could kick myself in the butt for not taking a picture of them...but I did stop and get a leaf for id purposes...they were stunning. I am thinking of asking the property owner if I can collect any seedlings that may develop next spring before they mow them down. Getting some bloodgood seeds shortly and looking forward to watching them grow. We have numerous dogwoods on our property and now they are full of brilliant cherry red fruits...will try to get a picture of them tomorrow if it is not too rainy.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Gee, jscruggs, where are you able to get bloodgood seed?
I would love to grow some.
I'll bet that the people who own those yellow maples, would let you pull some in early summer.Its better to take an old screw driver, and pry the up, rather than brusing the cambrium steems. Mike

Newborn, GA(Zone 8a)

Getting them from another DG member. If they make it next spring I can send you a seedling or two if you want.

I will have to go to the courthouse to find the owner...may even be county property. No house on the property and they are right beside the main road (hwy 142) through our town.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Good morning jscruggs, oh yes I have seen them ..arent they just the most luscious things!!
Mike you need to contact Digger, she sells beautiful bloodgood and fancy JPs! Of course shes in Texas right now but she'll be Baaaa-aack!

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Lynn, I would rather do that. Mike

Newborn, GA(Zone 8a)

This is really pitiful and does not do these trees justice. I went through the morning in the fog and drizzle and took the pic with my phone. Almost all the leaves have already dropped and those that remain are not as brilliant as they were, but they are still my favorite.

Thumbnail by jscruggs
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Oooh yellow and the reds are my favorites! Just so pretty!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

jscruggs, I save leaves from the tree in your photo every year for my TG table and then put them, others, pine cones and branches of nandina berries in a bowl in the family room. Those leaves in particular curl and curve along the leaf ribs making for a beautiful sculptural effect. So what tree is that, the Southern maple you were referring to above? Doesn't look like a maple.

Newborn, GA(Zone 8a)

Here is a close-up of one of the leaves. According to my tree I'd book, it is a sugar maple. I thought at first it must be a southern sugar maple, but the leaves are too big and their stems too long. Unusual that these are 'according to the book' not really supposed to grow this far south in Ga.

Thumbnail by jscruggs
Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Gee, no wonder they look familiar, I have those all around the place, and they are prolific.I had to take down the largest, because it was getting too big, for the location. Yes, they are sugar maple.Mike

Newborn, GA(Zone 8a)

I was driving through the old part of Covington today and they are literally everywhere in the right of ways and beside the sidewalks...though I did spot a couple of the smaller leaved southern varieties. Almost makes me wonder if the county didn't order a bunch of them and plant them many years ago. After your comment and seeing all of them today, I am thinking that they are much hardier here than they are 'supposed' to be according to the tree books. Do any of yours produce viable seed? If so, want to sell some? :) thinking about lining my driveway with them if I can get my hands on them as they are brilliant in the fall. Thanks.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

John, I will look, and see if I have some seedlings, and will get you some. That is if I can really identify the difference between the red M.(acer rubera).Will let you know. Mike

Newborn, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Mike!

Thumbnail by jscruggs

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