It's November! Where has the year gone?

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

The other thread was way too long. We came from here:

It's hard to keep up with you girls. We are a chatty bunch!

Carole: you asked about Ray's Place and nobody has answered you, unless I missed it.
Terrye and Ray have a small western-style "village" on their property with smaller size "mock" houses and cabins, etc. They also have a really nice, "regular-size" clubhouse that they rent out for parties for family groups, etc. At one time they were teaching line dancing but I don't know if they do that anymore--Terrye will have to answer that one for you. Anyway, it is called Ray's Place and that is also where we have some of our Round-Ups when Terrye is the hostess. It is a really neat place--you should plan to join us there whenever, Terrye is well enough again and able to host an RU.

Sandi, I just want to say thanks for starting some Henrys for me. Augusta was looking a bit lonely without Henry beside her! :o))
All the Halloween pictures are really good and the kids look so cute! I'll add one of my son's youngest step-daughter, Gracie. She had on her princess outfit and then she started playing peek-a-boo with a gift bag that she was going to use to hold the candy she collected when they went trick-or-treating.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

and this is one of Zach and Gracie together. Zach was some kind of spooky character but I can't remember the name of whatever he was supposed to be. He had a gross looking mask with "blood" on it. :o~~

Thumbnail by marsue
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread, Marilyn. WOW, I had no idea that's what Ray's Place was so glad I asked. How intriguing!!! I hope to be able to make it to a RU sometime. :-)

Enjoying all the pictures as always. Adorable! Yes, the kids will really appreciate them when they get older, won't they? LOL.

Well now, had I known you all would come if I baked a cake, I would have baked one ... or more!!! Turned out to be pumpkin pie, DH's favorite.

I'm so glad Eliza is doing well. That was one of the first threads I read on DG and was fascinated by it ... now every time I see a duck I ask it if it's Eliza. LOL. Wish she would come see you too, Kim. The call of the wild is strong, isn't it.

Sandi, luv that banana! And the fact that you are actually getting bananas!! I ran out and put mine in the ground yesterday (it's a hardy musa, so no fruit, but I love the look of those leaves) ... except poor little thing with its frost-bitten leaves now is very sad-looking. However, today it appears perkier in the ground and the little sucker shoot next to it looks great!

Genna, what instrument do you play? I think that's what you were referring to?

Well, all of a sudden it seems to be raining Datura seeds. I've gotten a bunch from several people so, Marilyn and Charlotte, please don't bother about sending any. But I thank you for offering. :-)

Ya'll have a good day.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I hadn't thought about that, but Hardin will really get a kick out of that photo when he is older. I actually just broke out laughing out loud when I saw it! What a hoot!!

Marilyn little Gracie is a real cutie!

Kathy Ann I didn't actually root my plumerias. They were already rooted and had several leaves on them when I got them for $2 each. I have basically ignored them all summer. I was told they needed to stay on the dry side and in the sun. So I sat the pots in the front flower bed and didn't water except for when the sprinkler watered them and they have steadily grown bigger.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I have been meaning to post this and keep forgetting. This iris (Autumn Circus) has been blooming like crazy for a month or so. On the first of Nov. it still has a bloom. I didn't know any iris bloomed this late in the year. This is not the current bloom but a picture I took when it first bloomed this spring. It had 3 or 4 blooms going at the same time in Oct.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2010 9:20 AM

Thumbnail by cperdue
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

While the thread is still short I'm going to try loading a couple of pictures that a friend on the West Coast just emailed me. Gives new meaning to the term, "container gardening".

Here's the narrative she sent with the pics:
"For years Billee and I have passed this house and marveled at the floral
display at 3725 No. Vassault St. in Tacoma (WA). Last year there was no display
and we had wondered if the Asian man who owns this house was ill. This year
the display was back in force and we stopped this past Sunday to photograph
it. Billee went up to the owner and told him how much we had enjoyed his
garden all these years and he invited us to tour his creation. We found the
backyard to be as beautiful as the front. He is Vietnamese, shy, very soft
spoken, and speaks very little English, so we couldn't discuss too much with
him about the garden. I hope you all enjoy this as much as we did."

