CLOSED: 40 pepper seeds (4 varieties, 10 seeds each) for 40 seeds.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I would like to trade these 40 seeds for 40 different seeds with one person. Your offer can be either 40 seeds of the same variety of 10 seeds of 4 different varieties. If you are up for my goofy little trade here let me know.

Mini Bell Chocolate (sweet pepper, 10 seeds)
Alma Paprika (sweet pepper, 10 seeds)
Long Red Cayenne (hot pepper, 10 seeds)
Early Jalapeno (hot pepper, 10 seeds)

This message was edited Nov 7, 2010 8:05 AM

Pretoria, South Africa

Are you looking for pepper seed only, or will any vegetable seed do?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Anything edible, carnivorous, attracts hummingbirds, or just pretty ... lol.

Pretoria, South Africa

I'm interested...

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Say, do you think that seed colelcted from "fruit stand peppers" is likely to be viable?

I bought 1/2 pound each of fairly-dry huge dark red Anahiem chili peppers (very mild but tasty), and little bright-red hot peppers (Thai? - suitable for squirrel-deterence).

They weren't bone-dry, so I assume they were vine-and-sun-dried, then bagged, never heat-dried.

I keep my house too cold for a real germination test in this part6 of the year, and don't have a seed warming mat. I'm thinking of brigning them to work and keeping them on a damp coffee filter under an incandescent bulb 8 hours per day, and "whatever" at night.


(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Possibly but the peppers might be hybrid. I definitely say go for it if you want to experiment. I plan to sow some of the tomato seeds I got from the store to see how they turn out.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> the peppers might be hybrid

I didn't even consider that. Since I never see fancy stain names, I just assumed all Anahiems were equal, and OP.

Never assume! Thanks.

I also "just assumed" that any field crop would not be cross-polinated due to the size of commerical fields. Perhaps false!


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