Hi there, I need help to ID this plant please.

Bendigo, Australia

This is a plant that a friend has that I would like to find out more about. She got it as a cutting and has no clue what it is. At the moment, the plant is 5 foot high, has a waxy type leaf that looks similar to a rubber plant and at the moment has a one and only huge flower ready to open. The length of the flower head is about 20cm and about 15 cm wide, about the diameter of a saucer, un-opened. I didn't notice a scent but has only just started to open...don't know if I will ge a chance to see it open. It is growing in Bendigo area, central Victoria, in a sheltered area on the porch. So, if there is anyone that can help identify this, I would be very grateful. I want to make sure it isn't poisonous to my dogs before taking a cutting myself. Cheers

Thumbnail by chrysies
barmera, Australia

Is it the Golden Chalice ? Colleen

Bendigo, Australia

Hi there Colleen. Thanks for replying to my post. I have had a look at the Golden Chalice that you have suggested...I agree the leaves and flower colour look the same (haven't seen it open yet, so don't know what the inside looks like yet), but it says that it is a vine. This is not a vine, well from what I can gather, it just seems like a normal growing plant, not a climber at all..BUT, I am going to check it out when it is open and take another photo. Thanks for this Colleen, I will get back to you...Cheers GG

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Here's a picture of my Chalice (solandra),this flower was from a few weeks ago.....it has a very strong coconut smell. Mine is very much like a huge shrub not like a vine at all.

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Here's another bud forming

Thumbnail by MyaC
barmera, Australia

Looks like it might be what the other one is doesn't it Mya? Colleen

Bendigo, Australia

Thanks for the replies Mya and Colleen. I am going to have another look at it tomorrow to see if it is open and take another photo. This photo is with a mobile phone so the quality isnt great, so I will take the camera and have another go at it, I hope it is open so I can see it and smell it. I will report back, but from what you both have told me and shown me, I reckon you both are right, more of a shrub than a vine though.. Cheers

Sacramento, CA

It looks like the 'Chalice Vine' or Solandra to me...there are a number of varieties that vary in stature and they all tend to vine more over time with very sturdy support so this plant, lacking a trellis, appears less reachy. The growth rate also depends on heat and humidity...also...all parts of the plant would be poisonous to your dogs (and you).

Bendigo, Australia

Hello everyone...I got back to have another look yesterday, and it is definately is a Golden Chalice. It opened 2 days after I saw it the first time and yesterday, 2 days after it opened, the flower had dropped off but was still there for me to see. It had turned a deep golden yellow with the brown?maroon stripes inside and had a hint of coconut smell...the plant has a few new flowers forming as well. I took a piece for a cutting, not sure if I should have cut it off or torn off with a slither of the stem with it, but I cut it anyway...any suggestions as to the best way to do a cutting? Should I leave it in water or plant it straight out? I am also curious about it being poisonous...Wilting, you said that this plant is poisonous, I assume you mean the flower as well, BUT, in what way would it be poisonous, by touching it or if it was eaten? I have had a few sneezes since bringing the flower home and so did my daughter that was with me, and Im not the hayfever type !!! Maybe I touched the pollen while trying to smell it...anyway, thanks for the help here everyone. I have included the photo so you can all see it. Thanks and Cheers

Thumbnail by chrysies
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Nice..........Definately a Solandra.I place my cuttings in washed river sand, the grey stems seem easier than the soft green stems to take. I've never tried the water method but might give it a go as an experiment.

I'm amazed such a tropical as this Solandra does well in Bendigo,your friend must be doing all the right things.Good luck with your cuttings.

Sacramento, CA

Sorry for the late reply. 1/2 of the Solonaceae family are sisters of deadly nightshade. The toxicity comes from alkaloids including atropine/scopolamine and hyoscyamine which can cause delirium and hallucinations...the 'mad as a hatter syndrome.' The toxins are in all parts of the plant if ingested...dogs and kids sometimes eat pretty things and if they eat enough can die, so it's best to protect them from these plants. I am not sure how potent different solonaceae are, but curious, too, that the other half of the family is both non-toxic and a major source of cultivated food.

Except for the leaves. :)

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