Clematis Variety Suggestions and Advice ????????

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Everyone!

I tried to grow a clem in 2009, but it died rather quickly, and I haven't planted another since. I am now starting to think about what I will be growing in my two small garden beds next year, and I would love to try and grow clematis again. Here's where I could use all the help I can get!

Which varieties of clematis would you recommend that contain all of the following attributes :

1 ) Good choice for a clem beginner
2) Stays in bloom for the longest amount of time
3) Very floriferous
4) Does well in only afternoon sun


Also, when is the best time of year to plant clematis (I'm in zone 6b)?

Thanks so much for any advice you have to offer - I can't wait to absorb the wisdom :)

- Natasha

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Now we need information from you. How big do you want the vines? over or under 10 feet? Any color preference? Are you willing to wait a few years for the roots to grow or would you rather pay bigger bucks for larger plant? Is the afternoon sun more than 6 hours?

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Bananna18 -

Here are the answers to your questions :

1) I have a small wood fence that's about 6 or 7 ft. tall. I'd like to grow a clematis against this fence to cover it. I guess I'm open to
anything 6 ft. high or taller.

2) I would rather purchase a large plant that already has a great head start.

3) I'm open to almost any color.

4) No, the afternoon sun is NOT more than 6 hours.

Thank you for your assistance :)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Jackmanii gives me the most flowers but all of mine are in full sun all day long.

You might want to buy a Nelly Moser, which doesn't require full sun, but you won't get months of blooms from it. Sorry if that disappoints you but most clematis do not provide a very long bloom time - maybe a month at most.

Thumbnail by pirl
Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

2 that leap to mind are Huldine (white) and Galore (purple). Both are fast growers with lots of blooms. 3 vendors also leap to mind for larger well started clems. Silver Star Vinery, Brushwood and Garden Crossing. It's a little late in the season for z6 to plant now, but spring would be just fine.

Thumbnail by venu209
Athens, PA

I would start with the viticellas. They are quite vigorous and good for beginners......

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'd avoid the Montana group unless you have a tree you want covered.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Venosa Violacea
Prince Charles
Margaret Hunt
I agree with all the advice. My jackmanii blooms almost all season, but then again it is the most established. Huldine was blooming a few months after being planted from a 4 inch I expect it to really live up to it's reputation next year or two.

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