Which Perennial Performed the Best for You

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Now that fall has arrived and it is assessment time. Which perennial performed the best for you this year?

My aubrieta bloomed for about 2 months. It was beautiful, a real showstopper. And it still looked nice as a green groundcover when it was finsihed. It is a definate keeper.

There were a few others that were exceptional this year, but lets hear what yours were.

This message was edited Saturday, Apr 6th 8:39 AM

Mason, MI

This year it was my Hardy Ice Plant.
Wow! It grew and bloomed all during our
hot/dry July & August with practically no watering.
Simply the best! I'll be planting more of these.
Oscarsdotter :-)

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

My iceplant bloomed alot this year too, and the blue and red lobelia were really pretty but I would have to say my Pink Bush Clover as always was the star of the show. It is a perennial but it get's about 5 ft tall with light purple flowers. The branches are thin and it just hangs down and it is just fantastic! I talk to this plant all the time (in a whisper) so none of the other plants get jealous, and tell it just how pretty it is! Take a look, this is from plant delights catalog not my yard!!!!!!

This message was edited Sunday, Oct 7th 12:42 PM

This message was edited Saturday, Apr 6th 8:41 AM

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

Wow, I had no idea, I have had it for about 4 years and it has not spead at all. It just keeps getting taller!

Thank's for the info Sis I WILL keep my eye on it and do what I need to if it start's to spread.

You know I was thinking maybe I could send you guys in KS some NJ moles/voles I know that they could kill it, they kill everything else. Thank's again for the warning!!!!! sue

This message was edited Saturday, Apr 6th 8:41 AM

Well mine has to be as ever Vicia sepium - Bush Vetch. A native weed that I managed to start from seed, but since it has bloomed from early April and still has a couple of flowers on it, theres not beating it.

Silver Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

Shasta Daisy - alaska. It bloomed continuously from late June till early September, despite its being crowded by any number of things I seeded too close to it (mainly cilantro, which is starting a 2nd crop from self-seeding).


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

My hardy iceplant was spectacular too. It is still flowering, and I started with just a little tiny pot last spring, this year I have shared with everyone I know and still have an area about 4' x 3' of it. It is a great fast spreading ground cover.

Agawam, MA

I was really happy with my Campanula. It bloomed from June until the frost we just had a couple of days ago. The bell flowers are so delicate looking and a pretty purple/blue - seemed to compliment everything else that was blooming at the time.

Calera, OK(Zone 7b)

My heliopsis, summer sun, was a ball of golden yellow this year. Everyone wants to know what it is. Also the lantana just gets bigger and prettier every year. So far, I have been lucky enough to have it make it through the winter and come back bigger every year. It is golden yellow and orange and covers about a 10 by 10 ft. space with one plant. But most of the other plants weren't bad either.

I'd have to say that my new Knockout Rose really was spectacular, blooming all summer long and STILL in heavy bloom here in zone 5. Amazing cherry-red incandescent color, absolutely disease & pest free (& I'm an organic gardener who is usually pretty afraid of roses!) This is a wonderful plant; I only fertilized it 3 times this summer (with manure tea) because I was so busy, & it still churned out those amazing blooms relentlessly. Be good to yourself: GET one of these beauties!

New Hope, AL(Zone 7a)

My "Kiss Me or I Tell" is blooming profusely right now. I do not know if it was the most spectacular perrenial I had. These perrenial salvias have really put on a show also...coral nymph salvia, pineapple salvia and Mexican salvia.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Angel Face! Still have bud that may open! If the frost doesnt kill her! Runner up..Rosea, and Moonbeam coreopsis!

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Lamb's Ear. First year for it and it looks like it's been there for years. It's planted beside my pond to help keep the neighborhood children away. Well, at least that was the plan; but the kids love the softness.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well here in England we have had quite a nice summer and ALL my perennials did well, so cant really pick one out, but i think it was the Shasta Daisies only because of our mild weather it is again in bud, it must think its spring and no frost forecast for next week.If roses come into this category well they would be my top plants and some are on their 3rd blooming period.

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Baptisa (False Indigo)

It was a slow starter. I started it from seeds 3 years ago.
It took off this year was truly specatular.


Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

my lupins pink 'russel hybrids' did the best for me. they started flowering in may, and with some dead-heading (when the spikes were half-gone) flowered right through until the end of august with huge spikes. the foliage looks really lush and exotic too, and still looks good now.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Daylilies (always) and perennial salvia guaranitica. The hummers love it and it blooms most of the summer, can take a light frost, will grow in full sun or part shade and it's blue.

Circleville, OH(Zone 8b)

My Rudbeckia goldstrum did very well this year, I hope to divide my plant this spring.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, all my perennials were newbies this year. But like Sledder, my Lamb's Ear looks like it's been here for years. I've already divided it, and replanted the divisions along the border of a new bed. Also traded some. And still have more than enough to say grace over :)

The Anise Hyssop (Agastache) did almost too well. I definitely need to relocate it to a spot with more room.

My Baptisia surprised me by blooming this year, it wasn't huge or anything, but what a treat to see it bloom!

Malva 'Zebrina' was a tiny little seedling in June, and really bloomed its heart out for me. Elena's gifts to me all did well - Perilla, Linaria (Butter & Eggs), Phlox, pink Monarda, Sundrops, Mexican Primrose, Love Lies Bleeding, Summer Poinsettia and Prince's Feather.

The 'Pink Pewter' lamium from Bluestone Perennials has really performed well, too, and is spreading out nicely.

I just can't choose a favorite - sorry!!!!

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

Ruddbeckia Hirta(Indian Summer),Ruddbeckia Goldsturm, Gaillardia, Clematis Jackmanii, Echinacea Purpurea, Papaver Orientale, Japanese and Siberian Irises, Buddleia,Queen Elizabeth climbing Rose and Pacific Giant Delphiniums to mention a few

Silver Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

Echinacea purpurea; it is STILL blooming and we've had 2 killing frosts. :)

Montrose, PA(Zone 5a)

I have to say most everything did great.But my daylilies out did themselves this year!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Gerber daisys and lantana. Oh yeah throw in those purple cone flowers that seems to always do good here. I think they like this Georgia clay soil.

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