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Enough for now. You all have a great week!

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Wow, wow, and triple wow! Thanks for posting those photos, Carole. I don't think I have ever seen anything quite like that!

I went out and took some photos of the blooms that survived the frost we had over the week-end. It got down to at least 30F here at my house--maybe lower.

Here's one pic of the coleus I had in a pot. There were some caladiums in the same pot but they are pretty much done for. Here's a link to the rest of my pics.

Charlotte, one of those forsythia bushes you gave me in the spring has two blooms on it now! You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found them this morning. Also, I meant to say how pretty the iris is. Unusual that it is blooming so late.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2010 11:45 AM

Thumbnail by marsue
Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra, Charlotte, and Marilyn the pics of the kids are sooooo cute!!!!

Wholly Toledo Carole that is magnificent!!!! I would love to live across the street from him!

Ripley, MS

thanks, Marilyn for starting a new chat thread, I am just now getting a chance to look at the pc today

Olive Branch, MS

Carole those pics are great. When I see things like that it makes me wonder why I even try to grow things. LOL

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Me either, obbirds. But your EEs and tropicals are truly beautiful! I envy them every time you post pictures. You have absolutely nothing to worry about in the growing department. :-) Different plants but just as spectacular. And crissy I thought exactly the same thing ... wish that was across the street from me! I'll try to post some shots of his back yard, if I can. Having technical difficulties. Sheesh. I don't think there's hardly a square inch not covered in blooms. Talk about having a green thumb. His dahlia blooms are spectacular! I do love coleus, Marilyn, and those are beautiful. I've got about 40 cuttings rooting down in the garage as we speak. I try. But nothing like this. lol. ;-)

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Carole that is really incredible!!! Beautiful!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Wow, that's beautiful Carole. lots of hard work put in there too. Thanks for Sharing the photos

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks. Everyone's pics of their flowers on this thread are beautiful and I know these pics are out of our area, but you just don't see this kind of display every day. If they lived across the street from me, I'd be happy to go over and help water all those pots and plots. :-) I lived on the West Coast for 37 years and lived in that same Seattle/Tacoma area for several years, but I will have to say that my yards never ever even remotely looked like that. LOL!!! Not that's it's everyone's taste, but still, as a gardener, how can you not love all that those blooms??

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

It's just amazing how he could even begin to water all those pots, especially all the hanging pots.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Charlotte, I didn't know any iris bloomed this late either, but one of mine has buds on it too. I'm sure the frost we're supposed to get later this week will kill them but this little thing has bloomed off and on all summer.

Enjoyed everyone halloween pictures. Thanks, Marilyn for starting a new thread.

I'm off to Tampa tomorrow afternoon. My brother-in-law passed away this morning. DH had started driving down early this morning, so I'm going to fly direct out of B'ham and then drive back with him on Friday. He is at peace now, so in many ways it is a blessing but still sad to pass at such a young age (49) from cancer.

Carole, I love looking at gardens and flowers, no matter where they are or who they belong to, lol. I think we have all posted gardens from other places on our travels.

Olive Branch, MS

Charlotte I was thinking the same thing about watering those pots, but when we where up there is past Spring it seemed to rain some most every day. I can't even get 1 pot to bloom good let alone that many.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Elaine I am so sorry to hear the tragic news of your BIL!!! 49 is indeed young to be taken by that nasty disease!!!! I'll remember your family in my prayers.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I worked on getting brugs in all morning, still have 13 to go. I sprayed them all good before I started. I had broadmites on some this summer. I sprayed with a Bayer product twice and then I got some really powerful stuff called Judo. Gordon Hawk got a little small coop together for it. I had sprayed with it a couple of weeks ago but used a very light mixture. I can already tell it is doing it's job, but thought it might be good to do another spraying with a light mixture since they are all going to be so crammed in together. If all this stuff lives that I've been putting up, I DON'T need to buy anymore tropicals next year. I keep thinking I'm getting close to the end but have at least 7 or 8 more pots of things other than the brugs.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Elaine forgot to mention I'm so sorry about your BIL before I sent my post.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

So sorry about your Brother in law Elaine, Be safe on your trip down there.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Elaine my sympathy goes out to you and your DH. He did die young but I know your husband left him in good hands with Hospice. He is headed to a better place now. I also pray that your cousin has comfort and peace. May you be blessed with the fortitude to carry out that cook book. You are so smart and talented it will be wonderful. Wishing you and your family much love and hugs through this time. On a lighter note I am so so jealous of your pinestraw goldmine.

