Making Compost?

Chillicothe, OH(Zone 5a)

I need to make lots of compost as quickly as possible. Anyone have any quick ways for making it?

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Never is any quick ways to make compost, it takes time. Do you have any farms around you who will give you any manure from their animals, they are usually kind enough to give you some free. Sheila in NW England

New Paris, OH

To make quality compost it takes about 9mo to a year but you can get reasonable compost quickly by hot composting.

Make a pile in layers of greens (manure, green plants) and browns (dead brown plants). Add water, turn the pile so everything is mixed and put a tarp over top. Check the pile in a couple of days with a compost thermometer. It should read about 110F by this point. Continue to check daily. The temp should go up to 140F to 160F than fall rapidly. When it falls it is time to turn the pile. You will do this about 4 to 5 times over an 8wk period.

After 8 weeks the pile will cease to heat up so dramatically but should stay at about 100F to 110F. You can use the compost at this point though it is best to let it cool down and sit for 6 to 9 months before use.

The other thing you can do Nett is to sheet compost by putting raw manure (plus leaves, grass clippings, chopped garden trash) on all your fields this fall winter and let that age on the soil. Turn in what's left in the spring and plant

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