CLOSED: Have: Fragaria vesca 'Alexandra', 'Mignonette'

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I've been trying to give away the rest of my Fragaria vesca seeds but still have some left. I have two cultivar - Alexandra and Mignonette. I wasn't sure how many seeds I have so I did a guestimate. I have 1/8 tsp Alexandra and just under 1/16 tsp of Mignonette. Don't laugh but I counted each and every Mignonette seed - there are just over 180. I figure I have about 400 Alexandra.

I will give all the Mignonette to one person and divide the Alexandra between two people. Since the seeds are so small I will put them in a homemade seed packet, in an regular envelope, with something as a "padding". (Unless you request otherwise.) If you're interested in trading let me know.

1/2 of the Alexandra are spoken for.

This message was edited Oct 31, 2010 9:48 AM

gieten, Netherlands

i want them very much
if you want to trade look in mine have list
i live i the netherlands i hope thats no problem

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm unfamiliar with the whole customs issues of sending out of the country. :-/

gieten, Netherlands

whe have no custom regulations so the seeds will not destroit
so you can sent seeds with no troubles sent to me in the netherlands
and the cost of stamps are not expensif

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

bartjestuin you have dmail :)

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