Wow I saw some really pretty scary pictures. Some pretty ones too. I hope you all had fun with the grands. I was at the camp so they text-ed me pictures. My oldest son lives in a neighborhood that goes all out. They dress up the golf carts and ride around having a great time. One of these years I'm going to stay home on Halloween and join the fun.

Hope everyone is well. Terrye I surely hope you are on the mend and that you won't have to do the biopsies.

Jena I hope all is good with your children. When will Alex know about the test?
You may have one in Med school and one starting college next year? Bless you girl.

Jeri hope you are having fun at the fair. I voted for Peyton.

Kim, Marilyn, Carole, And Charlotte thank you for the pictures and tips on putting away our tenders. My green house needs a roof so I will have to keep what I want in the glass room. It gets really crowded in there when I start seeds. I have to keep a path cleared to walk through the room to get to our freezer and heatpump. To change the filter on the heatpump you have to access the attic from inside that room so I lose a chunk of space where the stairs come down. Oh well I am very blessed to have a room at all.

Kenny when you place the banana trees under the house are they in pots or just dug up and layed down?

Well I'm off it's raining here. I need to try to sleep since I can't sleep late this morn. Love to you all Cindy

I saw a few birds and butterflies this weekend. I saw more than enough of these. This gator was full grown. I can't get the pictures to do justice to how big the gators were. Probably over 11 ft maybe 12ft.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

this one was laying out not 10 ft from the other one. I like to fish in that lake but the gators are getting big enough to scare me off. It is not a real big lake.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Elaine, have a safe trip. Saying a prayer for you and yours during this tough time.

Oh my ... those gators would scare me off from fishing there too! :-o

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Cindy glad to see you posting! I hope you were able to finally get some sleep.
Those gators would certainly keep me from that lake!
I've decided I can't add anymore tropicals that I plan to overwinter!! It has gotten out of hand! I need to get rid of about half that I have. But I don't plan to do that - at least not right now!

Ripley, MS

Charlotte, I went through my tropical phase a few years ago--I had them in my back room that is unheated with a heat lamp to keep them warm. I forgot to turn the heat lamp on and lost all of them, so I had to swear off of tropicals too

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

That's true Kenny, Washington State is the most rainiest state in the nation so he might not have to water anything. It also has the highest suicide rate.

Elaine Deepest Sympathy for your husband and family. That is way way way too young.

I wouldn't go out there!!! Forget that!!!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Last of the in ground brugs blooming, left to right...Isabella, Cherub, Chas. Grimaldi, Texas Pink....
Front came thru last night with thunder and rain, a little cooler. Time to cut everything back, I guess.
I had a DGer over yesterday to take plants and cuttings. Came at 2.....left at 7! Luckily, I had already made dinner. Was fun. I've had someone nearly everyday to get stuff. Still too much to cover for winter....
Cindy...loved the alligator pics.....that's close enough for me!

