Large yellow conifer/evergreen that is drought resistant?

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Do any of you conifer gurus know of the perfect Chamaecyparis or other conifer that is drought resistant/tolerant and keeps its color all year?
Also, I need it to be relatively fast growing.
I have Calocedrus decurrens Berrima Gold. But I am afraid to take a chance with it in this hell spot.
Thanks for your help.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't have a perfect solution, but here are some thoughts off the top of my head:
Most of the golden foliaged conifers have brighter coloration in certain seasons.
For many, the new spring growth is golden, then 'greens out' later as summer progresses.
Others turn golden during winter
Most of my familiarity with conifers is the dwarf variety, so others may know more about larger choices.
I think chamaecyparis obtusa cultivars are too slow growing for your situation.
Golden threadleaf chamaecyparis (c. pisifera filifera aurea) grows large.
It's not fussy. The brightest yellow cultivar I have burns in full sun ('Lemon Thread'?). But the most common one doesn't.
Gold Cone juniper (j. communis Gold Cone) is fairly fast growing upright cone, but brighter in spring / early summer.
I haven't had much luck w/ golden thuja's, though there are several. Mine have a sickly yellow look, rather than pretty variegation, but that may just be my opinion. On the plus side, they grow fast and aren't fussy.
The golden dawn redwood (metasequoia glyptostroboides Gold Rush) grows fast, gets huge (though not as huge as the non-golden version), has really pretty golden foliage, but is deciduous, so that may eliminate it from your consideration.
There are some golden yews which can be pretty, but they green out during summer. They're certainly not fussy, so may be a consideration.
I have a beautiful scotch pine which turns bright gold all winter (p. sylvestris Moseri), but it's dwarf. And it's green during summer.
Finally, one of my favorite golden conifers is a serbian spruce (picea orientalis Skylands). It may burn in full sun. Sadly, I can't tell you how fast it grows, since mine keeps getting ravaged by deer. It's beautiful, but most colorful in spring.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Thank you for those ideas. I have Skylands but plan to put it somewhere else. The Gold Rush sounds interesting. I am really considering it. Do you know if Dawn Redwoods are drought tolerant?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Quote from killdawabbit :
Do you know if Dawn Redwoods are drought tolerant?

Not very. It likes wet soil and humid air.


Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

For a drought resistant yellow conifer, try Juniperus chinensis 'Aurea'.


Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Resin. I'll check out the juniper. After researching the redwood I'm going to have to have it for a more suited spot. Beautiful.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Resin, I think you have hit the perfect conifer for my hellspot!!!

Now if only I can find a US retail source for it. It's not even listed in our plantfiles.

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