Looking for Double and Triple Datura of all Colors

Ilsan, South Korea(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone,

I'm currently teaching English in South Korea where I have access to lots of heirloom Korean chile peppers used in authentic Korean cuisine. I also have commercial seeds of melons, pak choy, cabbage used for making Kimchi, Korean radish, Traditional Korean ketle gourd, Common Korean morning glories, Safflowers, dark purple butternut squash, black corn, white and pink kerneled corn, native flowers, you name it.

I miss Lowes and Home Depot from my native home in New Jersey! I'm looking to trade for the following:

Double and Triple Daturas - White, Purple, Yellow
Jack be Little pumpkin seeds
Baby boo pumpkin seeds
Lime basil, lemon basil, Genovese - this stuff costs $6 a packet here!
Fresh Key Lime seeds - I had 2 seedlings but they croaked when my cat had fun with them. :(
Any named Brugmansia crosses

Korean customs does not have a strict policy on seeds. I've received all my trades, some which were in bubble envelopes, others in greeting cards without problems. If you're gonna fill out a customs form, "garden collectibles" works wonders and just check off "gift". It costs about $3 to send a trade of 5-7 items in a bubble envelope. I am very discreet with sending my seeds since US customs is tough. All of my traders have received their seeds without a problem

Thanks for reading!

Madison, WI(Zone 5a)

I am interested. I'll send you a d-mail.

pensacola, FL(Zone 8a)

sending a dmail also..

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