Need Your Help

Winnsboro, TX

Today I received some very sad news. My nephew who was in his early 40's passed away. He has had cancer for over 6 years and said he was not going to let it kill him. His cancer was in remission and he was really doing good. He looked like the picture of health. However he got sick yesterday and they thought he had a virus or something. He didn't die of the cancer he throw a blood clot and passed away. The best thing is that he didn't suffer for a long drawn out time. My nephew has two young daughters, one in elementary and one in Middle School. I just can't imagine what these young children are experiencing right now. Please pray for them and my entire family.

This makes the second son my brother has lost. He lost a son from the chemicals he was exposed to while serving in the Army in Desert Storm. We always take it for granted that we will die before our children. This was a real eye opener for some of the younger ones in our family. I told them just because someone appears to be healthy doesn't make it so. We never know when our time on earth will end. Therefore make the most of each day, tell everyone you love them, and never take anyone or anything for granted.

God I pray that you will bring peace and comfort to Rod's wife Lisa, and his two girls. May they find strength in knowing that Rod is now by your side. Amen!

Kansas City, MO

Wow, Marian, that is heartbreaking!

Your words are full of wisdom. We never know our last day or our last opportunity to extend our love to someone.
It takes death to put life into perspective. We have life and we take it way toooo for granted just because it seems to show up every morning---until it doesn't.

I am praying for you and your family. I'm praying for faith to be deepened and for comfort to abound in grieving hearts.

God bless you and yours,


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

So sorry for your loss, Marian. God bless you and your family.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Marion, so sorry for your loss. An angel is coming your way to help your family during this sad moment in time. Sharon

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Marion, I know how his family feels. We've been there and it is terrible! God Bless you all. Donna

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Marian I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers for you and the rest of the family.

South Hamilton, MA

I am so sorry, Marian. My mother died of cancer when I was 13 & friends stood in for mother & daughter events, so good of them. With luck friends will do the same for your nephew's children.

This message was edited Nov 3, 2010 12:10 PM

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Bless you IrisMa for having gone through that. It is so hard when a parent passes at such a young age. Asking for Angels to be with you all.

Winnsboro, TX

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. My nephew's service will be tomorrow. We will have visitation at 6, with his service at 7. They decided to have it late in the day so everyone could go to work and still make the service. Here in East Texas you can't afford to miss work. Thanks again everyone!
May God Bless each and everyone of you in a special way.
Love Marian

Spicer, MN

I'm so sorry for the loss your family is going through, Marian. It's more devastating because he fought so hard to become well after his cancer remission. Try to remember in the last years, the happiness & joy he was given to Love & embrace his family more fully!

Winnsboro, TX

Thank all of you for your prayers and kind words. We attended the service last night and it was amazing. The service was suppose to start at 7:00 last night and at 7:30 people were still trying to get into the funeral.The line was wrapped all the way around the building and down the street, with no room for the people to get in. Every single seat, place to stand, and so forth were taken. There wasn't even room to raise your hands or move your arms. I have never seen so many flowers, crosses, and such in all my life. There was probably over 1,000 people there. My Nephew was dearly loved by everyone and it showed last night. His daughter Catelyn's cross country team all wore beautiful long sleeve tee shirts with silver angel wings on the back that said We're running the race for Rod! It was a very sweet gesture and made us all tear up. Rod was very proud of his girls and all of their achievements He considered all the kids on his girls teams "His Kids. He supported each and everything any of them wanted to do. Although both of his girls could get sports scholarships he knew that they would not need it because they both take advance classes and are in the top 2% at their school. He will be greatly missed but he's now in a place where there is no pain, no problems, and everything is perfect. I know that he is smiling down upon us right now.

God Bless each and everyone of you and I pray that you know the Lord as your personal savior.
Love Marian

Kansas City, MO


Your D-mail brought tears to my eyes. Just look at the legacy of being a good man that he left behind. Few leave that kind of legacy. Sounds like alot of people benefitted from experiencing him in their lives. Just a portion of them even showed up. Our lives have impact well beyond what we know.



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