Text grammar and spelling

Rockport, ME(Zone 5b)

I'm a grammar freak, and bad gammar drives me up the wall. My spelling is not the best, but I stop and go to dictionary.com to make sure my spelling is correct. Does anyone who owns a Blackberry or text a lot know if it's acceptable to the world community to use bad spelling while texting? I'm trying to find someone to take care of my cats while I'm on vacation, and this was the response from the person's Blackberry:

"I be happy to cat sit for you. Yes I'm free in jan an feb. If you want when you know exact date an time when you want to go away, send me a email an then we can meet a week before you go, so i can meet you an your babies, also to know your routine what you do for them an fill out some paperwork for insurance purposes. "

This paragraph makes me think this person is a complete idiot or psycho and I frankly don't want her on my property. Is this just normal Blackberry speak??

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