Thumbnail by bigbubbles
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Elaine, so sorry about your BIL, but as you said, he us at peace now. It us just a shame that he had such a short life.
Cindy: I think it is very wise of you not to fish in that lake anymore. Those 'gators are huge! You certainly don't want to be lunch for them--too scary to even contemplate!
I've never "Sworn on" to tropicals, LOL! Seeing what you all have to do to take care of them was enough to keep me from wanting any although I think they are beautiful. I do, however, have 3 poinsettias, one orchid and one Christmas cactus in my jetted tub (which I never use). It makes a nice "home" for the plants! LOL I have a thanksgiving cactus and another orchid in my kitchen along with a couple of African violets and 3 or 4 other house plants. Then I have a huge peace lily and a large corn plant in my dining room, another smaller peace lily in my living room and a 5ft. elephant's foot in my tv room.
Soooo, as you can read, I have quite enough "tropicals" to take care of. Oh, I almost forgot--I have a fox tail fern which I haven't brought inside yet. I need to do that this week.
It's been raining all morning here. HOORAY! Finally, we are having a good rain!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

We crossed, Sandi. Love the pic--everything looks so lush! Here's a pic for you of Augusta looking lonely. LOL

Thumbnail by marsue
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Augusta looks great! Here's ole Henry out along the Hell Strip in front of our sidewalk by the street. Gets very little water out there and still manages to put on a show..... I have prettier salvias, but none with such a neat story behind 'em. I love to show those two Duelbergs and then tell their story. I hope I don't run into Greg Grant one day, tell him how much I've enjoyed the story of his discovery, and ......have him tell me he made it up!!!
There's a Texas group called the Rose Rustlers (and he's one of 'em) that traveled around Texas looking for old roses...mostly in cemeteries....that they could take cuttings from. The theory being.... if dead people could grow them, then they must be hardy!!!

Thumbnail by bigbubbles
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Marilyn don't forget to bring in your African Lily we got at Forest Hill.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

You talking about the shrimp plant, Charlotte? It's been inside ever since I got it. I never did get it planted outside. LOL I don't remember anything called an African Lily. If I got one and it isn't the shrimp plant then I have no idea where it is. LOL

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

It's the plant we bought together. I divided and brought your half up to you. It has the small lily bloom on it.

Booneville, MS

Elaine, so sorry to hear abour your BIL. And so young...

Beginning to rain here. I am in Tupelo today working. I hope we get some at home.

Thanks, Marilyn. We are still line dancing though I haven't for about 7 weeks now. Ray still teaches twice a week. We are getting ready for the Xmas parades right now. We've got to get the float out and start sprucing it up.
Went to see my rheumy today. He doesn't think the methotrxate is causing problems with my lungs and that it is "regular" pneumonia , but that this pneumonia may be caused by something "weird". His words! lol But still can't take it until my lungs clear up.

The administrators review my project tomorrow and then I can publish. And I will be DONE!! This one has been a doozy! It's been like 3 months of work in two weeks. I need another 3 week vacation. (But not like the last one! lol)


Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Weeellll at least he doesn't think the arthritis meds are causing the pneumonia, that's a plus! "Causing something weird" hhmmmmmm Woo Hoo with the project! No, you need some real vacation time, not sick vacation time.

Ripley, MS

My doc uses the word "crud" for upper respiratory stuff--I love it when they use plain Southern style English--LOL

I need an opinion on something, I have uploaded some more jewelry pictures, there is one bracelet that has multicolor crystals. I love it, but since it is all crystals, I will have to charge 20.00 for it. Do you think I should make more to take to our sale, or do you think it will not sell, to me, that is a high price for a bracelet. I love working with the crystals, but they are so expensive.
I really want you to tell me what you think about this, you can't hurt my feelings,--LOL

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I am a jewelry lover and I really like it but it might sell better if you can bring the price in under $20 just a little bit anyway. I would pay that for the green one in a heartbeat. That's my favorite color. ;-) I have forgotten where you will be selling the jewelry? I have on an ankle bracelet right now that is mostly crystals but doesn't have nearly as many as on your bracelet. I paid $15 but that was on sale. I would pay $20 for all those crystals but I honestly don't know the market there. Try it with one and see??

crissy and Kenny (must be obbirds, I think), you are so right about Seattle/Tacoma getting a lot of rain and you don't have to do a lot of supplemental watering. That's why we didn't stay. DH spent most of his school years living in Huntington Beach about a block from the ocean and we lived in So Cal for almost 20 years after that. In Seattle he kept saying, "Where is the sun?" LOL. So back to CA we went. It's beautiful in most of WA and OR though, lush and green.

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