Garden Links

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

This is a wonderful site for anything STRANGE and the sites you find below here.....

Thumbnail by MyaC
West of Brisbane, Australia

Ah yes, I've bought seeds from that seller on US ebay. The divine Passiflora antioquiensis germinated but then died of wilt/damping off. And growing the Chilean bellflower from seed is apparently notoriously difficult to do so. (None of mine germinated.) But the white Bolivian fuchsia seeds germinated like grass, and the trick will be to get them big enough to prick out before wilt/damping off gets to them.

Here's one I haven't bought from--the list of countries is confined to the EU so perhaps they don't sell seeds here (Mya: maybe you could use your charm?)--but the list of sub/tropical seeds makes my mouth water: Not being a German speaker (beyond Guten Tag/Auf Wiedersehen), I use Google translate to make *rough* sense of the site:

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Chrissy our beloved congo/parrots.....drooling here

Cestrum,I'm going over to speak German hahahahaha.....

I know nothing!!!!!!! that'a the only German I know from Stalag13

Clifton Springs, Australia

I would definitely love to have those Puyas...incredible colours...
I have the white Lapageria...It's lovely too....not from seed though, cestrum.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2010 5:15 PM

West of Brisbane, Australia

Danke Schoen (the song)
Bitte (ubiquitous)
Samen (German ebay)
Mord; Scheiße (all those German detective shows on SBS)
Dummkopf (Get Smart)
Schwarzkopf (the shampoo) ...

This message was edited Nov 1, 2010 4:19 PM

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

You're a hoot Cestrum

Grew about 20 of these seedlings last year, only one survived,hope it gets to be like this....

Brisbane, Australia

Mya, is that related to the orange Browallia? I used to have it growing but I think it eventually died of old age.


rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

ich liebe[not sure]der spiegelie mit bratkatoffeln in der morgen,..,mmmmm,..,anyway,after consuming that,.,.on ebay is a site where i have been making some secret purchases and now im letting the cat outta the bag,..,,'where the wild things grow'--shes a real person just like you and me and has some great seeds,decent postal charges and wants to share what she grows,.,.check it out-anthony

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Anthonyuh ummm,nice use of words ..........BTW what's the link to the 'secret,hush,hush sellar" I won't tell anyone.....just place it on here and tell everyone not to look it up.........

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Karen you're right, I've just looked it up and it is also called orange Browallia.

Loving the links ^_^

Yes the Congo Parrots are stunning ...I don't know if any of the other exotic ones are available here in Australia Mya but I just love mine.
Well I am not good with the German but my grand daughter is over there right now and such beautiful pics!

So keep posting the links everyone it's a great idea.
I will be back after the medical team leaves today is arriving to officially reside here today ...I am nervous but excited.

pssst I have finally got a Drumstick seed germinating
Here is my link

Clifton Springs, Australia

I found her Anthony, ( had to say that in English) No sprecken sie Deutsch.
Here is the link.*the*wild*things*grow/m.html

You are right, she does have a lot to sell.

Christchurch, New Zealand

this is really neat - I was browsing & found what we call yams here...
I have grown them here, very easy & you have to watch they don't become triffids.
Delicious roasted!
I have only ever seen them for sale in NZ - and they are considered a common veg in season.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

OMG, has 'where the wild things grow' got stuff OR what.....thanks Diane for the link...

Chrissy I used that site for the Bomera seeds, bought X2 packs, unfortunately none of them germinated but may try again......

Theresa that oca sounds interesting,Anthony probably is the only one that would be able to grow it here as I don't think it gets that warm in Tas..........

This message was edited Nov 1, 2010 7:15 PM

West of Brisbane, Australia

Sprechen Sie Deutsche, bitte? Because here's another German site I've been drooling over. Haven't bought anything *yet*, but they do sell seeds internationally for a minimum shipping charge of € 6.50:

PS Another one: Achtung (U2)

Whoo hoo 4 more Moringa seedlings are up.

I have wanted these forever!

by the way customs inspected my order and kept some of it,
but they let most of it through and that means the Moringa can be bought in.
Scroll down on this one for comments.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

thanks for that dianne,.,.my computer skills are limited and you could paint them on confetti,with a 4'' brush,.,.

Here is one of the Moringa seedlings.
Tiny but happy.

Thumbnail by
West of Brisbane, Australia

I don't know much about Moringas, but I do appreciate the thrill of a long-awaited seed sprouting: congrats!

BTW, which of your seeds were confiscated?

Sorry got my sites mixed up
this is the one that customs opened

The other one went straight through no inspection because it had an official invoice.
The one from flora exotica did not meet the paperwork requirement
in that it had no "official invoice".
However they did let through most of it.

They knocked back
Red Asparagus bean
Water Spinach
Frangipani vine
Thunbergia fragrans
Grape tomato
passionflora foetida
Curry leaf.

I know most of the veg seed is available here but it had a min amount to spend so I just bulked the order out with general stuff
I really wanted the Moringa.

I was surprised to see the common veg seed knocked back.
But was thrilled to get what I was really after.

The first site I mentioned was very good and all the seeds went through .

West of Brisbane, Australia

Isn't that interesting... some seeds are prohibited according to ICON (eg Thunbergia fragrans) but others aren't (e.g. Passiflora foetida--perhaps it was prohibited then? But hang on, wasn't this recent?). I didn't check the others--did they have their botanical names listed too? Because the customs officers on the field will just check the database for the name shown on the packet and, if it isn't there *exactly* as listed, they'll seize it. When you receive the letter notifying you that your goods have been confiscated, you can then call them and discuss it. (It happened to me once when the vendor used an old botanical name that wasn't on the ICON database, so I found some websites showing that the old name was a synonym of the one on ICON and then the seed was released.)

Perhaps the seed had contaminants, eg pulp?

I'm confused about the official invoice too, because so many of my seeds arrive (and are intercepted, inspected and released to me) with only the individual labelled packets, no paperwork at all ... am curious about this because I import so many seeds myself and so am interested in what sort of things get knocked back.

BTW, why the frangipani vine? Didn't I send you some pieces? Did they not strike? (I remember that they strike readily.) Or perhaps I sent them to someone else? Let me know.

This message was edited Nov 4, 2010 9:00 AM

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i know it sucks, but please read the [australian customs]allowed column before you order,from anybody o-seas,..,Its worse here in tazzie,but when you go through the right channels,[you win].,.,.,and dont lose your seeds or money

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